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When David lost his “ census ”

When David lost his “ census ”. 2 Sm.24:1, two problems – God moved David to count troops, then punished Him (them) for it. God moved him; 1 Chr.21:1, satan. 1 Unjust. 2 Contradiction. I. Answers To Critics. 1. God is not unjust (Gn.18:25). People AND David BOTH sinned (v.1)

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When David lost his “ census ”

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  1. When David lost his “census” 2 Sm.24:1, two problems – • God moved David to count troops, then punished Him (them) for it. • God moved him; 1 Chr.21:1, satan. 1Unjust 2Contradiction

  2. I. Answers To Critics

  3. 1. God is not unjust(Gn.18:25) • People AND David BOTH sinned (v.1) • Is it unjust to punish sinners, or to use sinful human agents? • Police • Allies We have no moral problem with one sinner punishing another

  4. 2. There is no contradiction Both statements are true (God and satan) 1. The tempter (Mt.4:3) wants numbers 2. God never tempts anyone to sin; He does permit temptation, Ja.1:13-14 • Gn.3:12 (Ps.23:3) • 14; Mt.15:19-20

  5. 1. Satan tempts 2. God does not tempt, Ja.1:13-14 3. God warned David through Joab (1 Chr.21:3) 4. God is said to do what He permits “Sometimes God’s greatest judgment is to let us have our own way” 2 Sm.16:10; Ps.105:25; Is.63:17; Mt.6:13

  6. Satan tempts 2. God does not tempt, Ja.1:13-143. God warned David4. God is said to do what He permits 5. God was not wrong to punish sins of David and Israel (anger, 1) God Punish pride “Go ahead;see results” Satan Tempt to sin “Go ahead;be happy” Census

  7. Joseph, Gn.45:5; 50:20. God vs satan Pharaoh’s heart – Job 1-2 Ahab, 1 K.22:20-23 Christ, Ac.2:23; 4:28 Dishonest, 2 Th.2:11 (Lk.15) Persecution, 1 Pt.4:19; 5:8-9 God Ex.4:21 Pharaoh Ex.8:15 Magicians Ex.7:22

  8. I. Answers To Critics II. Applications For Christians

  9. 1. The danger of success, 1 • Israel’s sin. Dt.8 • Affects nations, families, churches I blindly ask for what I crave,With haughty heart and will so stout;He oft denies me what I seek,But gives me grace to do without—Anon.

  10. 2. The danger of strength, 1 • Victories are exhilarating. Ps.20:7 • Joab had scruples; David did not • Census was not wrong in itself • Census could fuel Israel’s pride. Jg.7:2 Nu.1:2-3 Nu.26:2 • David: pride (v.2) • David: fear

  11. 3. Danger of spare time, 1-8 • David, enjoying rest from war, loses battle to satan. (2 Sm.11) • “You have too much time on your hands.” 1 Co.10:12

  12. 1. Danger of success 2. Danger of strength 3. Danger of spare time 4. Danger of self-pity, 10-14 • David never blamed God for his problems. (2 Sm.12:11; 16:10) • We owe everything to God’s mercy 2 Sm.24:17; 1 Chr.27:3-4 David came to his “senses”

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