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Case # 2. Dr. Laura Lamps

Case # 2. Dr. Laura Lamps A 29 year old Caucasian female underwent preoperative blood work prior to laparoscopic removal of a benign paratubal cyst.

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Case # 2. Dr. Laura Lamps

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Case # 2. Dr. Laura Lamps A 29 year old Caucasian female underwent preoperative blood work prior to laparoscopic removal of a benign paratubal cyst. She was found to have an AST of 58, ALT of 111, alkaline phosphatase of 14, and total bilirubin of 1.0. ANA was positive at 1:80. The patient also had a markedly elevated total cholesterol. Upon referral to a gastroenterologist, she had no complaints, but was noted to be markedly obese (5 feet 4 inches tall, 240 pounds). She denied alcohol or drug use in the past, and viral serologies were negative. A liver biopsy was performed.

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