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Welcome to EOE 414

Welcome to EOE 414. Implementation of Outdoor Education Programs : Sustaining Wellbeing through Health, Outdoor and Physical Education (HOPE): Pedagogy in education. Agenda for today. What is the meaning of Outdoor Education Challenging our understanding of the purpose of education

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to EOE 414 Implementation of Outdoor Education Programs: Sustaining Wellbeing through Health, Outdoor and Physical Education (HOPE): Pedagogy in education

  2. Agenda for today What is the meaning of Outdoor Education Challenging our understanding of the purpose of education Concept of Sustainability Walker “Hopefulness”

  3. What experiences have you had that have shaped your life?

  4. Definitions Outdoor education is ... http://www.odysseydenver.org/expeditionary_learning.html

  5. Outdoor Education Outdoor Education is an educational methodological process or pedagogy: that is interdisciplinary in scope; that is experiential in nature; that takes advantage of unique learning environments; that involves all senses; and, that is spiritual in outcome.

  6. If we want to develop and deepen the capacity for connectedness at the heart of good teaching, we must understand – and resist – the perverse but powerful draw of the “disconnected” life … from grade school on, education is a fearful enterprise. (Palmer, 2007: p. 36)

  7. . . . The crisis of sustainability, the fit between humanity and its habitat, is manifest in varying ways and degrees everywhere on earth. It is not only a permanent feature on the public agenda; for all practical purposes it is the agenda. (Orr, 1992)

  8. The content of our curriculum and the process of education, with a few notable exceptions, has not changed … what is apparent … is that we do not worry about what our children and young people learn and how well they learn it until a crisis happens along. The crisis cannot be solved by the same kind of education that helped create the problems (Orr, 1992)

  9. What is the purpose of education Environmental Education. Population Education. Development Education, Energy Education HIV/AIDS Education. Permaculture Education, Citizenship Education, Democracy Education. Consumer Education Media Education, Outdoor Education, Experiential Education, Workplace Education, Conservation Education, Anti-Racist Education, Religious Education, Equity Education, Gender Education, Holocaust Education Entrepreneurship Education, Horticulture Education, Water Education Global Education Drug Education. Sex Education. International Studies. Family Studies. Human Rights Education, Women's Studies, Native Studies, Values Education. Natural History Education, Vocational Education, Economic Education, Anti-smoking Education, Conflict Resolution Education. Workplace education Disaster Prevention Education, Computer Studies, Life-Skills Education, Recycling Education, Civics Education, Heritage Education, Community Studies, Multicultural Education, Anti-Violence Education, Systems Thinking Education, Futures Education, Biodiversity Education, Pioneer Studies, Nutrition Education, Resource Management Education, Self-Image Education, Peace Education, Leadership Education, Cooperative Education, Character Education, Sexual Orientation Education (80 plus) We are not creating Sustainability Education as #81

  10. Fostering hope: a leader’s first and last task Personalizing learning; re-writing the scripts for what schools are to look like and do; developing synergistic partnerships, amidst complexity; deliberately engage collective prudence; innovating our means and approaches to knowledge transfer; and creating situated, then global, epidemics of educational excellence. (Caldwell (2005) I am simply riding on the momentum by adding hope-fostering as a crucial element to our re-imagining the transformational frames and functions that we must undertake for the outcomes we wish to attain.

  11. Fostering hope: a leader’s first and last task … leaders need to be hopeful and out of their fullness, they need to be able to foster this hope in others. They do this in spite of the complexities of our times, the rigidity of our thinking, and the deadlock and tensions of our diverse values and aspirations Perhaps the most important and perhaps the most neglected leadership virtue is hope. One reason why hope is neglected is because of management theories that tell us to look at the evidence, to be tough as nails, to be objective, and in other ways blindly face reality (Sergiovanni 2007 pg. 77)

  12. Fostering hope: a leader’s first and last task Everywhere we look, we see institutions that appear the same as they used to be from the outside and carry the same names, but inside have become quite different …they are what I call “shell institutions.” they are institutions that have become inadequate to the tasks they are called upon to perform (Giddons (2000) pg. 36-37) I believe hope displaces fear, despair, despondency, and discontinuity

  13. Fostering hope: a leader’s first and last task Personalizing learning; re-writing the scripts for what schools are to look like and do; developing synergistic partnerships, amidst complexity; deliberately engage collective prudence; innovating our means and approaches to knowledge transfer; and creating situated, then global, epidemics of educational excellence. (Caldwell (2005) I am simply riding on the momentum by adding hope-fostering as a crucial element to our re-imagining the transformational frames and functions that we must undertake for the outcomes we wish to attain.

  14. Current Reality TENSION Vision Creative TensionChallenging our understanding of the purpose of education

  15. Emotional Current Reality Current Reality Vision Vision TENSION Creative Creative and Emotional TensionChallenging our understanding of the purpose of education

  16. Next Experience You must arrive at the School no later than 8:15 a.m. Winston Knoll Collegiate Mr. Murray Greenwood, M.A Principal The Interview and More

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