Get php script from PHP Script Directory Clone will help you to share your professional business card. is a social platform which can link multiple social link profiles (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.), your websites, project links etc., and different online profile links in a single place. If you are a developer and having Script then you can post your demo links to PHP Script Directory. It’s having different Clone Scripts collections in it. While coming to features of php Scripts are Profile creation with a large background image and user profile which can be freely positioned above the background image. Here you can add your online profile links and personal websites to your profile. Script supported social profiles are Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google Plus, Flickr, Foursquare, Instagram, Vimeo, Youtube, Lastfm, and Pinterest. There is possible for check preview before done your building profile. Buttons for sharing profile on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn Profile moderation (admin must approve profiles before they show up in profile directory) SEO Optimized for sharing profiles on Facebook and other social networks. PHP Script directory is Script submission website which is having more than 1200 php clone scripts, 400 mobile apps (android & ios) 600 clone scripts, 25 readymade templates, and 20 Web design & development scripts. Contact Our PHP Script Directory Team: Website URL: Mail us: Make a Call: (USA) – ( 1) 3252004515 Make a Call: (UK) – ( 44) 2032905530 Make a Call: (IND) – ( 91) 9841300660
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