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Element. Jeopardy. Adapted by T. Trimpe http://sciencespot.net/. Contestants. Don ’ t Forget. Although they give answers in the form of questions on the TV show, you do not need to do this. You do need to write your answers on your game board!.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Element Jeopardy Adapted by T. Trimpe http://sciencespot.net/

  2. Contestants Don’t Forget...

  3. Although they give answers in the form of questions on the TV show, you do not need to do this. You do need to write your answers on your game board! Keep track of your score …Add points for correct answers!

  4. Elements The Atom The Periodic Table Chemical Reactions Topic 2 Potpourri 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  5. Elements for $100 Elements are a ___________ Substance.

  6. pure Back toGame

  7. Elements for $200 2 or more elements can chemically bond together to form…

  8. Compounds Back toGame

  9. Elements for $300 How many different elements are in the following chemical formula? H2SO4

  10. 3 Back toGame

  11. Element for $400 All substances (MATTER) are made of…

  12. Elements or Atoms Back toGame

  13. Element for $500 Name the Elements and Total Elements in the following chemical formula? C6H12O6

  14. Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen 24 Back toGame

  15. The Atom for $100 The 3 sub-atomic parts of the atom are?

  16. Proton, Neutron, Electron Back toGame

  17. The Atom for $200 The atomic mass of an element is made up of these.

  18. Proton and Neutron Back toGame

  19. The Atom for $300 The electrons have this charge

  20. Negative Back toGame

  21. Atoms for $400 True or False Atoms can be seen with the naked eye and or with a microscope that you used last year in science.

  22. False Back toGame

  23. Atoms for $500 Lithium has an atomic number of 3 and an atomic mass of 7. How many electrons, protons and neutrons are there.

  24. 3 Electrons 3 Protons 4 Neutrons Back toGame

  25. The Periodic Table for $100 I am a group of gases that usually don’t form compounds with other elements. I can be found in the far right-hand column of the periodic table.

  26. Noble Gases Back toGame

  27. The Periodic Table for $200 The periodic table has this many groups.

  28. 18 Back toGame

  29. The Periodic Table for $300 The periodic table has this many periods.

  30. 7 Back toGame

  31. The Periodic Table for $400 The elements in this family have only one valence electron, such as Li, Na, and K. Also the most reactive on the table.

  32. Alkali Metals Back toGame

  33. The Periodic Table for $500 Groups are otherwise known as families. Why?

  34. They share similar properties or characteristics Back toGame

  35. Chemical Reactions for $100 These are the 4 ways to identify when a chemical reaction occurs.

  36. Gas produced Temperature change Color Change Precipitate is formed Back toGame

  37. Chemical Reactions for $200 Identify the reactants in the following reaction: Sodium + Chlorine  sodium chloride

  38. Sodium and Chlorine Back toGame

  39. Chemical Reactions for $300 The Law of Conservation of Mass states…

  40. Mass cannot be created or destroyed Back toGame

  41. Chemical Reactions for $400 Name 3 ways I can increase the rate of a chemical reaction

  42. Increase the temperature Increase the surface area Increase the concentration Also will accept … Add a catalyst Increase Pressure Back toGame

  43. Chemical Reactions for $500 In nature, there is a chemical reaction that occurs with limestone, marble and calcium (old buildings, headstones). This is precipitation is caused by…

  44. Acid Rain Back toGame

  45. Topic 2 Potpourri for $100 True or False Energy is always released or absorbed during a chemical reaction

  46. True Back toGame

  47. Topic 2 Potpourri for $200 The foul odor of a rotten egg is an example of what kind of change? Physical or Chemical

  48. Chemical Change Back toGame

  49. Topic 2 Potpourri for $300 As I heat up the molecules in a substance, what happens to their motion?

  50. Get faster Back toGame

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