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Astrology and Music Observations That Will Startle You

There is nothing in our life with which you cannot connect astrology. Whether it is your health or family or profession u2013 astrology has a deep connection with every aspect of your life.

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Astrology and Music Observations That Will Startle You

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Astrology and Music: Observations That Will Startle You

  2. There is nothing in our life with which you cannot connect astrology. Whether it is your health or family or profession – astrology has a deep connection with every aspect of your life. The connection between astrology and music is deep and quite fascinating too. The top astrologers can find whether you have those nakshatras in your houses, which will help you to find a path in life with music or not.

  3. The Connection of Music and Astrology • Astrology comes under Upaveda and Vedanga while music comes under Sama Veda. • Both these subjects are ruled by Lord Shiva, who is considered as an embodiment of Sun. • There are certain nakshatras that will determine whether you can get success with music or not. • They are Revati, Hasta, Dhanistha, Shravana and Uttaravadra. • The strong houses of music are 3rd, 5th, 10th and 11th house.

  4. Get the Right Guidance • To obtain success in music, you need to follow the top astrologers’ advice. • Know how to overcome the challenges and obstacles to achieve success. • Legends like RabindraNath Tagore, LataMangeshkar and Nancy Wilson have such connections.

  5. Meet the Expert • AnuradhaSharda is a renowned astrologer with vast knowledge and experience. • She will help you to understand if your nakshatras are useful for setting your career in music. • You can get her advice and guidance anytime you want. • Please visit her website for more information.

  6. 9111415550 anuradha.s@anuradhasharda.com www.anuradhasharda.com AnuradhaSharda Block 6, Flat, 707, Manasarovar Heights Rd, RTC Colony, Secunderabad, Telangana 500009

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