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Fundamentals of Thermodynamics: Laws and Applications

Explore the central points of the first law of thermodynamics, internal energy concepts, equations, and applications for closed and open systems. Learn about perpetual motion machines, energy conservation, and energy transfer processes.

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Fundamentals of Thermodynamics: Laws and Applications

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  1. Chapter 2 The First Law Of Thermodynamics

  2. The First Law Of Thermodynamics §2-1.The central point of first law §2-2. Internal energy and total energy §2-3.The equation of the first law §2-4.The first law for closed system §2-5.The first law for open system §2-6.Application of the energy equation

  3. §2-1.The central point of first law 1.Expression In a cyclic process, the algebraic sum of the work transfers is proportional to the algebraic sum of the heat transfers. Energy can be neither created nor destroyed; it can only change forms. The first law of thermodynamics is simply a statement of energy principle.

  4. §2-1.The central point of first law 2.Central point The energy conservation law is used to conservation between work and heat. Perpetual motion machines of the first kind.(PMM1) Heat: see chapter 1; Work: see chapter 1;

  5. §2-2.Internal Energy 1.Definition: Internal energy is all kinds of micro-energy in system. 2. Internal energy is property It include: • Kinetic energy of molecule (translational kinetic, vibration, rotational energy) • Potential energy • Chemical energy • Nuclear energy

  6. §2-2.Internal Energy 3.The symbol u: specific internal energy, unit –J/kg, kJ/kg ; U: total internal energy, unit – J, kJ; 4.Total energy of system E=Ek+Ep+U Ek=mcf2/2 Ep=mgz ΔE=ΔEk+ΔEp+ΔU per unit mass: e=ek+ep+u Δe=Δek+Δep+Δu

  7. §2-3. The equation of the first law 1. The equation ( inlet energy of system) – (outlet energy of system) = (the change of the total energy of the system) Ein-Eout=ΔEsystem

  8. Q W §2-4.The first law in closed system 1. The equation Ein-Eout=ΔEsystem

  9. §2-4.The first law in closed system Q-W=ΔEsystem=ΔU Q=ΔU+W Per unit mass: q= Δu+w dq=du+dw If the process is reversible, then: dq=du+pdv This is the first equation of the first law. Here q, w, Δu is algebraic.

  10. §2-4.The first law in closed system The only way of the heat change to mechanical energy is expansion of working fluid.

  11. §2-5. The first law in open system 1. Stead flow For stead flow, the following conditions are fulfilled: • The matter of system is flowing steadily, so that the flow rate across any section of the flow has the same value; • The state of the matter at any point remains constant; • Q, W flow remains constant;

  12. §2-5. The first law in open system 2. Flow work Wflow=pfΔs=pV wflow=pv p V

  13. §2-5. The first law in open system 3. 技术功 “ Wt” are expansion work and the change of flow work for open system. 4. 轴功 “ Ws” is “ Wt” and the change of kinetic and potential energy of fluid for open system.

  14. §2-5. The first law in open system 5. Enthalpy for flow fluid energy: U+pV +mcf2/2+mgz H =U+pV unit: J, kJ For Per unit mass: h=u+pv unit: J/kg, kJ/kg

  15. Q W §2-5. The first law in open system 6. Energy equation for steady flow open system , mcf12/2, mgz1 U1+p1V1 H1 U2+p2V2 H2 , mcf22/2, mgz2

  16. §2-5. The first law in open system

  17. §2-5. The first law in open system Per unit mass:

  18. §2-5. The first law in open system If neglect kinetic energy and potential energy , then: If the process is reversible, then: This is the second equation of the first law.

  19. Q W §2-5. The first law in open system 7. Energy equation for the open system Inlet flows Out flows 1 1 Open system 2 2 …… … … i j

  20. §2-5. The first law in open system Energy equation for the open system

  21. Q Wi §2-6. Application of The Energy Equation 1. Engine a). Turbines energy equation: Ein-Eout=Esystem=0 Wi=H2-H1 wi=h2-h1 , mcf12/2, mgz1 =0 U1+p1V1 H1 Q≈0 U2+p2V2 H2 mcf22/2, mgz2 =0

  22. H2 H1 Wt §2-6. Application of The Energy Equation 1. Engine b). Cylinder engine energy equation: Wt=H2-H1+Q=(U+pV) 2-(U+pV) 1 +Q Ek1, Ep1≈0 Q Ek1, Ep1≈0

  23. H2 H1 Wc Q≈0 §2-6. Application of The Energy Equation 2. Compressors Energy equation: Wc=- Wt =H2-H1 Ek1, Ep1≈0 Ek1, Ep1≈0

  24. §2-6. Application of The Energy Equation 3. Mixing chambers Energy equation: m1h1 + m2h2 -m3h3=0 Mixing water: m3h3 hot water: m2h2 Cold water: m1h1

  25. m3h3 m5h5 m2h2 m1h1 m4h4 m6h6 §2-6. Application of The Energy Equation 4. Heat exchangers Energy equation: (m1h1 + m2h2 + m3h3)-(m4h4 + m5h5 + m6h6)= 0

  26. h2 §2-6. Application of The Energy Equation 5. Throttling valves Energy equation: h1 -h2 =0 h1

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