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Threatened Medicinal Plants Diversity of Gujarat : Its Conservation and Development Measures. Presentation by Dr. A. P. Singh, IFS Conservator of Forests Gujarat Forestry Development Project Gujarat State, Gandhinagar. Introduction -. So far, 04.13 lacs plants identified on the globe.
Threatened Medicinal Plants Diversity of Gujarat : Its Conservation and Development Measures Presentation by Dr. A. P. Singh, IFS Conservator of Forests Gujarat Forestry Development Project Gujarat State, Gandhinagar
Introduction - • So far, 04.13 lacs plants identified on the globe. • Out of 04.13 lacs, 02.50 lacs are Angiosperms. • So far, 45,364 plants identified in India. • Out of 45,364 plants, 17,500 are Angiosperms. • So far, 4,327 plants identified in Gujarat • Out of 4,327 plants, 2,205 are Angiosperms. • About 8,000 M.P. are identified in India • Out of 8,000 M.P. about 800 are widely utilized. • About 1,315 M.P. are identified in Gujarat. • Out of 1,315 M.P., about 270 are widely utilized. • There are 409 licensed Pharmacies in Gujarat • Out of 409 Pharmacies, 47 are GMP holders.
Historical Importance of Medicinal Plants • Sacred literature – Vedas and many other important collection by Great Sages & Saints mentioned the importance of Medicinal Plants as - • Rigveda prescribes - 67 Medicinal Plants • Yajurveda prescribes - 81 M.P. • Atharvveda prescribes - 290 M.P. • Brahamana prescribes – 130 M.P. • Charaksamhita - 400 to 450 M.P. • Shusrutsamhita - 573 M.P. • Dhanvantri Nighantu - 373 M.P. based drugs • Raja Nighantu prescribes about 750 Plant based drugs • Madanpala & Bhavprakash prescribes about 569 Plant based drugs
Threatened Diversity of Medicinal Plants- • Out of 1,315 identified M.P. in Gujarat, 1,016 are wild and rest 299 are cultivated as crops & plantations. • Out of 1.315 identified M.P., 248 are Tree species ,165 Shrubs, 148 Climbers and 754 Herbs. • Out of 270 widely utilized M.P., 201 species (74%) are indigenous to Gujarat . • Other 69 species (26%) are procured from other states. • Out of 201 M.P., 148 species (74%) are growing in wild. • Other 53 species (26%) are cultivated as crops • Out of 148 indigenous plants, 48 species of trees (32%), 22 species of shrubs (15%), 28 species of climbers (19%) and 50 species of herbs(34%). • Out of 148 M.P. (50), 48 trees (16), 22 Shrubs (08), 28 Climbers (12), 50 Herbs (14) are discussed as threatened
Habit wise utility of Medicinal PlantsTrees : • Herde (Terminalia Chebula) : Habitat –Throughout India, Dangs area of Gujarat, Fruit is used. Medicinal Use – Traditional – Paste of fruit pulp with honey given in diarrhoea of children Classical - Rasayan, Constipation, Skin diseases, an ingredient of Triphala. Ulcers, sore throat, anaemia, elephantiasis, indigestion, epilepsy, leprosy, asthma and diabetes. Classical drugs – Triphla churna, Triphla Gugal, Shivkshar Pachan churna, Triphla Ghrit 2. Arjun (Terminalia arjuna) : Habitat –In plains of india with foothills of Himalayas, North, South and Eastern Gujarat, Bark is Used. Medicinal Use – Heart disorders, Fractures, bleeding piles, ulcers, sexual debility Classical Drugs – Arjunarishta, Arjuna ghriut, Arjun kwath, Arjun kshir-pak, Prabhakar vati, Arjun churna. 3 Ashok (Saraca asoca) : Habitat- Naturally occurring in South India, ornamental plant in Gujarat Bark is used. Medicinal Use - Women disorders,Diabetes, Vitiated condition of Pitta, dysentery, Classical Drug – Ashokarishta, Ashokavaleha, Ashoka ghrita, Ashoka Kshar, Tincture and oil
4. Sivan (Gmelina arborea) : Habitat –Throghout india and Gujarat, Root is used. Medicinal Use - Used in Skin diseaese, leprosy, Ulcers etc, Classical Drugs– Dashmularishta, Dashmula Kwath, Panchmulyadi kwath. 5. Chandan (Santalum album) : Habitat – Naturally found in South India and Gujarat, Heart wood is used Medicinal Use - Vitiated conditions of Pitta, jaundice, cough, bronchitis etc. Classical Drugs – Chandanadi churna, Chandanadi vati, Chandanasava, Chandanabalalakshadi taila 6 Patla (Stereospermum suaveolens) : Habitat – Throughout India and South Gujarat Forests, Root is Used. Medicinal Use – Traditional use – Flower used for purifying water. Classical - Blood purifier, appetizer, diuretic, febrifuge, cooling, aphrodisiac etc. Classical Drugs – Brihat Panchmuladi Kwatha, Dashmula Kwatha, Dashmularishta.
7. Tetu (Oroxylum indicum) : Habitat –Throughout India and Gujarat, Root is Used. Medicinal Use - Vitiated condition of Vata and Kapha, cancer, Dropsy, Cough, asthma etc Classical Drugs - Dashmula Kwath, Dashmularishta, Panchmulyadi kwath. 8. Ragat Rohido (Tecomella undulata) : Habitat –Drier parts of India and Kachchh, Saurashtra and North Gujarat, BarK is Used Medicinal Use - Skin disorders, jaundice, liver disorders, diabetes, cancer, obesity etc. Classical Drugs – Rohitakarishta, Rohitaka grhrita, Rohitaka churna, Rohitaka lauha, Rohitakasava. 9. Kadvo Saragvo (Moringa Concanensis) : Habitate - All over india and Gujarat, Bark is used. Medicinal Use – Traditional – Bark decoction in throat cancer. Classical - Vitiated conditions of Vata and Kapha, inflammation etc. Classical Drugs -
10. Vai Varno (Crataeva nurvala) : Habitat –Throughout india and south Gujarat Forests, Bark is used. Medicinal Use – Traditional - Bark is used in family planning Classical - Vitiated Conditions Vata and Kapha, Heart trouble, Colic, cancer, cough, tubercular glands, inflammations etc. Classical Drugs - Varunadi Kwatha, Varunadya taila, Extract, Varunarishta 11. Kapilo (Mallotus phillipinensis) : Habitat –Throughout india with foothills of Himalayas and South Gujarat, Fruit hair is used. Medicinal use - Vitiated Conditions Vata and Kapha, wounds, cough, ulcers, poisonous affections, scabies, rignworm etc. Classical Drugs – Kampillaka malhara, Krimighatini vati, Bidnughrita 12 Bhilamo (Semecarpus anacardium) Habitat – Throughout India and South Gujarat, Fruit is used. Medicinal Use – Traditional – Bhilama oil with charoli oil applied externally in arthritis, Classical - vitiated conditions of Kapha and Vata, fever, diabetes, cancer Classical Drugs - Bhallataka taila, Bhallataka avaleha, Bhallataka parpati, Chincha bhallataka vati, Narsinh churna, Amrut bhallataka Bhallatak manjan, Bhallatakadi lep, Bhallatak pak.
13. Salai (Boswellia serrata) : Habitat –Central and Northern India and North, Eastern and South Gujarat, Gum is used. Medicinal Use - Traditional – Gum is used to purify air (Dhoop) Classical – Vitiated conditions of Pitta, Asthma, ulcers, skin diseases and rheumatism 14. Kanchnar (Bauhinia variegata) : Habitat – Throughout India as Natural and Ornamental Tree and Gujarat, Bark is used. Medicinal use - Traditional– Skin and throat knots remedy Classical – Pitta and Kapha, diarrhoea, skin diseases, leprosy, wounds, ulcers, inflammation, scrofula etc. Classical Drugs – Kanchnar guggulu, Kanchnarishta, Kanchnaradi kwath, Kanchan gutica, Tincture of B. varjegata. 15 Biyo (Pterocarpus marsupium) : Habitat –Throughout india and South Gujarat, Heart wood and bark is used. Medicinal Use – Traditional – Gum is used in tooth ache and leave pest is applied in wounds. Wooden glass for diabetes. Classical – vitiated conditions of Kapha and Pitta, leprosy, skin diseases, diabetes, ophthalmopathy, diarrhoea, Cough, sexual debility, asthma etc Classical Drugs - Kandasara kwatha, Bijakasav, tooth powder.
16. Kadhayo ( Sterculia urens) : Habitat – Throughout India and Gujarat, Gum is used. Medicinal Use - General debility, diabetes, lumbago, strangury, diarrhoea, dysentery, Classical Drugs - Padarantak yog, Kasvijay Churna. Shrubs 1. Guggal (Commiphora wightii) : Habitat – Pakistan, Afghanistan, India (Rajshthan and Gujarat), Gum is used Medicinal Use – Traditional – The gum is applied on skin wounds and irritations Classical – Vitiated Conditions of Vata, Gout, Sciatica, Facial paralysis, Arthritis etc Medicines – Yograja guggulu, Sinhanada guggulu, triphla gugal, Kanchnar guggulu, Lakshadi guggulum, Kanchnar Guggal 2. Vavding (Embelia ribes) : Habitat –South india and South Gujarat, Fruit is used. Medicinal Use - Traditional – Fruit powder is given with Jiggery for intestinal worms in children Classical – Vitiated Conditions of vata, piles, leucoderma, paralysis, colic, constipation, ringworm infestation etc Medicines – Vidangadi churna, Vidanga Taila, Vidangarishta, Sanjivani Vati, Maha Manjishtadi kwath,
3. Arni (Clerodendron Phlomidis) : Habitat – Throughout India and Gujarat, Root is used Medicinal Use –asthma, obesity, diarrhoea, piles, rheumatism etc. Classical Drugs - Dashmula kwatha, Dashmularishta, Agnimantha kwatha, Ointment (lep) and essential oil. 4. Danti (Baliospermum montanum) : Habitat –Throughout India, North and South Gujarat, Roots is used. Medicinal Use - flatulence,constipation, jaundice, leprosy, vesical calculi, wounds, anaemia, leucoderma, fever and vitiated condition of Vata. Classical Drugs - Dantyarishta, Dantyadi churna, Danti haritaki • Dhavdi (Woodfordia fruticosa) : Habitat –Throughout India and South Gujarat, Flowers are used. Medicinal Use - Traditional – Flowers used fermentation Classical – Vitiated Condition Kapha and Pitta, bleeding, infertility, skin diseases, diarrhoea, diabetes, Classical Drugs – Dhatakyadi taila, Dhatakyadi churna, Pushyanug churna, Dhatakyadi Kwath, Rasamrut ras
6. Ankol (Alagium salvifolium) : Habitat –Throughout India and Gujarat, Seed oil is used. Medicinal Use – Traditional – Fruits eaten to enhance eye sight. Classical -Rheumatism, Leprosy etc. Classical Drugs - Ankoladi taila, Tincture of A. Salvifolium 7. Bharangmool (Clerodendron serratum) : Habitat –Throughout India and Gujarat (Dangs), Root is used. Medicinal Use - Vitiated conditions of Kapha and Vata, scrofula, piles, cough,asthma, bronchitis, dropsy, constipation, chronic nasitis, leucoderma, leprosy, fevers, epilepsy etc. Classical Drugs - Bharangyadi kwatha, Bharangyadi ghrita, Bharangyadi lep, Kanakasava. Ashwagandhadi churna. Bharangyadi avieha, Bharangyasav 8. Mindhan (Randia dumentorum) : Habitat – Throughout india and North Gujarat, Fruit is used. Medicinal Use - Tradition – Causing Vomiting in emergency and on snake bite. Classical - Vitiated conditions of Pitta and Kapha, inflammations, leprosy, skin diseases, wounds, ulcers, tumours, cough, asthma, debility, fever etc. Classical Drugs - Randia oil, Madanadi churna, Madan lepa, Madan phaladi yog, Madanadi lep.
Climbers 1. Galo (Tinospora cordifolia) : Habitat –Throughout India and Gujarat, Stem is Used. Medicinal Use - Traditional –Stem extractions use for all kinds of fevers, Stems are fed to cattles to increase milk production Classical – Vitiated conditions of vata, arthritis, cancer, liver disorders, leprosy, cough, genreal debility. It is also a important Rasayana. Classical Drugs – Rasayana Churna, Samshamani Vati, Amrita kwath, Amrita Guggulu, Amritarishta, Bal sogathi, Guduchi satva, Guduchi ghrpt, Guduchi extract, Galo Ghanvati 2. Shatawari (Asparagus racemosus) : Habitat –Throughout India and Gujarat, Roots are used. Medicinal Use - Traditional Juice of roots is fed to mothers to increase milk. Classical – nervous disorders, acidity, diarrhoea, inflammations, tumours, Vitiated condition and Vata and Pitta, Scalding of urine Medicines – Shatavari Ghrita, narayan taila, Shatavari Syrup, Shatavari Churna 3. Dodi (Leptadenia reticulata) : Habitat –North & South India and Gujarat, Whole Plant is used. Medicinal Use -Traditional – A very good remedy for eye diseases and poor vision. Leaves and Tender Fruits are used as vegetable to decrease eye numbers. Classical – Ophthalmopathy, cough, night blindness, fever. Medicines –Jivantyadi Ghrita, Jivantyadi Lep, Jivantanti Churna.
4. Anantmool (Hemidesmus indicus) : Habitat –Throughout and Gujarat, Root is used. Medicinal Use - Leprosy, Skin diseases, asthma, fever and general debility Classical Drugs – Sarivadyasava, Sarivadi vati, Sarivadyavaleha, 5. Malkangni (Celastrus paniculata) Habitat –Throughout india and Gujarat, Seed oil is used. Medicinal Use - Traditional – Flowers eaten as vegetable and fruits pickled. Classical – Good antidote for opium poisoning, stimulant, digestive, anti- inflammatory, brain tonic Classical Drugs - Jyotishmati Taila, Jyotishmati Gutica and Jyotismati Lep. 6. Vachhnag (Gloriosa superba) : Habitat – Southern and Eastern India and Central and South Gujarat, Roots are used. Medicinal Use - Traditional – Root paste applied externally in eczema overnight Classical – Vitiated conditions of Kapha and vata, Fever, cancer, inflammations Promoting labour pain and expulsion of placenta Medicines – Langli Rasayan, Kanakadi vati, Kashisadi taila
7. Patha (Cyclea peltata) : Habitat –Throughout India and Gujarat, Roots is used. Medicinal Use - Traditional – Good drug for all types of fever and urinary tract diseases. Classical – Vitiated conditions of Kapha, Dysentery, fever, wounds, vomiting, and cardiac disorders Classical Drugs – Pathadi churna, pathadi ghrita, pathadi taila, 8. Garni (Clitoria ternatea) : Habitat – Throughout India and Gujarat, Whole Plant is used. Medicinal Use - Ophthalmopathy, Piles, Migraine, insanity, Skin diseases, vitiated conditions of Pitta and fevers 9. Hadsankad (Cissus quadragularis) : Habitat –North and South India, Whole Plant is used. Medicinal Use - Traditional – Used for bone fractures and dislocations. Classical – Vitiated conditions of Vata and kapha, asthma, colic, leprosy, epilepsy, fractures, swellings Classical Drugs– Asthisandhan lepa, Narayan mandur, Loknath ras, Lakshadi gugglu.
10. Shikakai (Acacia Sinuata) Habitat –Throughout India and North & South Gujarat, Fruits are used. Medicinal Use - Traditional – Used for washing hair in combination with amla and aritha. Classical – Vitiated conditions of Pitta, burning sensation, leucoderma and eczema Classical use– Shikakai Soap and shampoo 11. Vidarikand (Pueraria tuberosa) Habitat –Throughout and Gujarat, Root is used. Medicinal Use – A good Rasayan used in Rheumatism, Swellings, ulcers, diarrhoea, sexual debility, liver disorders. Classical Drugs - Vidarikand churna, Kamdev modak 12. Kadva Parvar (Trichosanthes cucumerina) : Habitat –Throughout India and Gujarat, Whole plant is used. Medicinal Use - Vitiated conditions of Pitta, burning sensation, fever, piles, leprosy, jaundice, toxiemia, acidity etc. Classical Durgs - Patoladi Kwath, Patoladi ghrita, Patoladi churna.
Herbs 1. Satodi (Boerhavia diffusa) : Habitat –Throughout India and Gujarat, Root is used. Medicinal Use -Traditional – Kwath given in internal and external pain and swellings. Classical – Inflammations, leucorrhoea, ophthalmia, lumbago, jaundice, anaemia, cough and general debility Classical Drugs – Punarnavashtak kwatha, Punarnavasava, Punarnavadi Kwath 2. Kidamari (Aristilochia bracteolata) : Habitat –Bengal and South Gujarat, Leaves are used. Medicinal Use – Traditional – Leaf juice to expel worms from ear. Classical - with honey.Vitiated conditions of Kapha and Vata, intestinal worms, foul ulcers, boils, skin diseases and intermittend fevers 3. Neerbrahmi (Bacopa monnieri) : Habitat –Throughout India and Central & South Gujarat, Tender shoots are used. Medicinal Use -Insanity, tumours, ulcers, skin diseases, vitiated conditions of Kapha and vata, to increase memory power Classical Drugs - Brahmi panaka, Brahmi taila, Sarasvatarishta, Sarasvata ghrita and Brahmi churna and syrup.
4. Brahmi (Centella asiatica) Habitat – Eastern and Southern India, Whole plant is used. Medicinal Use - Vitiated conditions of Pitta, Insomnia, cardiac debility, epilepsy, hoarseness, leprosy and to increase memory power, It is also a Rasayan. Classical Drugs- Brahmi Rasayan, Brahmi Vati, Brahmi Taila. 5. Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica) : Habitat –Western and Southern India and Gujarat, Root is used. Medicinal Use - Traditional – Root paste applied on eczema. Classical – Indigestion, worms, obesity, inflammations, leprosy, itchy skin problems. Classical Drugs - Chitrakadi vati, Chitraka ghrita, Chitrakadi Churana 6. Senna (Cassia angustifolia) : Habitat –South India, North Gujarat and Saurashtra. Leaves are used. Medicinal Use - Constipation, leprosy, leucoderma, cough, typhoid fever and vitiated conditions of Pitta and vata Classical Drugs - Yashtyadi Churna, Dindayal Churna, Malasuddhi Churna, Senna Tea and Senna churna
7. Kariyatu (Andrographis paniculata) : Habitat –Throughout Indian plains and Central and Northern Gujarat. Whole plant used Medicinal Use - Traditional – Decoction is given in all kinds of fever Classical – Buring sensation, ulcers, all types of fevers, cough, skin diseases, leprosy, colic, and vitiated conditions of Pitta Classical Drugs - Kalmegh Churna, Kalmeghasava, Sudarshan churna. 8. Bala (Sida cordifolia) : Habitat – India – Throughout india and Gujarat, Root and seeds are used. Medicinal Use - Traditional – Brush prepared from roots chewed in ashthma and rheumatism and to release milk from breast in mothers. Classical – Leucorrhoea, asthma, sexual debility, general debility, arthrits, insanity, rheumatism, diabetes Classical Drugs - Baladi Kwath, Baladi Ghrita, Baladi Taila. 9. Shalparni (Desmodium gangeticum) : Habitat – Throughout india and Gujarat, Whole plant is used. Medicinal Use- Important ingredient of Dashmulla, used in vitiated conditions of Vatta, Indigestion, dyspepsia, dysentery, fever, coughs and a tonic. Classical Drugs - Shalaprnyadi kwath, Dashmularishta, Dashmoola kwath
10. Prushnaparni (Uraria picta) : Habitat –Open forests of india and Gujarat, Whole plant is used. Medicinal Use Important ingredient of Dashmulla, used in swellings, Heart troubles, fevers, rheumatism, piles, fractures, skin diseases Classical Drugs - Dasamoola Kwath, Dashmularishta and Mahasudarshan churna 11. Pevto (Costus speciosus) : Habitat – Throughout india and Gujarat, Root is used. Medicinal Use - Traditional - Eaten as food in scarcity by Tribals of Bastar in Chhatisgadh. Classical – General debility, in Worms,, Sexual debility, Skin deseases, and in the treatment of lumbago Classical Drugs – Churna 12. Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis) : Habitat –Throughout india and Gujarat , Whole plant is used. Medicinal Use – A good rasayan, used in High blood pressure, sexual debility, diabetes, swellings, to increase memory power, insanity, hair disorders, skin disordrs and heart trouble. Classical Drugs - Sarasvat churna, Shankhpushpi churna, Medhya Rasayana, Shankhvali churna, Shankhpushpi syrup
13. Kamal (Nelumbo nucifera) : Habitat –Throughout india and Gujarat, Root and seed is used. Medicinal Use - Traditional – Seed churna is given in smallpox. Classical –Vitiated conditions of pitta, vomiting, leprosy, smallpox, dysentery, Cough, burning sensation, fever, leprosy Classical Drugs – Aravindasava, Kamal kakdi churna.
Conservation and Development measures • Govt. of India vide its notification No. Z. 18020/19/97- MP Cell dated 24.11.2000 created NMPB,New Delhi for the Development of this sector. • As per the guidelines of NMPB, Govt. of Gujarat also established SMPB vide its Notification No. F. No. 18020/9/2001 MP Board dated 27.11.2001. • There are two schemes namely Promotional and Contractual farming are under implementation. • Under the Promotional Schemes Govt. institutions are involved for the conservation of Medicinal Plants and Projects are sanctioned in the limit of Rs. 30.00 lacs • Under the Contractual Farming Scheme of Medicinal Plants, 30% subsidy in the upper limit of Rs. 09.00 lacs is provided. • The Guggal Plantation is kachchh and saurashtra and Asoka Plantation is south Gujarat is being taken up on large scale. • There are 10 herbal garden are maintained by this Directorate. • The details of Promotional and Cotractual Framing Projects under implementation by SMPB is given below -