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The NetSuite Manufacturing Edition is the only integrated SaaS business suite for manufacturingu2014perfect for forward-looking companies keeping an eye on costs while fulfilling their vision for growth.<br><br>For more info about NetSuite solution provider visit https://aarialife.com/<br><br>
NetSuitefor MANUFACTURING The NetSuite Manufacturing Edition is the only integrated SaaS business suite for manufacturing—perfect for forward-looking companies keeping an eye on costs while fulfilling their vision forgrowth. https://aarialife.com/ hello@aarialife.com
OVERVIEW Overview Benefits Features CustomerSuccesses Contact/Resources Increase Profit –Grow Revenue, Build Better Products, ControlCosts While the economy is still a challenge, optimism among manufacturers has increasedsignificantlyinthepasttwoyears.Manufacturersarebeginningto shift attention away from cost reduction to focus on investing to create new productsandgrowrevenuefrombothnewandexistingcustomers. In a recent survey, NetSuite found that over 75% of manufacturing companies expected their businessto improve in the near term. Now, 60% are focused on revenue growth and cost savings as key objectives, and about 30% are focused primarily on revenue growth. NetSuite delivers robust functionality and a perfectly balanced combination of scalability, flexibility,andcost-e ctiveness to help manufacturers growrevenue, control costs, and provide customersbetter • CEOZachNelsonexplainshowNetSuite uses cloud computing to bringenterprise solutions to businesses of everysize. • LEARNMORE • Nucleus ResearchNote: • NetSuite’s Impact onManufacturing CompanyPerformance • NetSuite ManufacturingEdition o the industry’sfirst: • Complete on-demand manufacturing solution forfast-growing businesses • Role-based, customizabledashboards • Integrated manufacturing, CRM, ERP/financials, andecommerce • Self-service vendor, partner, and customercenters • Native out-of-the-box support for globaloperations products andservice. NetSuiteManufacturing Edition is a complete solution for manufacturingresource planning, integrated inventory anddynamic NetSuiteManufacturing Edition is acomplete and integratedSaaS replenishment, warehouse management, financial accounting and costing,customer solution. and partner relationship management, and ecommerce.Nowyoucanmanageyourentirebusinesswithoneintegrated Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) suite, delivered on-demand over theInternet. Asacloud-basedapplication,NetSuitelowersTCObyeliminatingcosts for on-premise servers, license fees, and site-to-site IT support. Its open architecture enables easy system integration with your supply chain. It enhances mobile productivity. And it delivers rapid implementations, lower costs, and a quickROI.
BENEFIT Overview Benefits Features CustomerSuccesses Contact/Resources NetSuite helps manufacturersautomate key tasks, accelerate their quote-to-cash cycles, and improve visibility, inventory management, and productivity—all while reducing ITcosts. Accelerated Quote toCash By automating processes such as order processing,fulfillment, shipping, and collections, NetSuite customers can often accelerate their quote-to- cash cycles. Many NetSuite customers are able to create orders on the fly instead of keying them in manually, and have reduced the need for adjustments or rework because of fewererrors. See how RedBuilt saved $275K+ moving from SAP R/3 to NetSuite Cloud ERP and CRM. LEARNMORE NucleusReport: RedBuilt’s ROI and PaybackStudy GreaterVisibility Many manufacturers cite the need for greater visibility asa key motivation for adopting NetSuite. The real-time operations and financial visibilitythey gain from NetSuite enables them to better plan and manage inventory and provide more accurate product delivery estimates to customers faster. They gain deeper insight not only into what’s happening—butwhy. “We were looking for a platform that could enable us to handle complex business operationsacrossSoutheastAsiaandcould accommodate local tax compliance requirements. NetSuite met all of our requirements in a tighttimeframe.” — ASICSCorporation Better InventoryManagement NetSuite customers are often able to translate greater visibility into improved inventory management. Every single point in the build process from requisitions to finished goods is represented in the system as a single item. And automated alerts and inventory replenishment allow manufacturers to carry less inventory while avoiding stockouts. Benefits are based on the Nucleus Research Note: NetSuite’s Impact on Manufacturing Company Performanc.e 2
BENEFIT Overview Benefits Features CustomerSuccesses Contact/Resources Benefits(Continued) ImprovedProductivity Because NetSuite automates many quote-to-cash processes andother functions—such as work order / schedule management, purchasing, and inventory management—manufacturers moving to NetSuite often experience productivity increases. For instance, many improve the productivity ofreport buildersbetween20%and50%byimplementing standardizedreporting. Reduced SoftwareCosts NetSuite customers deploying multiple components within NetSuite can avoid or eliminate investments in standalone ERP, CRM, order processing, andotherapplicationsfromothervendors,as well asthecostofintegrating those applications. Manufacturers often find that NetSuite displaces at least two on-premise applications and their related supportcosts. IncreasedSales NetSuite Manufacturing customers often find that greater access to information enables their salespeople to bemoree ctive in customer relationship management. This benefit leads to furtherimprovements that increase sales, productivity, revenue optimization, web presence, and customer satisfaction. Increased GrossMargin Companies that use NetSuite to improve decisions of salespeople and purchasers boost their bottom lines by increasing their gross margins. Many NetSuite users use their deployments to gain important strategic information about customers and vendors such asprice, quality, volume, and on-time deliveryperformance. See how Lightspeed drives order management and strengthenscustomer relations withNetSuite. LEARNMORE CITO ResearchPaper: The Million DollarMisperception “NetSuite brought flexibility and the cloud. We can choose the speed and the module we want to implement. NetSuite’s ability to transact in multiple languages andcurrencies was an important factor for us with our manufacturing facilities inChina.” —Cosmosupplylab Benefits are based on the Nucleus Research Note: NetSuite’s Impact on Manufacturing Company Performanc.e 3
FEATURES Overview Benefits Features CustomerSuccesses Contact/Resources BuiltontheNetSuiteSuiteCloudplatform, NetSuite delivers a powerful and flexible solution for manufacturers with rapid implementations,lowercosts,andaquickROI. One Complete Solution forManufacturing Manageyour entire manufacturing business with one integrated application: Manage your demand plan, create a supply schedule, auto-release work orders and purchase orders to support the schedule, ship products to customers, and monitor costs throughout the processin real time. Watch how Speck Products boosted planning efficiency to keep pacewith the competition. LEARNMORE NetSuite Data Sheet: NetSuite ManufacturingEdition Flexible andExtensible NetSuite’s Manufacturing Edition allows fast-growing and mid-sized manufacturing companies to select and deploy onlythe Manage your entire manufacturingbusiness with oneintegrated functionality required, and to expand their suite tcapabili ies as their businessand application. NetSuite ManufacturingEdition marketing conditions evolve. NetSuite Manufacturing Edition can be deployed in three configurations: Light Assembly, Standard Edition, or Advanced Edition. Advanced Inventory and OrderFulfillment NetSuite saves manufacturers countless hours of work associatedwith data entry, organization, and fulfillment. You can convert forecaststo orders, orders to shipments, and shipments to revenue with unprecedented efficiency. NetSuite also enhances warehouse order fulfillment, packing and shipping processes, and is integrated with UPS, FedEx, andUSPS.
FEATURES Overview Benefits Features CustomerSuccesses Contact/Resources Features(Continued) Complete Procure-to-PayPurchasing NetSuite lets you move from paper-based manual purchasing to lower- cost, higher-control automated purchasing. Everything from one-click purchase orders to self-service vendor and customer centers aredesigned to save you money that goes straight to yourbottom line. Watch how Cosmosupplylabgained agility to support the company's exponentialgrowth. The Ultimate BusinessDashboard With several out-of-the-box role-based dashboards, NetSuite Manufacturing Edition gives every user in your company an easily customized dashboard to monitor the aspects of the business most important to them. You can track data trends in leads, opportunities, inventory utilization, service issues, expenses, and muchmore. LEARNMORE VideoOverview: NetSuite for ManufacturingCompanies Integrated Back-OfficeOperations NetSuite’s integratedback-office NetSuite enables significant efficienciesin management enables significant efficiencies in manufacturing company finance and operations departments. Thisproven PowerfulFunctionality forManufacturers finance andoperations. solution delivers greater productivity through integration, real-time tracking and reports, and auditing tools that reduce the overhead that typically burdensmanufacturers. • Manufacturing CostControl • ProjectControl • Lot and SerialControl • Multi-Division andMultisite • Bill of Materials(BOM) • DemandPlanning • Product HistoryTracking • AssemblyManagement • WorkOrders • ManufacturingRequirements Planning • ProductionEngineering • Shop FloorControl • ManufacturingInventory Control Integrated EcommerceCapabilities Your website is how most customers choose to interact with your company. NetSuite is the only application providerthato rs website hosting and ecommerce as core components of theapplication—helping youleverage the webtogrowyourbusinessfaster andmorecost- e with an intuitive and streamlined experience forcustomers andpartners.
CustomerSuccesses Contact/Resources Overview Benefits Features Click below to find out how hundreds of manufacturing companies have achievedlower costs, quick ROI, and a rapid time to value runningtheirbusinessonNetSuite. SeehowValutekoverhauleditsdemand planning withNetSuite. LEARNMORE NetSuiteSurvey: ASurveyofKeyBusinessObjectivesandChallenges among Mid-Market ManufacturingCompanies “We were spending 3% of our revenue on SAP. By switching to NetSuite, we reduced that costto 0.1% ofrevenue.” — Asahi Kasei SpandexAmerica
RESOURN CE C S Overview Benefits Features CustomerSuccesses Contact/Resources ONT ACT EXTSTEPS Phone:+65-6805-9288 NetSuitecanhelpyouenableyourcompanyandempoweryouremployees Email: infoapac@netsuite.com Have Us ContactYou Take a Free ProductTour Schedule aDemo ineverycornerofyourorganization.Weinviteyoutocontactusorexplore theadditionalresourcesbelowtofindoutmore. WatchVideos LEARNMORE Video Overview: NetSuite for ManufacturingCompanies Nucleus ResearchNote: Cloud Computing: The Next—andLast— Great TechnologyArchitecture Speck Products Boosts Planning Efficiencyto KeepPace NetSuite’s Impact on Manufacturing CompanyPerformance NucleusReport: RedBuilt’s ROI and PaybackStudy CITO ResearchPaper: The Million DollarMisperception NetSuite Data Sheet: NetSuite ManufacturingEdition NetSuiteSurvey: ASurveyofKeyBusinessObjectivesand Challenges among Mid-Market ManufacturingCompanies RedBuiltSaves$275K+MovingfromSAP to NetSuite NetSuite Customer Story -Cosmosupplylab NETSUITEPARTNERS Supportedbyathrivingecosystem,NetSuite’s providing a number of innovative third-party solutions that are tested and developed specifically to workwith NetSuite. Learnmore. Valutek Overhauls DemandPlanning Lightspeed Drives Order Managementwith NetSuite
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