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RECEPTIONIST SAFETY. AND SECURITY GUIDELINES FOR THE FRONT DESK. RECEPTIONIST SAFETY AND SECURITY GUIDELINES AT THE FRONT DESK. Among many responsibilities at the Reception Front Desk, being aware of your surroundings and safety is essential.
RECEPTIONIST SAFETY AND SECURITY GUIDELINES AT THE FRONT DESK • Among many responsibilities at the Reception Front Desk, being aware of your surroundings and safety is essential. • In case of a fire, an intruder(s), a natural disaster, or any emergency type situation, the following information is a guide for the Receptionist to follow and utilize.
Staff Safety - Stay Alert Facilities Contacts Calling 911 Emergency Red Book Cell Phone Emergency Radio Panic Button Threats of Violence Intruder – Lockdown Medical Emergency Bomb Threats Evacuation Chain of Command First Aid Kit Flight Team Kit AED Defibrillator Kit Building Map Fire Earthquake Weather Receptionist Front Desk Safety and Security - Topics
Staff Safety – Stay Alert • STAY ALERT!The Ainsworth Building is a busy place with people coming and going. Guests may be in the Auditoriums, Conference Rooms, Seminar Rooms or private meetings. Be aware of your surroundings. • Ask yourself: Does this person need help or look lost? Do they belong here? Then be assertive and ask: Hi! How can I help you?
Facilities Contacts • In most circumstances that require immediate attention, Facilities may be your first point of contact. • Facility personnel have telephone extensions that can be called, however, if immediate attention is necessary, you will want to contact them by their cell phone number. • Look in the MESD Switchboard Information Manual located at the Front Desk and under “Frequently Called Numbers, look under “F” for Facilities and their cell numbers are listed. • Please locate these numbers now.
Calling 911 • People or staff may come to you and ask you to call 911. On the telephone console you must first press a line, then press “9” to get an outside line, then dial 911. • When the 911 operator answers, give your name and that you are from Multnomah ESD and state the nature of the emergency. • Answer any questions the 911 operator asks you to the best of your ability. If you are not sure of the answer, tell the 911 operator you are not sure. Only state facts.
Emergency Red Book • Located at the Receptionist Front Desk is a book that is white with red color coding. • In large lettering it is called, “EMERGENCY MANUAL”. • This book is to be taken with you during an emergency. It has information contained in this Receptionist Safety Guide. • Please locate this book now.
Cell Phone • Located behind the telephone console at the Reception desk is a black Motorola cell phone. • This phone is for emergency use only. • It is to be kept fully charged and taken with you during an emergency. • Instructions on how it basically operates is next:
Cell Phone - Continued • Please review pages 1 through 9 to learn how to operate the Emergency Cell Phone. • Click on this: Emergency Cell Phone
Cell Phone - Continued • The “Motorola Group” you are connected to is group “ERT”. It connects you to the following people: • B. Jorgensen, K. Webster, N. Anderson, M. Wheeler, B. Baynes, M. Skolnick, J. Seaburn, M. Wright, B. Goldman, S. Rasmussen, C. Weaver, D. MacFarlane, J. Bailey, J. Lynch, L. Wheeler, G. Murphy, C. Kittams, C. Iselin, T. Johnson & E. Dunphy
Emergency Radio • In the event of a community incident/disaster, the Gresham Emergency Management Radiocan be used to communicate inform, and broadcast information to support the reunification of students with parents.
Emergency Radio – continued: • This radio is located at the Reception Desk and is to be left on and monitored at all times during normal business hours. (Extra batteries are located in the desk drawer.) • Tests from the Gresham Emergency Management are conducted and the radio speaker will ask MESD to respond.
Emergency Radio – Continued: • When you hear the Gresham Radio Operator calling, she will ask: “Multnomah ESD, this is Gresham Emergency Management calling. This is a test. Please respond. Over.” • You pick up the radio from the base, locate the large black button on the left side of the radio, press and hold it down and say, “This is Multnomah ESD loud and clear, out.”
Emergency Radio – Continued: • Then let go of the black button and wait for the Gresham Emergency Management Operator to respond with, “Thank you.” • Place the radio back into it’s base and make sure the front panel still states frequency 1-A and that the volume button is set on loud. The middle knob on top is the where the radio frequency setting is located. • The on/off volume button is located on the top of the radio on the far right.
Emergency Radio – Continued: Radio Protocol Instructions • Gresham Emergency Management will be monitoring during normal duty hours 8am-5pm, Monday through Friday. • As soon as practical after a community incident/disaster, Emergency Management will broadcast the incident information over the radio to let districts know. • As soon as a district becomes aware of a school incident, the Incident District will check in on the radio:
Emergency Radio – Continued: “This is (name), from _________District with incident information. (Report incident information including specific assistance requested.) As soon as a Support district becomes aware of an incident/emergency situation, each support district will check in: “This is (name), from ________District with contact information.” (Report District contact information). This is done by Ron Hitchcock, Superintendent (503-477-0220) or Barbara Jorgensen, Emergency Director (503-793-4257).
Emergency Radio - Continued • Gresham Emergency Management will assign initial talk groups once the Reunification Center Command is established, the Logistics Section in the Command Post will issue incident-specific talk group assignments as needed. • RADIO DISCIPLINE: Net users must keep radio transmissions to the minimum to communicate essential information. All transmissions should be direct, succinct, and in plain language.
Receptionist Safety PANIC BUTTON
In most non-threatening cases, you should do the following: • REMAIN CALM • Respond to the individual(s) in a calm manner by speaking softly, but firmly. • Offer to call someone from a department providing service to help with a resolution. • Call the Director of Human Resources to assist in the situation. REMAIN CALM
The Panic Button is used when the Receptionist feels threatened. • A remote panic button has been attached to the paper organizer on the reception desk. Please take the time to locate this box. It is black, and both buttons pressed firmly will activate a high-pitched alarm that will sound in the following locations:
Panic Button - Continued: • 3rd Floor, Outside the Business Services Office, in the hallway. • 2nd Floor, Next to Alternative Education Offices, outside of Conference Room B. • 1st Floor, Outside the Mail Supply Center • 1st Floor, Outside the Cafeteria Conference Room • 1st Floor, Next to the outside entrance door across from Technology Services.
Panic Button – Continued:What happens when I push the Panic Button? • When the Panic Button is activated, it releases a high-pitched alarm that will sound in the locations listed, and one or more people listed below will respond immediately to the switchboard to assist:
Panic Button – Continued: • Bob Sesnon – Business Services, 3rd Floor • Dana MacFarlane - Business Services, 3rd Floor • Mark Skolnick – Public Affairs, 3rd Floor • Jodi Seaburn – Instructional Services, 2nd floor • Mark Wheeler – Facilities, 1st Floor • Guy Murphy – Facilities, 1st Floor
Threats of Violence • Threats of violence may be delivered in any form: Face to face, email, phone, or in writing. • Activate the “Panic Button” if you are in a position to do so. • If possible, inform one of the Panic Button call list responders to assist you.
Threats of Violence – ContinuedIntruder • Facilitate sufficient space between yourself and the perceived threat or person. • DO NOT attempt to break up fights by physical intervention. Call for assistance and wait for their help. • Remain watchful.
Threats of Violence – ContinuedHostage Situation • REMAIN CALM – The perpetrators will generally focus on the tearful and aggressive victims. • DO AS YOU ARE TOLD – Negotiation is IMPOSSIBLE. • BE OBSERVANT - Of the environment and the perpetrators to provide accurate description to rescuing investigation personnel.
Threats of Violence - Continued • NEVER ATTEMPT TO TAKE A WEAPON AWAY FROM A PERPETRATOR. • When rescued, immediately lay down on the floor. Be prepared to be treated by rescuers as a criminal until it can be validated who the perpetrators are and who the victims are. • Avoid the “Stockholm Syndrome”. Do not be persuaded that the perpetrator has become a “good” person or has “just cause” or “needs leniency.”
Intruder – Lock Down • The Emergency Director (Superintendent) determines the need for a lockdown. • Building security/Maintenance Director locks doors to building. • Emergency Coordinators notify staff of lock down by Emergency Cell Phone (Motorola). • Locate the “Safe Room” nearest you. (See map page). • Check the Men’s and Ladies’ Restrooms, and guide people to the “Safe Room”. • Emergency Director will notify you of an “ALL CLEAR” to come out of “Safe Room” by the ERT cell phone. • In the event of an intruder in the lobby, Auditorium visitors should follow the direction of the person in charge of their meeting, and exit through the outer Auditorium doors.
Medical Emergency • Usually, when a medical emergency happens near you, you will be asked to call 911. • Call 911 and inform the dispatcher your name, you are from MESD and our address: 11611 NE Ainsworth Circle and the nature of the emergency. • Do not move the person who needs medical attention. • Inform the Wing Emergency Commander who is Jodi Seaburn x1651. • Assist Professional Medical Responders when they arrive. • Call x1732 Health and Social Services and see if a nurse is available to assist. • If you have CPR/First Aid Experience and feel comfortable initiating or assisting, take the First Aid Kit with you and delegate someone to call 911.
Bomb Threats • TAKE THREATS SERIOUSLY. • Notify your emergency call list responders. • DO NOT use the fire alarms or telephones in the building. They generate radio waves that could trigger a bomb. • Call 911 from outside the building. Use a communication method that does not generate radio waves. • For Bomb Threat Form: CLICK HERE
Evacuation • Check the Men’s and Ladies’ restrooms and yell: “Evacuate the building now” and make sure no one is in the restrooms. • Check Auditoriums East and West and guide people out of building through the front entrance away from the building. Tell them: “WALK TO THE SIDEWALK AND TURN LEFT AROUND AND AWAY FROM THE BUILDING TO THE BACK PARKING LOT NOW.” • Take the Emergency cell phone • Take the Emergency radio phone • Take the Emergency Manual Red Book and the small, half-size manual • Take the Flight Team Kit • Take the Visitor Log • Take the AED • Someone should be there by now to assist you in carrying these items, if not, leave by exiting the front doors, walk to the sidewalk and turn left around and away from the building to the back parking lot.
Chain of Command for Emergency Response • Emergency Response Team (ERT) are employees involved in emergency planning and the development of a workplace emergency plan which identifies emergencies that could affect our workplace, establishes a chain of command and develops an emergency response policy and procedures. The goal is to plan emergency awareness activities and works in concert with the wellness and safety committees. • Click here to see the Team Chart: CLICK HERE
First Aid Kit • The First Aid Kit is located just below the front desk counter to the right of the computer, on the floor. This First Aid Kit should be kept stocked.See Jane Anne Baileyx 1505 if you need more supplies.
Flight Team Kit • A “Flight Team Kit” is located to the right of the Reception Front Desk, near the end of the desk. It is attached to the standing desk, but is detachable. • This Flight Team Kit must be taken during an emergency and contains several first aid items. • It detaches from the wall, by slightly lifting it up and moving the screw tops to a more open position to slide the box off the wall.
AED Defibrillator Kit • A Defibrillator Kit is located at the Receptionist Front Desk, near the right end of the desk, on the wall, but detachable. • Please take the time to locate this. When you open the door to the Defibrillator an alarm will sound off.
Building Map • To display the map layout of the Ainsworth Building, • Click Here for Lower Floor Map • Click Here for Main Floor Map • Click Here for Upper Floor Map
Fire • In the event of a fire, go to the nearest Fire Alarm and pull it to warn other occupants. • In the event your clothes become on fire, STOP, DROP, AND ROLL. • Evacuate the building and follow the established procedures for evacuating.
EarthQuake • During an earthquake, you are at greatest risk from collapsing ceilings, windows, light fixtures, and other falling objects. If you are indoors, the safest response is to take cover under sturdy furniture or to brace yourself against an inside wall. Stay away from windows, skylights, bookcases and other heavy objects. • DROP, COVER AND HOLD ON: crouch in a safe place under a sturdy table or kneel next to an interior wall, protect your head and neck until the quake stops. • DO NOT USE ELEVATORS. • Be prepared for alarms/sprinkler systems to activate. • Be prepared for aftershocks.
WEATHER • Floods, wind, thunderstorms and snow are likely to be the cause of weather related workplace emergencies. • Wait for instructions from the Superintendent or your Director/Supervisor. Do not evacuate the workplace unless ordered to do so. • Check: http://www.pdxinfo.net/ for the latest closure information.