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Learn how to estimate T2* for brain metabolites using Capon analysis in single voxel magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Discover the benefits and clinical applications of peak-enhanced Capon analysis for accurate metabolite quantification.
Using Peak-Enhanced 2D-Capon Analysis with Single Voxel Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy to Estimate T2* for Metabolites. Fred J. Frigo1, James A. Heinen2, Thoralf Niendorf 1, Jeffrey A. Hopkins1, and Bryan J. Mock1 1. GE Healthcare, Milwaukee , WI USA 2. Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI USA
Introduction • Single voxel proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is typically used • in a clinical setting to quantify metabolites in the human brain. • MRS absorption spectrum as shown in Fig. 2 shows key metabolites, such as • NAA, creatine, choline and others. • 2D Capon analysis can be used for MRS (1) to estimate frequency and damping. • Damping information determined from 2D Capon analysis is related to T2*, • the total transverse relaxation time, for each metabolite. Fig. 2. MRS absorption spectrum of region indicated in Fig. 1. Fig. 1. MR image of human brain.
Methods • Hardware: GE 1.5 T Signa scanner, 40mT/m gradient coil, single channel head coil. • PRESS/p: TE=35ms, TR=1500ms, 8 cm3 voxel, 16 reference frames, • 128 water-suppressed frames, scan time = 3 minutes 48 seconds. • Water-suppressed data is phase corrected, and residual water is removed. • Fourier transformation of data from Fig. 3 results in MRS absorption spectrum • shown in Fig. 2. • 2D Capon analysis can also be performed on the raw data shown in Fig. 3 • to estimate frequency and damping. Fig. 3. Phase-corrected water-suppressed raw data with residual water removed.
Methods Summary of 2D Capon analysis
Results • 2D Capon analysis of MRS data from Fig. 3 • is shown in Fig. 4 • Peak-enhanced 2D Capon analysis shown in • in Fig. 5 simplifies interpretation of results • Damping characteristics which are related • to T2* for each metabolite can be seen • easily in Fig. 6 Fig. 4. 2D-Capon analysis surface. Fig. 5. 2D-Capon analysis peak-enhanced surface. Fig. 6. 2D-Capon analysis peak-enhanced contour.
Conclusions • Determination of T2* for metabolites has been studied (2),(3) and has been • shown to have clinical value for certain pathologies including cancer (4). • Peak-enhanced 2D Capon analysis facilitates determining damping factors, , • for each metabolite which are related to T2*. • 2D Capon analysis can be performed on the same data used to create conventional • MRS absorption spectra. • Computational processing requirements for 2D Capon analysis should not • prohibit practical implementation for clinical settings. • Using 2D Capon analysis in conjunction with single voxel proton MRS studies • provides an effective method for estimating T2* for each metabolite. References 1. Stocia P, Sundin T, “Nonparametric NMR Spectroscopy”, JMR, 152:57-69, 2001. 2. Hurd RE, Sailasuta N, Srinivansan R, Vigneron DB, Nelson S, “3T Brain Spectroscopy: Repeatability and Inter-subject Variability”, Proc. of ISMRM, 11:1145, 2003. 3. Michaeli S, et al., “Proton T2 Relaxation Study of Water, N-acetylaspartate, and Creatine in Human Brain using Hahn and Carr-Purcell Spin Echoes at 4T and 7T”, MRM, 47:629-633, 2002. 4. Opstad KS, Griffiths JR, Bell BA, Howe FA, “In vivo lipid T2 relaxation time measurements in high-grade tumors: differentiation of glioblastomas and metastases”, Proc. of ISMRM, 11:754, 2003. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Dr. Thomas Raidy of Duke University and Dr. Jason A. Polzin and David H. Gurr of GE Healthcare for their helpful comments and ideas.