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Radio, Millimeter and Submillimeter Planning Group

Radio, Millimeter and Submillimeter Planning Group. Martha P. Haynes (Cornell University) on behalf of the RMSPG. Astronomy and Astrophysics Advisory Committee February 15, 2005. Premise: Recommendations as outlined in: Astro & Astrophys in the New Millenium

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Radio, Millimeter and Submillimeter Planning Group

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  1. Radio, Millimeter and Submillimeter Planning Group Martha P. Haynes (Cornell University) on behalf of the RMSPG Astronomy and Astrophysics Advisory Committee February 15, 2005

  2. Premise: Recommendations as outlined in: • Astro & Astrophys in the New Millenium • From the Sun to the Earth – And Beyond • Connecting Quarks with the Cosmos • New Frontiers in the Solar System • Objective: Update/Implementation Plan • Membership: Same as 2000 AASC Radio/Submm Panel R*M*S Planning Group • Martha Haynes, Cornell/NAIC • Geoff Blake, Caltech • Don Campbell, Cornell • John Carlstrom, Chicago • Neal Evans, Texas • Jackie Hewitt, MIT • Ken Kellermann, NRAO • Alan Marscher, BU • Jim Moran, Harvard • Steve Myers, NRAO • Mark Reid, SAO • Jack Welch, Berkeley http://www.astro.cornell.edu/~haynes/rmspg Site includes a compilation of RMS facilities • A community “volunteer” effort • Funding to date provided by AUI • No special interaction with AUI/NRAO director

  3. R*M*S Astronomy Key points • RMS science addresses a broad range of key astrophysical questions, either uniquely (e.g. CMB, microarcsec imaging, nanosecond pulsar timing, radar) or in complement with other datasets. • RMS facility portfolio (National + University facilities) provides observing capability over 5 orders of magnitude in wavelength (10 MHz to 1+ THz) and angular scales down to 100 microarcseconds. • Support for the RMS community is crucial. • Effective return on facilities investment • Balance of large versus small science • Hands-on training of next generation • The US program is arguably foremost in the world and almost exclusively in the NSF domain.

  4. Foremost Science Questions • How did the Universe begin? (CMB experiments) • What is the fate of the Universe? (SKA) • How did the “Dark Ages” end? (MWA, PaST, LWA, SKA) • When and how did the first galaxies form? (ALMA, CSO/CCAT, EVLA, VLBA/HSA, GBT, surveys) • When and how did supermassive black holes form? (EVLA, ALMA, SKA, VLBA/HSA) • Was Einstein right? (Arecibo, GBT, EVLA, SKA) • How do stars and substellar objects form? (CSO/CCAT, LMT, ALMA, CARMA, SMA, VLBA/HSA) • How do planets form? (ALMA) • Does extraterrestrial life exist? (ATA, Arecibo)

  5. RMS: Centimeter to Meter Wavelengths National Center Facilities • National facilities are the world’s best radio telescopes. • There are no comparable “private” facilities but partnership needed with university community for future developments (surveys, ATA, LWA, MWA, SKA). • National centers provide both access and leadership. “The radio astronomy community is justifiably proud of both its national centers, NRAO and NAIC, ...” 2000 AASC Radio & Submillimeter Panel Report

  6. Arecibo: Revolutionized Capabilities • Exploit the big dish’s HIGH SENSITIVITY and RADAR capability • Surveys with ALFA (galactic and extragalactic) • Pulsar surveys and timing (tests of GR) • Statistical characterization of continuum transients • High Sensitivity Array for VLBI (time domain, mJy VLBI) • Solar System radar • SKA testbed: wide bandwidth (2-11 GHz) focal plane array • Partnerships for surveys, instrumentation, software etc.

  7. GBT: Revolutionized Capabilities Exploit the GBT’s unique characteristics: • Unblocked aperture (galactic HI) • Active surface (high frequencies) • Full steerability (70% of sky) • Location in NRQZ (low RFI) • Wide frequency coverage • 3mm bolometer array • Wideband spectrometer • Dynamic scheduling

  8. EVLA: Revolutionized Capabilities • Multiply by at least 10X the capabilities of the VLA • Increased continuum sensitivity by 2 – 40 X • Complete frequency coverage from 1 – 50 GHz • Noise limited imaging in all bands • Huge increase in spectral capabilities • Correlator contributed by Canada • Increase spatial resolution by 10X (NM Array) • e2e user access tools and data products

  9. VLBA/HSA: sub-mJy at sub-mas • The VLBA is the world’s only dedicated VLBI array. • Full complement of instrumentation • Time critical images of motions and source evolution • Unparalleled astrometry (microarcsec accuracy) • High Sensitivity Array (HSA) + Arecibo/GBT/VLA • Sub-milliarcsec resolution at sub-mJy levels • eVLBI: (near) real-time imaging

  10. RMS: Centimeter to Meter Wavelengths Development program for this decade • Enhance capabilities of existing instruments, emphasizing unique capabilities of Arecibo, EVLA, GBT , VLBA and HSA • Develop new approaches, leading towards Next Generation Radio Telescope = SKA • EVLA-II: the path to the high frequency SKA • ATA: demo of “large N/small D” concept • MWA: 80-300 MHz for EOR/transients • LWA: 15-80 MHz to open new window • Develop a dedicated Solar capability = FASR • Make telecopes easier to use and produce uniform, publicly accessible images and data products (e2e) • Foster the training of young scientists • Foster the preservation of the radio spectrum • Educate the public about RMS science

  11. RMS: Millimeter to Submillimeter Wavelengths • Technological developments and new facilities at superb sites are revolutionizing astronomy in the millimeter to submillimeter range. • ALMA and the SMA will provide exquisite detail over small fields. Other facilities will provide the source surveys and spectroscopy (especially redshifts).

  12. ALMA: Imaging Origins • CO or CI emission from Milky Way at z = 3 • Gas kinematics in protostars and protoplanetary disks around young Sun-like stars at 150 pc • Detection of gaps created by forming planets in disks • Precision imaging at angular resolution of 0.1” Partners: North America, Europe, Japan MREFC funded 2002-2010; completion 2012 Partial array science 2007-8 Location at 5000 m in Atacama altiplano

  13. RMS: Millimeter to Submillimeter Wavelengths Developments for MS in the ALMA era • Development of large bolometer arrays for wide area mapping • Enhancement of high sensitivity, broadband spectroscopic capabilities (z-machines) • Large aperture (25 m class) submillimeter Atacama Telescope (CCAT) • Millimeter VLBI using ALMA, LMT, JCMT, CSO, CCAT (Schwarschild radius scale in Sgr A*, M87, Cen A) • Foster a growing MS community at all levels • Foster the training of young scientists • Educate the public about RMS science In this decade, M*S is maturing as a field.

  14. Ground-based CMB Experiments • Direct observations of the CMB lie uniquely in the domain of RMS astronomy. • Ground based experiments probe CMB anisotropy and polarization on different scales and thus complement results from space missions. • RMS surveys critical for foreground determination. Task Force on CMB Research Ray Weiss’ presentation tomorrow

  15. Solar Radio Astronomy FASR = Frequency Agile Solar Radio Telescope • FASR was endorsed by the 2000 AASC as well as the Solar and Space Physics equivalent “From the Sun to the Earth - and Beyond”. • A proposal to conduct D&D on FASR will be submitted to NSF GEO/ATM. • Dedicated to solar “weather”, FASR will be a data machine not a PI facility.

  16. Role of RMS University Community • University groups use the RMS facilities for their research. • Targeted experiments (CMB, SZA, EOR, surveys) are carried out by university research groups, leading to science results as well as the production of public access data products. • Instrument development is carried out by university groups for both university and national facilities. • The ATA is the “large-N/small D” SKA demonstrator. • Millimeter-wave interferometry expertise has historically resided principally in the universities. • The MS university facilities complement ALMA scientifically, providing hybrid configurations, redshift machines and wide area surveys. • University facilities train the next generation by involving students in instrument development and operations in ways that e.g., ALMA, as a huge international project, cannot.

  17. R*M*S Astronomy: Technology Drivers • Huge advances in digital technology • Real-time imaging for EVLA/VLBA • Signal processors for pulsars, spectroscopic surveys, solar studies, transient detection, rfi mitigation • Electronic “steering” • Huge advances in “camera” technology • Bolometer arrays • Focal plane arrays for centimeter bands • Superb sites • Possibilities for submillimeter/FIR from the ground (Atacama, South Pole) • Low RFI environment for low frequencies (Mileura) • Innovative designs for large apertures • Low frequency arrays (LWA, MWA, PaST) • Large N/small D (ATA, SKA)

  18. RMS: Radio to Millimeter to Submillimeter Wavelengths Synergies with NASA/DOE facilities/missions • RMS science addresses forefront questions from unique perspective which adds to the view derived at other wavelengths. • Ground based CMB experiments and RMS surveys to determine foregrounds in combination with space missions will characterize anisotropy and polarization. • Radar studies of NEAs; thermal emission from KBOs • Deep space probe tracking (VLBA/VLA/GBT/Arecibo) • Space weather (FASR, Arecibo) • Technology development (wideband receivers, bolometer arrays, cm-band focal plane arrays, high speed data transmission, rfi mitigation, large N/small D, etc). • Space VLBI offers the highest resolution.

  19. RMS: Radio to Millimeter to Submillimeter Wavelengths RMS facilities provide a suite of instruments with little overlap in capability; constrained budgets are a reality. Principal Challenges in 2005 • Must maintain healthy portfolio of large (expensive) facilities but also develop the next generation instruments. • Must provide adequate support for fast, targeted experiments/surveys by university research groups. • Must nurture innovative technology development to drive future science discoveries. • Must support community to use the facilities efficiently and effectively, to train the next generation, and to educate the public. RMS is not alone in these challenges.

  20. `Astronomical Discovery Space’ The Frequency-Resolution Plane Coverage of various future/current instruments is shown. Upper limit set by diffraction, or detector. Lower limits set by telescope or antenna field of view. 10 mas 10 mas

  21. RMS: Radio to Millimeter to Submillimeter Wavelengths

  22. RMS: Radio to Millimeter to Submillimeter Wavelengths

  23. Radio, Millimeter and Submillimeter (RMS) Facility Acronyms

  24. EVLA I : • First phase of EVLA project • Begun 2001; Expected completion 2012 • Modernize existing facility: correlator, receivers, software • EVLA II • 2nd phase of EVLA project • Proposal submitted 2004; under review • Increase angular resolution by 10X with additional antennas spread throughout New Mexico • eVLBI: (Near) real-time VLBI imaging by transmission of data over internet to central correlator (vs physical shipment of disks) • e2e: “End-to-end” development of software tools for users to aid from proposal submission to observations to data reduction • HSA: High Sensitivity Array (VLBA + VLA + GBT + Arecibo) • Large N/Small D: Large number of small diameter dishes • NAIC: National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center • NMA: New Mexico Array • NRAO: National Radio Astronomy Observatory • RMS: Radio, Millimeter and Submillimeter More R*M*S Acronyms

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