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Hay Wrapping

Hay Wrapping. By: Sarah Cheyne. What is it?. The purpose of hay wrapping is to protect and ensure hay quality. Eliminates the rush of baling hay for threat of an oncoming storm.

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Hay Wrapping

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hay Wrapping By: Sarah Cheyne

  2. What is it? • The purpose of hay wrapping is to protect and ensure hay quality. • Eliminates the rush of baling hay for threat of an oncoming storm. • Reduces the amount of waste at feeding time, improves your hay harvest efficiency, and reduces loss in harvest and storage.

  3. It keeps unwanted sprays, etc out of the bailed hay, as well as maintaining the hay’s nutrients inside of the wrap. • Some wrap contains microscopic pores, which allow water vapor to escape the inside of the bales, which decreases molding and loss of nutrients.

  4. Negatives • Adds operating costs for the wrapper and plastic • Added fixed cost for the wrapper, cash flow and debt • Added labor costs, requires two people, one for moving bales, one for operating the wrapper • Increased number of trips to haul high-moisture vs dry hay • Disposal of plastic, time and expense

  5. Costs and Facts (Estimated)

  6. Some Options • Bale wrappers • Ag-Bag • Case • New Holland • Reese • Vermeer • KEMCO

  7. References • http://www1.extension.umn.edu/agriculture/horse/nutrition/bale-wrapping-affects-forage-quality/ • http://www.deere.com/wps/dcom/en_US/corporate/our_company/news_and_media/press_releases/2012/agriculture/2012dec3_b_wrap.page • http://hayandforage.com/equipment/new-round-bale-wrap-mimics-indoor-storage

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