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Patients perspective of the factors for non-attendance to and non-completion of a phase III cardiac rehabilitation prog

Background. Part of a mixed method studySingle site 2006-2007267 patients enrolled for a cardiac rehabilitation programme, 50 patients did not attend and 30 patients did not complete the programme.?Quantitative study showed that smokers and non-skilled manual workers were more likely not to atte

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Patients perspective of the factors for non-attendance to and non-completion of a phase III cardiac rehabilitation prog

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    1. Patients perspective of the factors for non-attendance to and non-completion of a phase III cardiac rehabilitation programme: A qualitative study. Mary Kerins IACR, Raddison Hotel, Stillorgan Oct 17thIACR, Raddison Hotel, Stillorgan Oct 17th

    2. Background Part of a mixed method study Single site 2006-2007 267 patients enrolled for a cardiac rehabilitation programme, 50 patients did not attend and 30 patients did not complete the programme. Quantitative study showed that smokers and non-skilled manual workers were more likely not to attend Telephone Survey Not interested Illness Profiles of patients DNA = not interested Non completers = common illnessProfiles of patients DNA = not interested Non completers = common illness

    3. Background (continued) Benefits of cardiac rehabilitation are well documented (Jacob 1999;Clarke et al 2004) Non-attendance /non-completion - many recent studies have examined this phenomenon (Yohannes et al 2007; Cooper et al 2007; Sanderson and Bittner 2005; Hemmingway 2003) Completion rates range from 58%-89% (Sanderson et al 2003; Jennings et al 2006) Non-attendance rates range 4%-14% (Turner et al 2002; Roblin et al 2004;Blackburn et al 2000) Drop out rates range 30%-50% (Carlson et al 2001; Turner et al 2002; Farley et al 2003; Chan et al 2005)

    4. Purpose To examine the factors why patients do not attend or do not complete cardiac rehabilitation programmes after freely enrolling. To enhance quantitative arm of study

    5. Method 50 patients did not attend and 30 patients did not complete the programme. Ten were identified and invited for interview, of those,seven agreed to be interviewed Convenience sample Semi structured interviews weredone

    6. Method (continued) The interviews were anin depth analysis of the factors that contributed to their non-attendance or non-completion of the programme.An interview schedule was developed using apriori themes. These themes were derived from the researcher's clinical experience and the literature. The interviews were transcribed and coded to the various themes in NVivo. Template analysis 1. Access: This described how the patient traveled to the programme and any problems they might have encountered. 2. Difficulty with lifestyle: this described difficulties with lifestyle changes. 3. Family support: this described the family support network. 4. Health: this described how the patients were feeling at the time of the interview and at the time of the programme. 5. Reasons for non-attendance/non-completion: this described the reasons the patients gave for not attending the programme or for not completing of one. 6. Perceptions of lifestyle: things that the patients thought they should change after a coronary event. 7. Perceptions of the course: this described what the patients thought of the programme. 8. Self: this node contained information about the patient themselves, their family, hobbies and work. 1. Access: This described how the patient traveled to the programme and any problems they might have encountered. 2. Difficulty with lifestyle: this described difficulties with lifestyle changes. 3. Family support: this described the family support network. 4. Health: this described how the patients were feeling at the time of the interview and at the time of the programme. 5. Reasons for non-attendance/non-completion: this described the reasons the patients gave for not attending the programme or for not completing of one. 6. Perceptions of lifestyle: things that the patients thought they should change after a coronary event. 7. Perceptions of the course: this described what the patients thought of the programme. 8. Self: this node contained information about the patient themselves, their family, hobbies and work.

    7. Method Ethics - Approval from AMNCH/SJH joint Ethics committee

    8. Results

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