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The Millennials. Michele Mallett, MSW, LCSW Assistant Professor of Social Work--Taylor University Indiana Association of Social Work Educators Ball State University September 15, 2006. Learning Objectives. Identify characteristics of the Millennial student
The Millennials Michele Mallett, MSW, LCSW Assistant Professor of Social Work--Taylor University Indiana Association of Social Work Educators Ball State University September 15, 2006
Learning Objectives • Identify characteristics of the Millennial student • Address how helicopter parenting has impacted the Millennial student and their learning experience. • Identify tools that can be of assistance in enhancing the Millennial student’s learning experience in light of what we understand about their life experience.
Born between 1982-2000 Confident Optimistic High sense of values Goal and achievement oriented More educated than parents and expect to make more money Civic minded Inclusive Fewer barriers with gender and ethnicity Multitasking is the norm Technological savvy Who Are They?
Who Are They? • In the article “Managing Millennials” by Claire Raines she states, “They’re sociable, optimistic, talented, well-educated, collaborative, open-minded, influential, and achievement oriented.” • Neil Howe and William Strauss authors of Generations of American Society and Millennials Go to College state that as a group the millennial’s are: • -Optimistic about the future -Realistic about the present • -Resilient and hard-working -Set goals and meet those goals
Seven traits Howe and Strauss use to describe them • Special—older generations have instilled in the Millennial the sense that they are, collectively, vital to the nation and to their parent’s sense of purpose. • Sheltered—the lack of safety prevalent for gen Xers has created a youth safety movement for the Millennial. • Confident—High levels of trust and optimism results from relationships with parents. Boastful about their power and potential.
Seven traits Howe and Strauss use to describe them • Team-oriented—soccer teams, school uniforms, classes emphasizing group learning has developed strong group instincts for this generation. • Achieving—accountability and higher school standards put Millennials’ on track to be the best educated adults in our history. • Pressured—pushed to study hard, avoid personal risks, and take full advantage of collective opportunities. • Conventional—support the idea that social rules can help.
Survey • Agree strongly or somewhat that: • The federal government should do more to control the sale of handguns 77.8% • There is too much concern in the courts for rights of criminals 64.0% • Colleges should prohibit racist and sexist speech on campus 60.0 % • Same-sex couples should have the right to legal marital status 59.3 % • Abortion should be legal 53.6 % • Wealthy people should pay a larger share of taxes than they do now 50.1 %
Survey • Federal military spending should be increased 45.0 % • Marijuana should be legalized 39.7 % • People should not obey laws that violate their personal values 35.3 % • The death penalty should be abolished 32.1 % • Realistically, an individual can do little to bring about changes in our society 27.5 % • It is important to have laws prohibiting homosexual relationships 24.8%
Survey • The activities of married women are best confined to the home and family 21.5 % • (Agree strongly or somewhat ) • Affirmative action in college admissions should be abolished 49.0% • Racial discrimination is no longer a major problem in America 21.8%
Survey • Top reasons noted as very important in deciding to go to college • To learn more about things that interest me 77.5% • To get training for a specific career 71.6% • To be able to make more money 71.1 % • To gain a general education and appreciating of ideas 70.5%
Survey • Top reasons noted as very important in selecting college attended • College has a very good academic reputation 55.4% • Was offered financial assistance 34.1% • Wanted to go to a school about the size of this college 33.7 % • College has a good reputation for its social activities 28.7% • College has low tuition 21.7%
Survey • Traits that describe student to a great extent • Being honest in my relationships with others 71.5% • Searching for mission/purpose in life 34.5 • Get a bachelor's degree 79.5% • Develop close friendships with other students 71.5 • Socialize with someone of another racial/ethnic group 66.6 • Make at least "B" average 60.2 • Be satisfied with college 51.8 • Communicate regularly with professors 35.6 • Participate in volunteer or community service 25.2 • Participate in a study-abroad program 20.8
Get along with parents and rely on parents. Share parents’ attitudes and values Focused on grades and performance Busy with extracurricular activities Eager to take part in community activities More interest in math and science than the humanities Demanding of a secure, regulated environment Sheltered and protected in ways that previous generations were not Characteristics that may contribute to the classroom experience
Multitasking is a way of life Want to learn by working collaboratively; need for group activity Want to be involved in real life issues Want to learn only what they have to learn and want to learn it in style that is best for them. Prefer to learn by doing. Fascination with new technologies Even when with friends, wrapped up in electronic conversation Consequence of their tech savvy is a decline in face to face social skills and a potential inability to lose track of body language. Characteristics that may contribute to the classroom experience
http://www.musictechteacher.com/kgpics/garrett_band_112205.jpghttp://www.musictechteacher.com/kgpics/garrett_band_112205.jpg Their view of the traditional classroom is that a professor who used to be considered excellent for their engaging lecture are now considered boring. Emphasis on extracurricular activities Little tolerance for delays Seeks immediate information and knowledge (connection to the internet) Smart, but inpatient; expect results immediately Characteristics that may contribute to the classroom experience
“Helicopter” Parents • Hover about their child’s college life • Ready to step in and make decisions and use their influence • Call to complain about things like assignments, roommates, grades, and food. http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2005/oct/03/grounding_helicopter_parents/?print
“Helicopter” Parents • These parents invested in seeing what they are investing in. • Survey of young adults by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research found that 90% of Millennials call their relationship with their mother close; 65% describe a close relationship with their father
“Helicopter” Parents • Survey released in March by the College Parents of America surveyed 839 parents: • 74% communicated with their student two or three times a week. One in three communicated at least once a day. • 90% of parents use cell phones to keep in touch. • 58% frequently used email to correspond. 75% said that they dropped in at least once or twice during the semester. 17% visited once a month or more.
Consequences of “Helicopter” Parenting? • Students expect individual attention, extra help, and other institutional resources to be provided in order to help them with any difficulties which they encounter. • Lack the bad experiences and failures that help us learn how to cope • Lack of challenges make them unable to learn creative ways to overcome these challenges and contribute to the fear of taking risks • Since 1996 the most common problem raised by students is anxiety. Prior to that it was relationship issues which is developmentally appropriate.
Consequences of “Helicopter” Parenting? • Millennials are over monitored and over sheltered • Spend less time in free unstructured play where we learn to give and take which is a fundamental to relationship. • Millennials are not moving fully into adulthood (traditional definition is finishing school, landing a job with benefits, marrying and parenting) • Using this traditional definition in 1960, 65% of males had reached adulthood by age 30 compared to 31% in 2000.
What else has Shaped Who They Are? • “Helicopter” Parents focus on their children and family • Older parents • Father’s involvement in birthing process • Emphasis on family time • Scheduled and structured lives
ttp://www.uwstout.edu/multicultural/mss_hands.jpg http://www.loc.gov/wiseguide/july03/images/patriotism-a.jpg Multiculturalism Terrorism Heroism/patriotism What has Shaped Who They Are?
What Do Millennial’s Want? • Good leaders • To be challenged • Enjoyment/fun in the school and work environment • Good friendships in the work environment • Respect • Flexibility
Preferred Learning Techniques • Technology • Entertainment and excitement • Teamwork • Structure • Experiential activities
Teaching Strategies • Research shows that active engagement promoted deeper levels of processing and learning because it creates stronger connections • The goal for our students is to foster academic success • McGlynn notes: • We have to know the cultural context of the Millennial student so we can maximize their strengths • We have to engage them with cooperative learning exercises, empowering them to be decision makers in the course and getting them to analyze their own learning strategies.
Teaching Strategies • Assign more group projects • Small group discussions • Use more technology in the classroom • Web surfing, text messaging and blogging are a part of their technology. Use these methods for class projects and interaction with the student • Post course notes with relevant web links so that they might explore relevant resources and become engaged with the content • Develop a web page for your course • Make video games a part of your pedagogy
Teaching Strategies • Make communication with you through • Email or IM • Message boards • Chat rooms or web casts (blend this with face to face time) • Don’t proselytize • Teach them to be effective learners and guide them in improvement of critical thinking skills • Active learning approach that facilitates long term memory
Teaching Strategies • Use examples that students can relate to or have them develop their own examples to help create meaning between their life experience and the material that they are learning • Use simulations, case analysis, service learning and field experiences • Use interactive response devices in the classroom • Giving them guidelines; provide opportunities for them to create a project • Use clips of current DVD’s to help them identify the issues from a current perspective
References • http://www.generationsatwork.com/articles/millenials.htm • http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2005/oct/03/grounding_helicopter_parents/?print • Carlson, Scott. (2005). The Net Generation in the Classroom. Chronicle of Higher Education, Vol. 52 Issue 7, pA34-A37. Retrieved August 17, 2006 from http://plinks.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=2&hid=101&sid=73b8b63c-9206-47d3-8b5b-2e2684531359%40sessionmgr4 • DeBard, Robert.(2004). Millennials coming to college. New Directions for Student Services, Issue 106, p33-45. Retrieved August 17, 2006 from http://plinks.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdf?vid=2&hid=1&sid=38900112-4df0-4436-8186-203a9b10f792%40sessionmgr4 • Galagan, Pat. (2006). Engaging Generation Y. T+D. Vol. 60 Issue 8, p27-30. Retrieved August 17, 2006 from http://plinks.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdf?vid=2&hid=2&sid=3bd3b733-7003-4db4-a845-20059d2500f5%40sessionmgr2 • Howe, Neil and Strauss, William. (2000). Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation. Vintage Books. New York.
Jayson,Sharon. (06/29/2006). The 'millennials' come of age. USA Today. Retrieved August 17, 2006 from http://plinks.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?hid=1&sid=a99f9038-daef-4eab-bc1a-23a08724ca0a%40sessionmgr4 • Marano, Hara Estroff. (2004) A NATION OF WIMPS Psychology Today, Vol. 37 Issue 6, p58-103. Retrieved August 17, 2006, from http://plinks.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?hid=102&sid=9e3ca9cb-8402-4495-98d0-d38028c72461%40sessionmgr4 • McGlynn, Angela Provitera. (2005). Teaching Millennials, Our Newest Cultural Chort. Education Digest, Vol. 71 Issue 4, p12-16. Retrieved August 17, 2006 from http://plinks.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?hid=102&sid=d2eacc55-40c0-4952-a941-68611d5684d6%40sessionmgr4 • Skiba, Diane J.; Barton, Amy J..(2006) ADAPTING YOUR TEACHING TO ACCOMMODATE THE NET GENERATION OF LEARNERS. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, Vol. 11 Issue 2, p15-15. Retrieved August 17, 2006 from http://plinks.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?hid=4&sid=82dbb3cd-87bc-48c5-82e9-61398d540e6a%40SRCSM1
Strauss, William. (2001) The MILLENNIALS COME to CAMPUS. About Campus, Vol. 6 Issue 3, p6, 7p. Retrieved August 17, 2006 from http://plinks.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?hid=1&sid=474c91b7-8da2-4d91-bc9d-9989954cedfb%40sessionmgr4 • Tucker, Patrick.(2006).Teaching the Millennial Generation. Futurist, Vol. 40 Issue 3, p7-7. Retrieved August 17. 2006 from http://plinks.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdf?vid=2&hid=1&sid=4b7b1e5a-0e90-4596-a8bf-33c616e0e97d%40sessionmgr103 • Young, Jeffrey R. (2003). A New Take on What Today's Students Want From College. Chronicle of Higher Education, Vol. 49 Issue 21, pA37, 1/3p. Retrieved August 17, 2006 from http://plinks.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=2&hid=102&sid=2f1f5509-0d85-4746-87a9-e5856c7af49c%40sessionmgr4