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Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection is a highly prevalent condition responsible for significant morbidity and occasional mortality each year. Approximately half of all patients infected by HSV will experience at least one recurrence in their lifetime.
Single-day treatment for genital herpes and How to Live With Herpes Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection is a highly prevalent condition responsible for significant morbidity and occasional mortality each year. Approximately half of all patients infected by HSV will experience at least one recurrence in their lifetime. For these recurrences, traditional therapy has included both suppressive and episodic treatment with nucleoside analogs. In regards to episodic treatment, 2- to 5-day oral regimens are best studied and most commonly reported. As with any medical condition having a well-understood mechanism of action and targeted treatment, therapeutic intervention is only as effective as allowed by patient compliance. Based on these concerns, recent studies have focused on shorter, less complicated, and more affordable options. This review delineates the evidence for single-day treatments of orolabial and genital herpes. Randomized, double-blind studies of both valacyclovir and famciclovir as single-day episodic therapy for HSV have been reported in the literature. Although no head-to-head studies between the drugs have been performed, both regimens produced significant improvement in healing time and symptom resolution over placebo. Single-day therapy for HSV infection is appealing for multiple reasons. First, it simplifies the regimen, increasing likelihood of patient compliance. Additionally, it allows complete delivery of the medication at the onset of symptoms, when viral replication is highest and intervention has greatest effect. Lastly, the reduced number of pills necessary for single versus multiple day therapy decreases the overall cost of treatment per episode, an important factor in modern-day healthcare. 1. Be yourself, and be patient. No matter what situation it is you are going through, and don't ever let anyone make you feel bad about yourself. 2. Find as many supportive communities as you can. It makes you feel like you're not alone in your suffering or misery. 3. Knowing the fact about herpes is very important, it is not the end of the world but just a simple virus that can be controlled by you the carrier. Don't let it take over your happiness because there is much more to life than being depressed. 4. Remember that there a lot of people with herpes, not the end of our social world because of it, at all!..Embrace it, be frank about yourself, and deal with it that way , and if your partner, doesn’t understand , educate he or she about it, i am
quite sure they will understand, after they get over the initial shock, if they don’t then obviously they are not the right mate for you anyways !! 5. Surround yourself with great positive people who understand, sympathize, or can relate to your situation and make healthy choices. Living, laughing, loving is up to you... there are great guys and girls out there... they aren't hard to find... just make sure you don't lie to them or yourself. The right people will come along and stay and the wrong people will be filtered out. God bless you and remember to stay positive. 6. You have to accept what you have and let go of the past and live in the future. You have so much more life ahead; don’t waste it on being misable because life had thrown you a curve ball. Get into a support group and meet others who understand they will help through this, so you can start living again. For More Details: http://www.herpesdating-sites.com/