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An open letter to priests discussing challenges young Catholics face, such as decreasing Mass attendance, need for orthodox teachings, support in prayer, help with porn and relationships, and more sacrament opportunities.
Family & LifeMinistry REV. FR. JOSUE RUIZ ESCALONA, JR. An Ecclesial Challenge of Building a Church in the Home
Dear Fathers, We are writing this letter to you today because we have some things we want to say to you. Some things are easier to say than others, but here you go. Before that, though, a HUGE thank you. Thank you for having the courage to say yes to your counter-cultural vocation. We are forever grateful and will never be able to repay you. We’re also grateful for your energy and enthusiasm you have for us as young Catholics. An Open Letter to Priests by Young Catholics
There are few people that value us for who we are and encourage us toward greatness and holiness as you do. But as you are well aware, times are tough for our generation of Catholics in America. Numbers of weekly Mass attenders are small these days. Some studies show that only 10% of young adults in their twenties are attending Mass regularly. This is very concerning, to say the least. With that, here are some things we want to share with you. You may know this already as some of you are from our generation. But we want to share anyway, just in case you don’t know.
First, we love orthodoxy. We’re hungry for the truth. We’re hungry for sane logic, common sense, and Jesus Christ. A huge number of us love the traditions of the Church that our parents and Grandparents didn’t like so much. You know why? Because practices that are distinctly Catholic help us stand out in a world that is obsessed with mediocrity, fitting in, and being “normal.” The practices that make us distinctly Catholic – like frequent confession, adoration, the Rosary, and even the regular use of incense at Mass – in a mysterious way, these things help build up our identity as Catholics in the world. While you may think there’s too much of it, we think there is far too little.
Second, prayer is tough for us. The world we grew up in is a world unlike anything you can ever imagine. We don’t remember a time without the Internet in our homes. Our attention spans are embarassingly short, and silence is almost non-existent in our day-to-day lives. We never learned how to just sit and ‘waste time’ with God. Pray with us. Offer more times for adoration. Teach us the prayers of the Church, like the liturgy of the hours, adoration, and the countless novenas. We are thirsty for this stuff, and truly desire to make our parishes houses of prayer.
Third, we need help dealing with porn, sex, and relationships. The culture of death is here, and although we know Christ is triumphant in the end, it’s winning in a lot of our lives right now. We need help, and we need it fast. More then confession, we need more resources and support to combat the slavery of porn. Let’s be honest here: a majority of guys in our generation are hooked on it. It’s not enough to tell us in confession that we need to pray more, use more blockers, or do something nice for somebody else as a penance. Those are great, but the problem is still getting worse.
What we need are people in our lives who will help us fight it. It’s embarrassing to ask for help, or to talk about this outside of the confessional, so please start organizing programs, groups, and mobilizing men and women who are steadfast to engage our generation for mentorship and spiritual direction. If you don’t, who will? Fourth, don’t be afraid to teach and preach NFP. The Church’s teaching about sex and sexuality is good news. A recent study showed that a majority of Catholic women still don’t agree with the Church about certain aspects of the teaching on articifical contraception.
However, those same women are open to hearing why the church teaches what she does. We’re used to hearing about sex, but from all the wrong sources. The Church’s wisdom is saving grace, and we want more of it. Fifth, preach more about Jesus, and that he is alive. So many of us went to Catholic schools, but so few of us realize that Jesus is actually, really alive. This is concerning, because this is why we are Christians. This basic fact about our faith is not known. Given the fact that most Catholics learn about God from the ten minute homily, which often leave more to be desired in terms of content, we can see why.
Lastly, we need more opportunities for the sacraments in general. It’s difficult for anybody of any generation to make the 3:30pm confession time on Saturday afternoon, especially for those of us who have two jobs and a young family to take care of. Appointments are great, too, but having at least one more opportunity once in a while would be ideal. We know, you’re busy too. But if the sacraments actually are what we say they are, then they need to be more widely available. The world is quenching us, and we’re thirsty for the Fountain of Life. - See more at: http://www.ignitumtoday.com/2012/09/21/open-letter-to-priests-by-young-catholics/#sthash.1Kr0MMxJ.dpuf
The Diocese of Kalibo entrusted to the Diocesan Commission on Family and Life the Family and Life Ministry that will proclaim the Gospel of Life to the Church so that members of the Christian Family will proclaim, celebrate and serve life.
VISION One with the Catholic Church in her mission to promote and protect the sanctity and integrity of marriage, family and life, with evangelized and evangelizing ministers empowered by the strength of God, through prayers, the Eucharist and inspired by the Blessed Mother, with communities of Christian families formed integrally, involved in the development of the society and transformed as domestic churches.
MISSION The Family and Life Ministry of the Diocese of Kalibo with faith, hope and love commits to: Form Community of Christian persons/families; Serve love and life; Participate in the Development of the Society; and Share in the life and mission of the Church.
RATIONALE The Synod of Bishops in the Role of Family in the Modern World and the consequent issuance of the Apostolic Exhortation, “Familiaris Consortio”, prompted the Church worldwide to focus its pastoral shepherding and concerns on Family Ministry. Both events underlined the lights and shadows of marriage and family. In the sideline was the bold realization that the domestic Church is vulnerable to the atrocities of a secularized world, to the unforgiving impact of the culture of death, to the ravages of a society that promotes rugged individualism and selfishness.
“Gaudium et Spes” - while discussing the grief and anxieties over the state of marriage and family, also pointed out that family is the formidable foundation of a civilization of love and life. It appeared to be a new way of rediscovering the original plan of God for marriage that is as a community of life and love. As St. John Paul II prophesied: “The future of humanity passes by way of the family.”(Familiaris Consortio 86)
The above observations and magisterial assessment on the causes of the miserable state of the family underline the following factors: • A culture, which though grounded upon Christian tradition, is undergoing a rapid secularizing process; • A weak faith or a loss of faith; • The bombardment of public policies which are basically anti-life, anti-marriage, and anti-family; • Unbounded freedom or exercise of freedom detached from good and the truth; and, • The staggering attack on the very nature of marriage gravely caused by sexual and genetic revolutions and gender preferences.
This challenge necessitates a unified/shared pastoral program. The Second Plenary Council of the Philippines (PCPII) tells us that the mission of the Church of the Philippines is INTEGRAL EVANGELIZATION. Thus, there is a need to restructure all pastoral efforts with the “Family as the Focal Point of Evangelization.” There is no substitute for a pastoral concern as that of Family Ministry as the subject and the object of Evangelization. In fact, family ministry is at the heart of the new evangelization!
THE FAMILY MINISTRY AS THE PRIORITY MINISTRY IN EVERY DIOCESE If the family is the focal point of evangelization, family ministry should be a pastoral thrust of the mission of the Church. In fact, it is the only priority which should find credible expressions and impulses upon the various pastoral initiatives and apostolate of the diocese, e.g. catechetics, social action, vocation, Catholic education, etc. Family ministry therefore should be the framework of restructuring the relationship between various diocesan commissions and offices for an effective leadership and management of all the pastoral programs of the diocese.
The family ministry being the heart of the new evangelization has to consider the effective promotion of faith and practicing discipleship. This is due to the following principles: • Faith is basically transmitted not only by preaching and catechizing through worship, but by the witnessing, faith experience, value formation of the parents on the whole family; • “The Faith of our Fathers” has always been the effective tradition of moral values in fidelity to God.
…The seed of faith is nurtured by the parents, more effectively by their witnessing, good example of Christian morals and piety, practice of Gospel values such as love, forgiveness, justice, compassion and fidelity to Catholic traditions; • The new evangelization is not just a question of the re-evangelization of people who have lost a living faith, but a matter of utmost concern is the frequency of people contemplating marriage as engaged in “de facto union,” and civil union where Christ and his Gospel are not known;
The defense of marriage and family has had limited success. Meanwhile, certain laws are outrageously discouraging: those legalizing divorce, protecting non-marital co-habitations, giving benefits and welfare to unwed mothers and unconsciously deregulating marriage, same sex unions, and same sex marriage. • It appears quite strongly that people tend to take sides in the debate on pro-life, pro-marriage, and pro-family issues, not from the standpoint of right and wrong, but from the standpoint of one’s past and future.
Since marriage is basically a function of nature, it should meet the requirements of natural law on human acts, personality development, and freedom of choice. • With this vocation to love, the family is sent on the following mission: • forming a community of persons; • serving life; • participating in the development of society; • sharing in the life and mission of the Church. (FamiliarisConsortio);
In view of the fact that the family is the focal point of evangelization, the family & life ministry should be the framework of restructuring the relationship between the various apostolates of the diocese. The family is not a sector of the pastoral but a dimension that extends through the entire mission of the Church in both the content and method of evangelization. (Blessed John Paul II, St. Patrick Cathedral, New York, 1995)
MARRIAGE as the PRIMORDIAL SACRAMENT: ITS IMPLICATIONS to FAMILY & LIFE MINISTRY The Nuptial Theology and the Theology of the Body of St. John Paul II has placed marriage right at the center of the pastoral concern in the Church. As a primordial sacrament, marriage is not merely a human invention to be defined at will, but a divine institution inscribed in the order of creation.
Marriage was created in paradise; it is the source of happiness. The Nuptial Mystery is the experience of utmost happiness in life and the hope of a better life despite man’s sinfulness. However, there is the reality that marriage needs redemption, needs to be evangelized in order to be saved from destruction or meaninglessness. Marriage is the essential component of family life.
The family ministry should ensure that the human and faith requirements are in place in order that the couple getting married will be adequately and properly disposed to marriage according to God’s Plan. Hence, the objectives of the ministry in the conduct of Pre-Cana sessions is 1) to make marriage valid because of the principle that what is valid is sacramental; 2) to make marriage licit to prevent voidable marriages; and,3) to make marriage fruitful and meaningful as valid marriages are also vulnerable to the evils of culture and one’s realities.
These objectives have to be consciously considered by the diocesan pastoral leadership because marriage is an integral part of the new sacramental economy. Obviously, the new sacramental economy has seven sacraments instituted by Christ to give grace. The family ministry should all the more develop a greater appreciation of the vocation to the priesthood and encourage priests to administer the sacraments fruitfully in favour of their recipient who is in need of redemption.
EMPOWERMENT OF THE LAY AS FAMILY LIFE MINISTERS Theology will have to embrace a methodology for pastoral reflections and praxis which takes into account God’s revelation concerning human love and the experience of family love. Given the enormous challenge to engage in an effective pastoral program that is faithful to the Church’s teaching that the family is the focal point of evangelization, empowerment of the lay on the level of ministry is imperative.
Also, given the shortage of priests and the manifold roles demanded of him in the ministry, and believing in the power of the lay to evangelize especially on matters of transmission of faith and family values, a trained lay cooperator is a most effective partner of the priest in the parish. There is no doubt that a layman or laywoman can do a lot of wonders in the work of evangelization. He or she would have access to the life of the parishioners especially in the context of the Basic Ecclesial Communities.
OBJECTIVES OF THE FAMILY and LIFE MINISTRY • To have an awareness campaign that Christian Family will proclaim, celebrate and serve life especially in this Year of the Laity. • To provide comprehensive formation to all family and life ministers. • To provide comprehensive formation/information program and services for Families. • To organize/replicate/strengthen family and life ministry in every parish.
To enhance/update/strengthen the Pre Cana and Post Cana programs and other Family Life Enrichment seminars/formations. • To widen acceptance of Natural Family Planning, hire fulltime workers and train parochial trainors. • To strengthen linkages/coordination with Family Oriented Groups/LOMAS and other Commissions. • To continue the advocacy against the culture of DEATH (Divorce, Euthanasia, Abortion, Total Depopulation, Homosexual Union).
CHARTER OF THE RIGHTS OF THE FAMILY All persons have the right to the free choice of their state of life and thus to marry and establish a family or to remain single. Marriage cannot be contracted except by free and full consent duly expressed by the spouses. The spouses have the inalienable right to found a family and to decide on the spacing of births and the number of children to be born, taking into full consideration their duties towards themselves, their children already born, the family and society, in a just hierarchy of values and in accordance with the objective moral order which excludes recourse to contraception, sterilization and abortion. Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception.
Since they have conferred life on their children, parents have the original, primary and inalienable right to educate them; hence they must be acknowledged as the first and foremost educators of their children. The family has the right to exist and to progress as a family. Every family has the right to live freely its own domestic religious life under the guidance of the parents, as well as the right to profess publicly and to propagate the faith, to take part in public worship and in freely chosen programs of religious instruction, without suffering discrimination. The family has the right to exercise its social and political function in the construction of society. Families have the right to be able to rely on an adequate family policy on the part of public authorities in the
juridical, economic, social and fiscal domains, without any discrimination whatsoever. Families have a right to a social and economic order in which the organization of work permits the members to live together, and does not hinder the unity, well-being, health and the stability of the family, while offering also the possibility of wholesome recreation. The family has the right to decent housing, fitting for family life and commensurate to the number of the members, in a physical environment that provides the basic services for the life of the family and the community. The families of migrants have the right to the same protection as that accorded other families.
For Priests and Religious: What can you contribute to the empowerment of the Young People in Preparation for Marriage and Family life.
For the Youth Leaders: In what ways can you help yourselves and your fellow youths in preparation and strengthening Marriage and Family life. How can you actively participate and support the Family and Life Ministry in your Diocese.
“The discovery of and obedience to the plan of God on the part of the conjugal and family community must take place in "togetherness," through the human experience of love between husband and wife, between parents and children, lived in the Spirit of Christ. Thus, the little domestic Church, like the greater Church, needs to be constantly and intensely evangelized: hence its duty regarding permanent education in the faith. To the extent in which the Christian family accepts the Gospel and matures in faith, it becomes an evangelizing community. ” St. John Paul II Familiaris Consortio #50-52
“The family, founded upon marriage freely contracted, one and indissoluble, must be regarded as the natural, primary cell of human society. The interests of the family, therefore, must be taken very specially into consideration in social and economic affairs, as well as in the spheres of faith and morals. For all of these have to do with strengthening the family and assisting it in the fulfilment of its mission.” -St. John XXIII Pacem in Terris
PRAYER FOR FAMILY Lord God, from you every family in heaven and on earth takes its name. Father, you are Love and Life. Through your Son, Jesus Christ, born of woman, and through the Holy Spirit, fountain of divine charity, grant that every family on earth may become for each successive generation a true shrine of life and love. Grant that your grace may guide the thoughts and actions of husbands and wives for the good of their families and of all the families in the world. Grant that the young may find in the family solid support for their human dignity and for their growth in truth and love.
Grant that love, strengthened by the grace of the sacrament of marriage, may prove mightier than all the weakness and trials through which our families sometimes pass. Through the intercession of the Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that the Church may fruitfully carry out her worldwide mission in the family and through the family. Through Christ our Lord, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life forever and ever. Amen.