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REGIONAL OUTREACH CONFERENCE Nashville, TN September 7, 2013. OPENING DOORS. Jesus is the only Door to salvation (John 10:9) There are many doors to the community The Church must get out of the building!. HOW DO WE REACH THEM?. DON’T BE THIS GUY!. No Silver Bullets for Outreach!!.
REGIONAL OUTREACH CONFERENCE Nashville, TN September 7, 2013
OPENING DOORS • Jesus is the only Door to salvation (John 10:9) • There are many doors to the community • The Church must get out of the building!
DON’T BE THIS GUY! No Silver Bullets for Outreach!! No Lone Rangers in the Church!! No return to the Golden Days of Yesteryear!!
Bridging to the Community When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly. All the people saw this and began to mutter, “He has gone to be the guest of a ‘sinner.’” But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have Cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.” Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham.” Luke 19:5-9
The Gospel is communicated best through… Relationships
REALITY CHECK • What kind of people are you most comfortable with? Least comfortable with? Why? • Define friend. • Who was the last friend you made outside of your church? Describe how that friendship was made. • What is that person’s relationship with Jesus? How could you help draw your friend closer to Christ?
Most people in our congregations look like these Legos! PEOPLE ARE LIKE LEGOS…
We need to make room for new people on our Legos! PEOPLE ARE LIKE LEGOS…
Place #1 Place #2 Place #3
The larger the church, the more 3rd places need to be created Interest groups Life Transformation Groups (Triads) Churches grow as groups multiply “Motivation for Mission” RELATIONSHIPS (3rd Places)
GETTING STARTED • What are some ways that you personally can fill your Lego with unchurched friends? • What are some potential Interest Groups you might start?
Dechurched Unchurched Attractional Incarnational HOW DO WE REACH THEM?
Two Approaches Dechurched Member as inviter(People come to Church and find Jesus) Unchurched Member as missionary(Jesus finds people through His people, who bring them to church)
Two Approaches Dechurched Programs will draw people to a church Unchurched Process. Relationship building, witness.
Bridging to Our CultureOct. 2012 Pew Survey • 20% Adult Americans: no religious affiliation (46 million) • Increase from 15%, in last 5 years • 1/3 Adult Americans under 30 unaffil. • Compare 9% unaffiliated among 65+ • 13m. self-described atheists (6%) • 33m. no particular affiliation (14%)
“Nones” on the RiseLong-Term Trends in Religious Affiliation Source: General Social Surveys, 1972-2010.
MISSION MODELS IN CONTEXT Cultural Insiders vs. Cultural Outsiders Pre-Church Churched Post-Church
The Church is ahead of the times: members behave as missionaries Churched era map does not work in Post-Churched era The Church uses a pre-churched map The Church is behind the times The Post-Churched era is in transition There is no map in the Post-Churched era The Church is polar opposite to the culture
In other words… • We need to think less like a church organization… • And think more like missionaries. • …Be transformed by the renewal of your minds (Rom 12:2) Reggie McNeal: Missional Renaissance
Opening Doors to Your Community Through Seasons of Discovery
WHAT? What is Seasons of Discovery?
Seasons of Discovery Is … • A Two-Year Introductory Process • Delivered into Four Seasons • That helps your church begin to engage your community with the Gospel of Jesus Transforming Churches Network
Each Season Includes: • Personal Coaching & Peer Learning Group for the Pastor • Tools for Equipping People for Ministry • Events to Rally the People of the Church around the Theme of the Season • Outreach Activities
Each Season Equips 3 Groups • Pastor & Staff • A Mission-Minded Group Called People of Passion • The Entire Church
HOW? How Does Seasons of Discovery Work?
Timeline of the Seasons Churches have 2 blocks of time (seasons) in a year in which to work consistently on projects; Fall (Labor Day to Thanksgiving) Winter/Spring (Jan-Feb & Easter to June15) This multi-phase process focuses on areas of discovery spread out into four or more seasons.
Year 1 Season 1 Preparation Introduction to the Basic Principles and Practices of Transformation (Romans 12:2) Season 2 Visioning Discovering God’s Vision for your Community
Year 2 Season 3 Outreach Finding Practical Ways to Reach Lost People in your Context Season 4 Empowerment Empowering your Congregation to Effectively Engage People in your Community With the Gospel
Year 3+ Season 5 & Following Discovering How Your Church Can Adapt to Meet the Future Needs of Your Community Learning How to be Missional in a Post-Church Culture
At your Table • Share the two people who have emerged on your list with the group (first names only). Discuss your plan to share Jesus with them. • Pray for all these people to come to know Christ, and pray for each other to follow through on your blessed intentions.
1160 Vickery Lane, Suite #1 Cordova, TN 38016 901-757-9700 www.transformingchurchesnetwork.org terry@transformingchurchesnetwork.org Connect with us online! facebook.com/TransformingChurchesNetwork twitter.com/ReachLostSouls