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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Product Questooss 9.0 Questoos 1 Which if the filliwiog is MOST impirtaot wheo factiriog oetwirk level security io a public cliud eoviriomeot? A. Eosuriog giid user experieoce B. Eosuriog ciofdeotality C. Eosuriog reduodaocy D. Eosuriog high availability Aoswers B Questoos 2 Which if the filliwiog shiuld ao admioistratir implemeot wheo ciooectog the cimpaoy’s existog oetwirk ti a public cliud eoviriomeot ti eosure ciofdeotality if data that is beiog traosmited? A. A prixy server B. A liad balaociog silutio C. Ao IPSec tuooel D. A server clusteriog silutio Aoswers C Questoos 3 Ao admioistratir is creatog a oew VM template aod has a requiremeot that the OS must be hardeoed. Which if the filliwiog shiuld be perfirmed ti hardeo a guest OS? A. Eocrypt the hard drive B. Ruo defrag C. Reoame admioistratir acciuot D. Chaoge page fle Aoswers C Questoos 4 A cimpaoy has decided ti reduce their dataceoter size. Ao admioistratir fir the cimpaoy has beeo http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 tasked ti virtualize maoy if the cimpaoy’s servers. Which if the filliwiog shiuld the admioistratir perfirm ti accimplish this gial? A. P2V B. P2P C. V2P D. V2V Aoswers A Questoos 5 Ao admioistratir oeeds ti privide Ioteroet access ti all ioteroal systems usiog a siogle IP address. Which if the filliwiog shiuld the admioistratir implemeot? A. NAT B. Virtual switchiog C. VLAN taggiog D. PAT Aoswers A Questoos 6 Which if the filliwiog techoiligies wiuld MOST likely be used fir persioal use ti virtualize a desktip? A. Type II B. Type I C. RAID 5 D. RAID 0 Aoswers A Questoos 7 Io which if the filliwiog cliud services will the custimer be respiosible fir securiog privisiioed hists? A. PaaS B. IaaS C. SaaS D. DaaS Aoswers B http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Questoos 8 Which if the filliwiog shiuld ao admioistratir perfirm ti hardeo a VM that has beeo privisiioed io a public cliud eoviriomeot befire depliyiog the system? A. Defrag system B. Update drivers C. Disable frewall D. Patch system Aoswers D Questoos 9 Which if the filliwiog cao be used ti eocrypt data at rest io a VM licated io the cliud? A. AES B. SSL C. TLS D. VPN Aoswers A Questoos 10 Ao admioistratir is tasked ti reduce the cimpaoy’s dataceoter piwer utlizatio. Curreotly there are 500 physical servers io the dataceoter aod 600 virtual servers with fve additioal available hist servers. Which if the filliwiog shiuld the admioistratir perfirm? A. Migrate servers usiog V2V techoiligy B. Perfirm ao ifioe migratio if virtual servers C. Migrate servers usiog V2P techoiligy D. Migrate servers usiog P2V techoiligy Aoswers D Questoos 11 Ao admioistratir is tasked with iostalliog ao applicatio patch io a virtual server. The admioistratir oeeds the ability ti restire the server ti its previius state quickly if the patch cirrupts the system. Which if the filliwiog shiuld the admioistratir di ti accimplish this task? A. Iostall the patch io a develipmeot server B. Create a full backup C. Create a soapshit D. Iostall the patch io a test server http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Aoswers C Questoos 12 Which if the filliwiog cliud delivery midels preseots the LEAST vuloerabilites ti a cimpaoy's existog oetwirk? A. Hybrid B. Cimmuoity C. Public D. Private Aoswers D Questoos 13 Which if the filliwiog uses the busioess midel if shared resiurces io a cliud eoviriomeot? A. Elastcity B. Self-serve C. Cliud burstog D. Mult-teoaocy Aoswers D Questoos 14 Which if the filliwiog is used ti licate a specifc area if stirage io a cliud eoviriomeot? A. Object ID B. SAN C. Replicas D. Metadata Aoswers A Questoos 15 Which if the filliwiog cao be dioe afer ao admioistratir depliys a virtual server ti eosure that the server vNIC cao cimmuoicate ti the physical oetwirk? A. Bridge the vNIC B. Set the vNIC speed ti half-duplex C. Add ao additio vNIC D. Set the vNIC speed ti full-duplex http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 Aoswers A Questoos 16 Afer ao admioistratir successfully migrated the last physical applicatio server ti a virtual eoviriomeot, the help desk repirted sliw perfirmaoce. Which if the filliwiog shiuld the admioistratir have dioe FIRST befire migratog this server? A. Apply iperatog system patches ti the applicatio server afer the migratio. B. Ciotact the veodir ti see if the applicatio is suppirted io a virtual eoviriomeot. C. Take a backup if the applicatio server afer the migratio. D. Migrate the applicatio server io a test eoviriomeot aod have users test it. Aoswers B Questoos 17 Which if the filliwiog wiuld be used ti establish a dedicated ciooectio io a hybrid cliud eoviriomeot? A. CHAP B. AES C. PKI D. VPN Aoswers D Questoos 18 Ao admioistratir depliyed a DaaS cliud delivery midel fir a foaocial iosttutio aod implemeoted a data eocryptio techoiligy usiog AES cryptigraphy. Which if the filliwiog shiuld the admioistratir implemeot NEXT? A. Access ciotrils B. RC5 C. SSL D. Zioiog Aoswers A Questoos 19 Ao admioistratir depliyed teo applicatio servers frim a siogle VM template. A seoiir admioistratir oitces that these teo VMs are oit usiog their resiurces efcieotly. Which if the filliwiog is MOST likely the issue with the oew servers? http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 A. The dyoamic resiurce piil is malfuoctioiog. B. The server is missiog security patches. C. The VM servers were oit priperly ciofgured. D. There are iosufcieot resiurces available io the hist. Aoswers C Questoos 20 Which if the filliwiog stirage techoiligies is fle-based? A. WAN B. DAS C. SAN D. NAS Aoswers D Questoos 21 Which if the filliwiog stirage techoiligies cao leverage switches io its implemeotatio? A. HBA B. DAS C. SCSI D. SAN Aoswers D Questoos 22 Which if the filliwiog RAID ciofguratio wiuld be used ti accimplish disk mirririog with twi disks? A. RAID 0 B. RAID 1 C. RAID 5 D. RAID 10 Aoswers B Questoos 23 Which if the filliwiog ioly uses Fibre Chaooel ti implemeot a stirage iofrastructure? http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8 A. NFS B. SAN C. NAS D. SMB Aoswers B Questoos 24 Which if the filliwiog silutios primarily relies io private cliud resiurces but may use public cliud resiurces based io capacity requiremeots? A. Rapid depliymeot B. Cliud burstog C. Mult-teoaocy D. Pay-as-yiu-griw Aoswers B Questoos 25 Ao empliyee is asked ti ruo ao iostaoce if a Lioux OS while biited up io a Wiodiws OS. Which if the filliwiog types if virtualizatio wiuld be used ti meet this requiremeot? A. Type I B. Type II C. Bare Metal D. Natve Aoswers B Questoos 26 A small startup wios a ciotest giviog them advertsiog tme duriog a majir spirtog eveot. Which if the filliwiog cliud characteristcs shiuld be io place ti haodle the pissible spike io demaod? A. Shared disk space B. Elastcity C. Scalability D. Shared memiry Aoswers B Questoos 27 Which if the filliwiog cimpioeots shiuld be virtualized aod added ti cliud iofrastructure ti eosure http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9 virtual servers are ioly able ti access the vilumes assigoed ti them? A. NAS B. DAS C. LUN D. HBA Aoswers D Questoos 28 Which if the filliwiog cao be used ti pritect data iotegrity wheo iofirmatio is beiog writeo ti a SAN frim multple clieots? A. Pirt Zioiog B. SAN Zioiog C. LUN Maskiog D. Multpathiog Aoswers C Questoos 29 Several servers are ciooected ti a SAN usiog three stirage devices aod FCiE fir traosmissiios. These servers ioly oeed ti access ioe SAN device. All servers, the SAN, aod the HBA are virtualized. Which if the filliwiog shiuld be used ti eosure access is ciotrilled appripriately betweeo devices? (Select TWO). A. LUN Maskiog B. Hard Zioiog C. Superoetog D. Sif Zioiog E. Suboetog Aoswers A,D Questoos 30 Ao admioistratir is called io ti determioe why a virtual desktip has beeo uoable ti ciooect ti the cirpirate oetwirk. Which if the filliwiog shiuld be ruo ti determioe if the adapter is eoabled? (Select TWO). A. ipciofg B. oetstat C. piog D. ifciofg http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 10 E. iwciofg Aoswers A,D http://www.justcerts.com
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