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Math Notebooking Grades 35

Goals. To investigate writing in the mathematics classroomTo examine math notebooking structures and resourcesTo experience the teaching and learning of mathematics. Introducing Math Notebooking. 1. Take a few minutes to decorate the front cover of your notebook.2. After the cover is personalized

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Math Notebooking Grades 35

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Math Notebooking Grades 3?5 Professional Development for Integrated Inquiry Department of Mathematical Sciences Clemson University September 29, 2009

    2. Goals To investigate writing in the mathematics classroom To examine math notebooking structures and resources To experience the teaching and learning of mathematics

    3. Introducing Math Notebooking 1. Take a few minutes to decorate the front cover of your notebook. 2. After the cover is personalized, turn to the fourth page and jot down your thoughts about the following: What do you hope to accomplish by using writing in the math classroom? What concerns do you have about using writing in the math classroom?

    5. Analyzing Polygons

    6. Using Notebooking When Beginning a New Concept Activate Prior Knowledge Draw three polygons and list the attributes of each figure. Pre-Assess Knowledge What do you know about polygons? Connect to Another Math Concept Brainstorm a list of polygons observed in the classroom. Connect to Everyday Life What polygons did you see represented on your way to the classroom? Connect to Other Curricula Areas Select a picture book showing butterflies, insects, or other animals. What animals have polygons represented on their bodies?

    7. Focusing on Standards Third: Classify polygons as either triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, or octagons according to the number of their sides. Fourth: Analyze the quadrilaterals squares, rectangles, trapezoids, rhombuses, and parallelograms according to their properties. Fifth: Apply the relationships of quadrilaterals to make logical arguments about their properties.

    8. Math Writing in the Elementary Grades Writing should: Have an anchor Result in a high degree of success Be used to cement mathematical knowledge Be supportive for English as a second language students and students with disabilities

    9. Writing in Math Class Helps Students: Be aware of what they know and dont know Connect to prior knowledge Reflect on what is known Have an opportunity to raise questions Keep thoughts organized

    10. Writing in Math Class Helps Teachers: Find out what students know about concepts Make instructional decisions Discover student attitudes and beliefs Determine if instruction was effective

    11. Adapting Lessons Identify a set of lessons or standards that build a concept. Plan a way to introduce the concept with writing. Plan several notebooking activities and represent them on a poster. Be prepared to share your notebooking activities with the whole group.

    12. Creating Rubrics Work together to create a rubric on a blank sheet of paper. Begin with the brainstormed criteria for a score of four. What revisions to the criteria will you make? What are the criteria for scores of 3, 2, 1?

    13. Mathematics is a way to understand the world and writing is a way to understand mathematics. Joan Countryman Writing to Learn Mathematics

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