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“Security is like the brakes in your car. It slows you down, but it also makes it possible for you to go a lot faster. ”- Dr. Gary Hinson <br>You want to become a security guard? But what is the option for career progression within these industries? What are the actual duties? How should you prepare yourself to be a good security guard?<br>These are all questions playing in your mind, here are some points which clears your all doubts.
DEVELOPING YOUR CAREER IN SECURITY “Security is like the brakes in your car. It slows you down, but it also makes it possible for you to go a lot faster. ”- Dr. Gary Hinson You want to become a security guard? But what is the option for career progression within these industries? What are the actual duties? How should you prepare yourself to be a good security guard? These are all questions playing in your mind, here are some points which clears your all doubts. If you are the security officer then always maintain the highest possible standards of work. Make sure your appearance is immaculate; you are punctual and maintain a low level of absenteeism. Always give your customer the highest possible level services. These are some points which show that, what should you know before applying for a private security guard job. 1.Education The company or individual that a private security guard is employed by, education requirements may differ. No matter what is your education, it might be a high school diploma or equivalent is required to obtain or secure a position. Some companies are having specific rules regarding the education of security guard, they need a certificate or a degree in law enforcement or criminal justice from an educational institution, college or vocational program.
2.Training There are many jobs which provide training for each task while a private security guard is generally trained prior to securing work. Each company or individuals vary in their training requirements. Training may include the surveillance system, use of a firearm, reporting of incidents, how to deal with the angry people you come in contact with, how to handle the situations and how to work with the law enforcement. A Security guard should follow the training period. 3. Background Check Background checking of security guard must be completed. These processes are extremely extensive. FBI fingerprinting and DNA testing may also be completed prior to obtaining a permit, license or certificate of any kind. Mental evaluations are also the part of checking. No prior or pending felony convictions are acceptable. It is important to research the state requirements for
which you want to work. In general, all applicants must be 18 years of age or older. Prior law enforcement experience is helpful. The security guard is he most important and responsible person, but sometimes they come under a pressure at some point in time. No matter what kind of pressure you are under, you need to learn how to manage it so that it does not affect how well you do our job. You should keep control for yourself, evaluate yourself, you should always ready with the plans. back of a security guard If you keen on safety and security this job could be perfect for you. Security officers make sure that buildings, valuables or people are safe and secure. They help prevent theft and damage. They also deal with the emergency. A security officer needs to be mature and responsible. It also helps if you are a polite and helpful person.