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Scandal Renouncement: Ken Lay to Abjure Involvement in Enron

"Ken Lay, former Enron CEO, will publicly abjure his association with the notorious Enron scandal. Explore the acrid taste left by Enron's actions, and discover the august character of Leo. Don't be callous about the emotional impact of great movies like 'My Dog Skip'. Peek into the clandestine hideout of a president, and examine the student who insulted a teacher without compunction. Experience the destructive force of conflagrations in California. Feel elated by academic success, and leave an indelible mark using words written in indelible ink. Question the indulgence of parents and the inveterate detention policy for tardiness. Irrelevant comments from students can annoy and distract. Delve into the world of nocturnal creatures and the wisdom of owls. Challenge the platitude of money's origin. Quell the chaos in the hallway and discover the calm of quiescent volcanoes in Hawaii. Ruminate about who to take to winter formal. Understand the power of tacit agreements among friends and the tangible nature of an orange. Lastly, witness the trenchant arguments against new rules."

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Scandal Renouncement: Ken Lay to Abjure Involvement in Enron

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Abjure • Ken Lay will abjure his involvement with the Enron scandal.

  2. Acrid • I need something sweet to counteract this acrid taste in my mouth.

  3. August • Leo’s are said to be very august.

  4. Callous • Only a callous person would not be saddened at the end of My Dog Skip.

  5. Clandestine • The president has a clandestine place to go in case of attack.

  6. Compunction • The student insulted the teacher without compunction.

  7. Conflagration • There are two major conflagrations in the forests outside of San Diego and L.A.

  8. Elated • The students were elated when they all received A’s on the test.

  9. Indelible • In order to be sure it was binding, I wrote the contract in indelible ink.

  10. Indulgent • Many parents are too indulgent, and their children are spoiled brats.

  11. Inveterate • Receiving a detention for being tardy is an inveterate policy.

  12. Irrelevant • Students who make irrelevant comments annoy the teacher.

  13. Nocturnal • The owl is a nocturnal animal.

  14. Platitude • My father always uses the platitude “Money doesn’t grow on trees.”

  15. Quell • The teachers must quell the riot in the hallway.

  16. Quiescent • There are several quiescent volcanoes in Hawaii.

  17. Ruminate • Students spent many hours ruminating about who to take to winter formal.

  18. Tacit • There is a tacit agreement among friends not to divulge private thoughts to others.

  19. Tangible • An orange is tangible. Its scent is not.

  20. Trenchant • He made a trenchant argument against the new rule.

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