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PHA TENANT SURVEY (FINANCIAL EXCLUSION) Presentation of results. Prepared for: BILL SARGENT TRUST Prepared by: MARKETING SCIENCES LTD 8 St Clement Street Winchester Hampshire SO23 9DR Tel: 01962 842211 Fax: 01962 840486. SEPTEMBER 2002. MS30053.
PHA TENANT SURVEY(FINANCIAL EXCLUSION)Presentation of results Prepared for: BILL SARGENT TRUST Prepared by: MARKETING SCIENCES LTD 8 St Clement Street Winchester Hampshire SO23 9DR Tel: 01962 842211 Fax: 01962 840486 SEPTEMBER 2002 MS30053
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Methodology • Random sample of 433 general needs tenants of Portsmouth Housing Association/Southlands Housing Association Keyplan tenants • 31 taken out (unsuitable for interview) – left 402 • 7 “outlying” addresses – did not allocate • Achieved 213 interviews from 395 addresses (target was 200) • Interviews carried out in July 2002 with named tenant or their spouse/partner -1-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Outcomes • Addresses allocated = 395 Interviews achieved = 213 No contact = 123 Refusals = 44 Empty = 5 Other (e.g. too frail) = 10 • Taking the 5 empty properties out of the starting base of 395 means the 213 interviews = 55% success rate • Looked at achieved sample profile in terms of – • area (postcode) • type of property • whether PHA or Southlands • Weighting required on 1 factor only (property type – too many 3 bedroom houses and concomitantly too few 1 bedroom flats) -2-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Profile of respondents Q1 Length of tenancy % Base: all responding (212) Q29 Ethnic origin % Base: all responding (205) -3-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Profile of respondents (cont.) Q24 Number in household Q24/Q25 Household type % % Average: 2.7 Base: all responding (213) Base: all responding (210) -4-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Profile of respondents (cont.) Q27 Current situation (respondent and spouse/partner) Q26 Age % % <1% Base: all responding (213) Base: all respondents and spouse/partners (277) • 53% of households - tenant (and spouse/partner if applicable) not in work • 47% of households - tenant and/or spouse or partner in work -5-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q41/Q43 Sources of income (respondent and/or spouse or partner) % - less than half have a wage Base: all responding (213) -6-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q45/Q46/Q47 Whether thinks might be eligible for benefits not receiving and reasons for not claiming Q46 Respondent and/or spouse/partner might be eligible for benefits not claiming? % Base: all responding (213) Q47 Which benefits? % N.B. IS LOW BASE OF 13 PEOPLE Q48 Why not claiming? % -7-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q42/Q44 Net total weekly income (respondent and/or spouse or partner) Total amount Total exc. dk/ref. Per capita amount Per capita exc.dk/ref. % % % % <1% N/A N/A N/A N/A Average £91.05 Average £207.87 Base: all responding (212) -8-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q30a/b Reasons for not working (full-time) – respondent and/or spouse or partner % Base: respondents and spouse/partners working part-time or unemployed or looking after family/home (115) -9-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q32/Q33 Current childcare arrangements and any additional needed Q32 Current Q33 Additional needed % None % Relative/friend not registered as childminder Half day play group/preschool/nursery All day nursery After school supervision/club Registered childminder most popular are for school age children Relative/friend registered as childminder School holiday supervision Base: those with children 0-15 in household (121) -10-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q34 Cost of childcare per week % Only 17 people paying for childcare (8% of total sample) Average £6.38 Average (exc. nothing) £17.99 -11- Base: those with childcare arrangements (49)
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q18/Q19/Q22 Whether has bank/building society account and, if so, how many Q18 Has bank/building society account? % Base: all responding (213) Q19 How many? % Base: all responding with an account (164) Q22 In credit? % Base: all responding with an account (159) -12-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q20/Q21 Whether uses (all) accounts and, if not, why not Q20 Use (all) account(s)? % Base: all responding with an account (164) Q21 Reasons for not using % Base: all responding with an account they do not use (19) N.B. IS LOW BASE OF 19 PEOPLE -13-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q23 Reasons for not having bank/building society account % Base: all responding without a bank/building society account (46) -14-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q4/Q5 Fuel(s) used and current suppliers Q4 Fuel(s) used % Base: all responding (213) Q5 Electricity supplier % Base: all responding (212) Q5 Gas supplier % Base: all responding using gas (183) -15-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q5 Whether using same or different supplier for gas and electricity Same or different? % Base: all responding using both gas and electricity (176) Which? % Base: all responding who use same supplier (82) -16-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q6 Spend per year on electricity and gas Gas Electricity % % <1% £318.50 £296.86 (213) (182) Base: all responding using electricity/gas -17-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q6 Total spend per year on fuel % • No significant differences in • expenditure between those having • same supplier for electricity and • gas compared to those using • different supplier • Those using electricity only have • lower average expenditure (but is a • small base of 30 people) Average £572.09 Base: all responding (213) -18-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q7 Ease of finding money to pay for fuel % 73% easy 27% difficult Average 2.92 Base: all responding (210) • Most difficulty – • -those living alone (40% very/fairly difficult) • - those living in a flat (35% very/fairly difficult) -19-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q8 How pay for gas/electricity Gas Electricity % % N/A Base: all responding (213) Base: all responding using gas (183) -20-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q11 Methods used to save energy % Base: all responding (213) -21-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q12/Q15 Whether has contents insurance and, if so, with which company Q12 Contents insurance? % • Least likely to have contents insurance • aged under 55 (57% no) • tenants less than 3 yrs (60% no) • 1 person households (59% no) Base: all responding (213) Q15 Insurance company % Base: all responding who have contents insurance (98) -22-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q13/Q14 Cost per year of contents insurance and maximum claim Q13 Cost per year Q14 Maximum claim % % wide range of amounts Average: £119.52 Average exc: “nothing”: £121.70 Base: all responding with contents insurance (98) Average: £22,420 -23-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q16 Reasons for not having contents insurance % Base: all responding who do not have contents insurance (114) -24-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q17 Whether contents insurance would have been useful in past Q17 Occasions in past when would have been useful? % Base: all responding who do not have contents insurance (114) Which occasions % Base: all responding who do not have contents insurance but think it might have been useful in past (26) N.B. IS LOW BASE OF 26 PEOPLE -25-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q35 Whether has any outstanding loans/debts and, if so, what Q35 Have outstanding loans/debts? Most likely to be - aged 18 – 34 (79%) - have kids (71% single parents, 75% couple with kids) - *working (71%) (*respondent and/or spouse or partner) % Base: all responding (213) Q35 Loans/debts outstanding % <1% Base: all responding (213) -26-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q39 How much worry about paying loans/debts % Base: all responding with loan/debt outstanding (117) -27-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q36 Amount borrowed/outstanding for each Base: those with each outstanding loan/debt -28-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q36 Total amount borrowed/outstanding % Average £2,043 Base: all responding with an outstanding debt/loan (119) -29-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q37 Total amount paying back per week % Average £24.01 Average exc. “nothing” £27.64 (Base: all responding with an outstanding debt/loan) (119) -30-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q38 Interest rate being charged Base: all responding with each type of loan/debt -31-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q40 Difficulties (might) have in obtaining credit or borrowing money % Base: all responding (207) -32-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q49 Topics would be interested in receiving more information on % Base: all responding (213) -33-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q48 Best way to give information to tenants % <1% Base: all responding (212) -34-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q2 Likes about current home (spontaneous) Area/location % Size/layout % Others % Base: all responding (213) -35-
TENANT FINANCIAL EXCLUSION RESEARCH AUGUST 2002Q3 Dislikes about current home (spontaneous) Repairs/maintenance Area/location % % Size/layout Other % % Base: all responding (213) -36-