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PHYSICAL EVALUATION BOARD (PEB). Texas Veterans Commission FALL CONFERENCE 2008. Overview. Mission of the PEB Provide full and fair hearing to determine service member’s physical fitness for continued military service, Determine level and type of compensation, and
Overview • Mission of the PEB • Provide full and fair hearing to determine service member’s physical fitness for continued military service, • Determine level and type of compensation, and • Take action to separate or retire service member when his/her military career is interrupted by reason of physical disability.
Overview (Cont.) • Objectives of the PEB • Maintain effective and fit military organization with maximum use of available manpower. • Provide benefits for eligible service members whose military service is terminated because of a service-connected disability. • Provide prompt disability processing while ensuring that the rights and interests of the Government and the Service Member are protected.
Overview (Cont.) • Board Compositions • Differs among the Services • If service member is Reserve Component (RC), one of the Line Officers must be of the Reserve Component
Overview (Cont.) • Numbers of Boards • USN/USMC: One combined Informal/Formal Board, located at Washington Navy Yard, DC • USAF: One Informal Board, located at Randolph AFB, TX; One Formal Board located at Lackland, AFB, TX • USA: Three combined Informal/Formal Boards at three locations: Walter Reed Campus, DC; Fort Sam Houston, TX and Fort Lewis, WA
References • 10 USC, Chapter 61 (Retirement or Separation for Physical Disability) • DoD Directive 1332.18 (Separation or Retirement for Physical Disability) • DoD Instruction (DODI) 1332.38 (Physical Disability Evaluation) • DoDI 1332.39 (Application of the VA Rating Schedule; currently undergoing revision due to National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) 2008) • DVA Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD) • Service Regulations/Instructions
Eligibility for Referral Into the PEB System • Incurred or aggravated while on AD • Standards of medical fitness AD/RC: Any condition that appears to significantly interfere with performance of duties appropriate to a service member’s office, grade, rank or rating (DoDI 1332.38) • PEB is appropriate vice Administrative Separation. • Not due to service member’s misconduct or willful neglect. • Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) is conducted to determine if condition meets retention standards/unfitting and if not, forwarding to the PEB is warranted.
PEB is Performance-Based System (Cont.) • Must look at duties of service member’s military occupation and • How his/her condition impacts the service member’s ability to perform these duties and • Consider that the duties are commensurate with the service member’s office, grade, rank or rating and • After all of the above, the board must base its findings on the preponderance (superiority) of the evidence.
PEB is Performance-Based System • Informal PEB: medical records reviewed by three board members resulting in a finding of FIT or UNFIT. • If UNFIT, service member may demand a formal PEB. • If FIT, service member may be granted a formal PEB. Decision rests with President, Formal PEB. • Formal PEB: Actual formal hearing with board members and service member present/not present and with counsel.
Compensability Criteria • Incurred while entitled to basic pay • Relates to the duty status of the service member when the medical impairment originated—not when the impairment became “unfitting.” • And “just because” a service member has been diagnosed with a medical condition does not mean that condition is unfitting.
Compensability Criteria (Cont.) • Aggravation of Medical Condition • Refers to worsening of a pre-existing medical impairment due to military service. • Natural progression • Natural course of a medical condition. • Term usually refers to a medical impairment incurred in a civilian status that was not aggravated by military service.
Compensability Criteria (Cont.) • Existed Prior to Service (EPTS) • Refers to a medical impairment that originated in a civilian status. • For RC, it includes an impairment that originated between duty periods or aggravation that occurred between duty periods which caused the impairment to progress to unfitness. • Note: Medical impairments originating during previous enlistments are not EPTS conditions.
Compensability Criteria (Cont.) • EPTS Cont. • Eight-Year Rule • To overcome EPTS: EPTS condition aggravated by military service beyond natural progression
PEB Dispositions • FIT • Presumed FIT • UNFIT with Severance Pay, meaning disability rating is: • 0%, or • 10 %, or • 20% All of the above equate to the same amount of Severance Pay (2 months basic pay X Years of Service (YOS) not to exceed 19 years; if injured in a combat zone or combat operations, min. 6 years applied; if not combat zone/operations min. 3 years if YOS less than 3—NDAA 08 refers).
Dispositions Cont. • UNFIT 30% or Greater • Temporary Disability Retired List (TDRL) – disability not stable, may be permanent • On TDRL for maximum of five years. • Service member is re-evaluated every 18 months maximum. • Must get re-evaluated as directed or risk losing TDRL status and compensation. • During, or at end of 5-year period, service member is either found UNFIT--Permanent Disability Retirement (PDR), UNFIT w/ Severance Pay, or FIT--return to duty (return is optional for AD).
Dispositions Cont. • UNFIT 30% or Greater • Permanent Disability Retirement (PDR) • Disability is permanent and stable. • Disability rating will not change once determined PDR Note: Retirement pay while on TDRL will be a minimum 50% of basic pay. Retirement pay on PDR is based on % of basic pay, the percentage determined by using either that based on length of service (LOS) or the disability rating, whichever is greater. • UNFIT – Misconduct (no $$$) • UNFIT – Noncompliant (no $$$) • EPTS – No $$$
Appeals • Informal Board Findings • Service member can demand/request a Formal PEB. • Formal PEB can overturn Informal PEB findings • Usually based on new/additional medical evidence and/or • Commander’s/Chain of Command statements
Appeals Cont. • Formal PEB Findings • Appeal to respective Service entity (e.g., for Army – Physical Disability Agency), Not in any specific order: • Respective Service’s Board of Correction of Military Records • Service Secretary • Congress/President • U.S. Court of Federal Claims • U.S. District Courts
Combat/Combat-Related Injuries • Determined by the Informal/Formal PEB. • Different definitions apply regarding the member’s situation: • Injured in a combat zone or combat operations: Apply to Severance Pay and the YOS used to compute. • Combat-related injuries: Applies to federal income tax exemptions
Summary • PEB is a performance-based system. • PEB utilized when a medical condition significantly impacts a service member’s ability to perform his/her military occupational duties. • Disability must be incurred or aggravated while on AD, not due to misconduct or willful neglect. • The Informal/Formal PEB determines fitness for continued military duty and subsequent disability rating, if appropriate. • The disability rating determines either Severance Pay or Retirement Disability pension. • Service members can appeal his/her PEB findings.