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Euro-FISH Symposium at EAHP Satellite Symposium II; Tuesday October 10; 17:15 18:45

Euro-FISH Symposium at EAHP, Vienna, 8 Oct 2006. . EuroFISH: towards standardized translocation detection in hematopathologyJacques J.M. van DongenDepartment of ImmunologyErasmus MC, RotterdamThe Netherlands. 1.Making the diagnosisNormal ? reactive ? malignant2.Classification of hemat

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Euro-FISH Symposium at EAHP Satellite Symposium II; Tuesday October 10; 17:15 18:45

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Euro-FISH Symposium at EAHP Satellite Symposium II; Tuesday October 10; 17:15 – 18:45 EuroFISH: towards standardized translocation detection in pathology. Jacques van Dongen, NL The need for translocation detection: we can do better! Han van Krieken, NL Yes we can: the results of the EURO-FISH protocol. Anke van Rijk, NL FISH for translocations: the next revolution in lymphoma diagnosis? David Mason, UK

    2. Euro-FISH Symposium at EAHP, Vienna, 8 Oct 2006 EuroFISH: towards standardized translocation detection in hematopathology Jacques J.M. van Dongen Department of Immunology Erasmus MC, Rotterdam The Netherlands

    3. 800s207b Text Molecular and cytogenetic diagnostics in lymphoma patients800s207b Text Molecular and cytogenetic diagnostics in lymphoma patients

    4. S800.756S800.756

    5. S800.757S800.757

    6. IGH gene rearrangement 800506MvAEzw800506MvAEzw

    7. Junctional region diversity jd188ezwjd188ezw

    8. PCR GeneScan analysis of IGH tube A: VH-JH rearrangements awl021zwawl021zw

    9. BIOMED-2 multiplex IGH tube B: VH-FR2–JH BIOMED-2 figuur 4DBIOMED-2 figuur 4D

    10. Analysis of TCRB gene rearrangements BIOMED-2 figuur 8BBIOMED-2 figuur 8B

    11. BIOMED-2 multiplex TCRB tube B: Vb-Jb BIOMED-2 figuur 8DBIOMED-2 figuur 8D

    12. S800.469 BIOMED-2 multiplex tubesS800.469 BIOMED-2 multiplex tubes

    13. 800s207b Text Molecular and cytogenetic diagnostics in lymphoma patients800s207b Text Molecular and cytogenetic diagnostics in lymphoma patients

    14. S800.784S800.784

    15. S800.785S800.785

    16. Fusion-Signal FISH jd158jd158

    17. Split-signal FISH jd159jd159

    18. False positivity vs false negativity .... jd228jd228

    20. Split-signal FISH of MLL gene FISH review figuur 5FISH review figuur 5

    22. S800.733S800.733

    23. Split-signal FISH for human TCR genes jd226zwjd226zw

    24. TCRA/D split-signal FISH in a T-ALL patient jd230jd230

    25. Split-signal FISH in lymphomas S800.782S800.782

    26. Split-signal FISH for human Ig genes jd160zwjd160zw

    27. jd156jd156

    28. PNA-based blocking for FISH: fast and easy jd157jd157

    29. S800.780S800.780

    30. Euro-FISH Symposium at EAHP Satellite Symposium II; Tuesday October 10; 17:15 – 18:45 EuroFISH: towards standardized translocation detection in pathology. Jacques van Dongen, NL The need for translocation detection: we can do better! Han van Krieken, NL Yes we can: the results of the EURO-FISH protocol. Anke van Rijk, NL FISH for translocations: the next revolution in lymphoma diagnosis? David Mason, UK

    32. S800.846S800.846

    33. 800s207b Text Molecular and cytogenetic diagnostics in lymphoma patients800s207b Text Molecular and cytogenetic diagnostics in lymphoma patients

    34. IGH tube C: VH-JH PCR GeneScan analysis awl011zwawl011zw

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