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Explore the effectiveness of a learnership program in producing successful managers, addressing challenges, and highlighting key components. Gain insights from learner profiles and manager interviews.
How do we produce successful managers? Joy van Biljon Koue Bokkeveld Training Centre
Motivators • Shortage of managers • BEE • Massive expansion • Example of occupational based learning • DG’s speech : - excellent street sweepers - Ministers of thinking
System • 20 students every 2 years • “Juniour management” (Plant Production NQF 4) • Strict selection criteria • Strong workplace emphasis
But are they successful? • Observe stress problems - debt - affairs - alcohol • At work - problems with details - struggle with final responsibility • Outsiders more status + promotion
B) THE LEARNERSHIP The learnership consists of 5 components: Course work (i.e. modules) Practical assignments (relating to farm operations) ‘Field days’ (i.e. visits to farms in the region for the sake of practical illustration of the course work, e.g. soil science)
4) Excursion to Cape Town and Stellenbosch 5) The ‘big’ assignment (in which students must demonstrate that they can manage an orchard from beginning to end, i.e. from planning the layout of the orchard to production and marketing)
Because it is part of a holistic approach to the learnership, one could argue that there is a 6th component, viz.: 6) ‘Voluit Vrou’: a course designed for the learners’ partners which is intended to assist in ‘managing’ their relationship for the duration of the course and after, when the partner may move into a new managerial role
D) PROFILE OF LEARNERS Average age when starting the learnership: 35.4 years
PROMOTION AFTER LEARNERSHIP Number promoted after completing learnership: 15/20
F) SUMMARY Most ex-learners did the NQF4 course with the hope of getting promoted and obtaining the kinds of rewards that promotion brings with it: more responsibility, higher income etc. For most of the ex-learners this hope turned into reality after completing the course, although not always immediately Given this outcome, it is not surprising that the majority of ex-learners feel that the sacrifices they had to make, were worthwhile
Aspects of the course that stand out and are highlighted by the ex-students are: the orientation the competence of the ‘presenters’ (i.e. lecturers) the field days the excursion and the spirit and solidarity in the class
Also noticeable is the fact that most of them did get the support of their immediate superiors and even managers beyond their immediate radius of work The same goes for the support received from their partners; the ‘Voluit Vrou’ course plays a crucial role in this regard
Subsequent to completing the NQF4, most of the ex-students have not stopped learning, in the sense that they do short refresher courses from time to time Nevertheless, almost all of them expressed an interest in doing a course that would equip them with higher level managerial competence (e.g. NQF5?) If offered by the KBOS, most of them indicated that they may make use of this opportunity
G) MANAGER INTERVIEWS Only 9/20 of the managers were also the superiors (‘hoofde’) of the ex-students when they were doing the learnership As a result, it is only these managers that have been able to witness the ex-learner’s career and development since he/she started the learnership; the other 11 were not in a position to make the ‘before’ and ‘after’ comparison Nevertheless, we were interested in the latter’s views regarding the course and the prospect of ex-learners progressing to a higher managerial level
H) SUMMARY Most of the managers we spoke to, hold senior positions at the farm (e.g. estate, farm or general managers) Most of the 9 ‘long term’ managers referred to above, thought that they were not well equipped to help the learner when the latter started the learnership Nevertheless, most of them did not find mentoring problematic, and did not feel that they had to make significant personal sacrifices
Although most of them thought that the farm was making sacrifices, most of them thought that these were reasonable By their own admission, most of the managers are not well informed on the course (modules etc.), and only a handful ever attended lectures or some of the field days Nevertheless, most of them offered suggestions as to how the course could be improved, with an emphasis on the KBOS ‘informing us better, involve us more’
The latter is a contentious point: is it a question of the KBOS not properly informing/involving managers (‘hoofde’), or the latter not responding to invitations/information? Only 9/20 managers thought unequivocally that ‘their’ junior manager was better than others in a similar position Only 9/20 were certain that ‘their’ ex-learner would progress to a higher level of management; 3 others thought that ‘their’ ex-learner had the ‘potential’
When reflecting on the reasons as to why 5 ex-learners were unlikely to progress, a lack of technical skills was not the most important one; more often it had to do with personality If one accepts this judgement at face value, it raises question as to what the KBOS could possibly do about it? Is it possible to develop even more effective selection procedures?
Conclusions • Managers/ farmers are not unwilling mentors, but are inexperienced/ too busy - a huge challenge for OFO model • Factors outside of learnership content must be considered • Funding too little for all recommended services
Provider challenges 1. Caught between production needs, seta needs and student ambitions
Private providers Market dictates Fast + “no nonsense” Practical Adapt to students Minimum policy + procedures Community perspective No money – no work Dept Dept dictates Burocratic Academic Students must adapt Extensive policy restrictions Individual perspective Work with poorest
RESULT: WHEN ?? The client is waiting! Make it easier! Another form? What does it cost? Remember : paper and transport costs money! NO : we can’t change the dates. The minister has suddenly called a meeting and we have to cancel. You still need to fill in form bvjg86785764! We can’t say because we don’t have our budget . That does not apply to our department. USE THE TEMPLATE ! private dept
RESULT: I don’t know what they expect me to do! What we are doing makes no sense. The private providers are uncooperative. private dept
Private providers What unit standard ? What NQF level is an N level? FET It is not unit standard based. What N level are you talking about?
RESULT: We don’t know how to involve FET services although we can see the benefits The private providers don’t understand how things work. private FET
Private providers Can this project make a profit? Why should I encourage internships? -The client is king AgriSETA Focus on targets Interns - The Minister is king
Ignorence amongst providers e.g. - What exactly must a POE look like? - What does accreditation with Umalusi mean? - How do BEE scorecards calculate training points? • How does RPL work? - When is someone competent?
Providers avoiding the real issues - What is die demography where you work? • What is happening to brokers and seasonal workers? • Are real issues being addressed?
Agricultural anomolies - Compare to training for Checkers (secondary agric?) • Training for farm manager • Admin role of farmer
WSP’s • Disgrace • However : - no OFO code for “general worker” - for most SDF’s first use of OFO codes - big problems with name/bank/business format changes
Current attitude? • Unenthusiastic • In need of clear guidance (how-to rather than philosophy)