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Quick Guide to Explained Mortgage Loan Meaning

A mortgage loan meaning explained as, It is a type of loan that is used to purchase a property or real estate. Mortgage loans typically have a long repayment period, usually ranging from 10 to 30 years. The interest rate on a mortgage loan may be fixed or variable. To learn more about mortgage loans, you must read the presentation completely.

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Quick Guide to Explained Mortgage Loan Meaning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AQuickGuidetoUnderstanding MortgageLoanMeaning

  2. WhatisMeaningofMortgage MortgageLoanisa secureway to avail funds to meet the requirements. Mortgage loan meaningcanbe explainedby,therevolutionarystep takenby lenderstohelpborrowers avail themselves of large amounts of funds.

  3. BenefitsAssociatedwithMortgageLoan Ownership of property Longermortgageloantenor Mortgageloaninterestrates TaxSavingbenefitsofmortgage loan

  4. Ownershipof Property Whenaborrowertakesoutamortgage loan, the property being purchased serves as collateral for the loan. This meansthatiftheborrowerisunableto repay the loan, the lender may take possession of the property to recoup theirlosses.

  5. MortgageLoan Tenor:Mortgageloansareusuallyrepaid overaperiodofseveralyears,often15 to 20 years, depending on the terms oftheloan.

  6. MortgageLoan InterestRates Borrowers can avail of both fixed interest rates or floating interest rates, meaning thattheamountpaidasmonthlyEMImay fluctuatewhileoptingforafloating interest rate, it states that there are two typesofmortgage loan interest ratesprovidedbylenders.

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