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Anjum Khanna – Ayurvedic Treatment for Fibromyalgia

Anjum Khanna u2013 Fibromyalgia is also known as fibrositis, It is a complex disorder that affects many symptoms. It has no cure but combination of medication, exercise, stress relief and healthy habits can ease your health problems that help you to live a normal life. Fibromyalgia affects your speech brain to mouth.

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Anjum Khanna – Ayurvedic Treatment for Fibromyalgia

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Anjum Khanna – Ayurvedic Treatment for Fibromyalgia

  2. Anjum Khanna – Fibromyalgia is also known as fibrositis, It is a complex disorder that affects many symptoms. It has no cure but combination of medication, exercise, stress relief and healthy habits can ease your health problems that help you to live a normal life. Fibromyalgia affects your speech brain to mouth.  Fibromyalgia is characterized by persistent widespread pain, abnormal pain sensitivity, and additional symptoms, such as fatigue, sleep disturbance, and mood symptoms. There are four main components in fibromyalgia: Pain, fatigue, mood, and function.

  3. Fibromyalgia (FM) happens multiple times more often in ladies than in men, and it happens most often in ladies of childbearing age. Commonness is 3.5 percent in ladies when contrasted with 0.5 percent in men. Is an inflammatory disease, then the term fibromyalgia was coined due to the predominant pain symptoms seen in patients suffering from this illness. It was often noted that Fibromyalgia is associated with depression, stress, and anxiety. It is often felt that these psychiatric comorbid disorders are more a result than the cause of FM.

  4. Symptoms explained by AnjumKhanna Functions – Irritable bowel syndrome, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Migraine and other types of headaches, Interstitial cystitis or painful bladder syndrome, Temporomandibular joint disorders, Postural tachycardia syndrome, etc

  5. Causes • Genetic Factors –  Is a significant factor as proposed by a few familial investigations and transmission is believed to be polygenic. fibromyalgia tends to run in families, there may be certain genetic mutations that may make you more susceptible to developing the disorder. • Trigger Factors – Infections seem to be able to induce fibromyalgia even if a direct causal relationship is not documented. In particular, viruses such as HCV, HIV, Coxsackie B, and Parvovirus and bacteria like Borrelia could be involved. • Peripheral Tissues – Peripheral tissues such as skin, muscles, and microvessels are coming under closer investigation. 

  6. Ayurvedic Treatment of Fibromyalgia • A Daily Warm oil Massage • Herbal Steam Therapy • A lymphatic Massage • Herbal Enemas • Nasal Administrations • Indian Massage

  7. Treatment According toAnjum Khanna, Diagnosis is difficult and frequently missed because symptoms are vague and generalized. Despite this, three main symptoms are referred by almost every patient: pain, fatigue, and sleep disturbance. In general, treatments for fibromyalgia include both medication and self-care strategies. The emphasis is on minimizing symptoms and improving general health. No one treatment works for all symptoms, but trying a variety of treatment strategies can have a cumulative effect. The goals of fibromyalgia treatment are to alleviate pain, increase restorative sleep, and improve physical function through a reduction in associated symptoms.

  8. About Anjum Khanna – The best AyurvedicConsultant Anjum Khanna is an expert in Ayurveda. Anjum Khanna has a deep knowledge of curing all types of chronic diseases, particularly in neuromuscular diseases, joint disorders, disc prolapse, skin diseases and lung, intestine, liver and kidney diseases, Obesity treatment, infertility treatment, Suvarnaprashan for children, Treatments for Dermatitis, Eczema, Psoriasis,  Joint ailments of all types, Spondylosis, Paralysis treatment, Gynecological problems, Ayurvedic antenatal care, postnatal care, diet counselling, lifestyle disorders like Diabetes,  Hypertension. Piles, fissure treatment, are carried out.

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