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Development of Non Food products Claude Andary Laboratoire de Botanique, Phytochimie et Mycologie Faculté de Pharmacie, UMR 5175 Montpellier, France. Development of Non Food products 1- Cultivation and extraction of dyeing plants 2- Exploitation of by-products from food processing
Development of Non Food products Claude Andary Laboratoire de Botanique, Phytochimie et Mycologie Faculté de Pharmacie, UMR 5175 Montpellier, France
Development of Non Food products 1- Cultivation and extraction of dyeing plants 2- Exploitation of by-products from food processing 3- By-products from essential oil industry 4- Other by-products (e.g. forestry …)
1- Cultivation and extraction of dyeing plants Goal : to conduct experiments and in the medium term to propose to farm workers a new agricultural field with high added value in the area of dye plants that include sustainable regional development.
1- Cultivation and extraction of dyeing plants Work steps : Screening on 43 dye plants with : phytochemical characterisation of extracts dyeing on cellulosic fiber (cotton) and proteinous fiber (wool) * colorimetric characterisation : C* (chroma), L* (lightness) and h* (hue) fastness evaluation (light, water) Selection of 10 dye plants with good colorimetric parameters and relative good light stability
wool cotton wool cotton Coreopsis grandiflora (flowers) Achillea millefolium (head flowers)
1- Cultivation and extraction of dyeing plants Work steps : Screening on 43 dye plants with : phytochemical characterisation of extracts dyeing on cellulosic fiber (cotton) and proteinous fibers (wool) colorimetric characterisation : C* (chroma), L* (lightness) and h* (hue) fastness evaluation (light, water) Selection of 10 dye plants with good colorimetric parameters and relative good light stability
Gallium mollugo Serratula tinctoria Tagetes patula Alnus glutinosa Sorghum bicolor Coreopsis tinctoria Solidago canadensis Rhus typhina Photos: Michel Garcia / Pauline Guinot
1- Cultivation and extraction of dyeing plants Perspectives and applied research Improving extraction, dyeing and mordanting techniques More phytochemical studies : to evaluate concentration of dye compounds during vegetative cycle of the plant Toxicological studies : cellular proliferation activity of dye plant extracts
Château de Lauris XVIII century Jardin Conservatoire des Plantes tinctoriales Lauris (Provence) « Couleur Garance » (M. Garcia) « Filière Colorants Naturels » (D. Cardon)
2- Exploitation of by-products from food processing By-product problems : costs drying, storage, shipment, … limiting factors economically But also a promising source of molecules, expected to be health promoting : dietary supplements, functional ingredients
2- Exploitation of by-products from food processing End-day market (e.g. lettuce, onion …) (30 –70% waste material) Lettuce and Onion : = Functional food (new extract with 30 – 50% polyphenols) Antioxidant activity Protection against UV-A and UV-B Anti-inflammatory Other biological activities (undergoing)
Aliments de Santé Chiffre d’affaires Taux croissance (estimation année 2000) ( Milliard de $ ) en % par an • Compléments nutritionnels 28,2 + 14 • Aliments bio 5,1 + 24 • Compléments Vit. et Minéraux 15,4 + 6 • Plantes et compléments à base de plantes 4,0 + 5 • Aliments fonctionnels 14,8 +11 TOTAL : 67,5 MOYENNE : +12 (E. Sloan, Health Ingredients, 2000)
Secteur Filière Secteur agroalimentaire français des Alicaments pharmaceutique Matière première Ingrédient nutraceutique Alicament humain Matières premières agricoles Transformation industrielle Valeur ajoutée en distribution Matières premières Transformation industrielle Valeur ajoutée en distribution 140 milliards €3,5 milliards €25 milliards €
3- By-products from essential oil industry Thymus vulgaris (Lamiaceae) Salvia officinalis (Lamiaceae) Salvia Thymus Distillation wastes • Aqueous extracts: selected by-products (low molecular components) e.g. Melissa extract = rosmarinic acid (antifungal, antibacterial) • Plant residues :
4- Other by-products (e.g. forestry …) Cotinus coggygria (Anacardiaceae) Pistacia terebinthus (Anacardiaceae) Clearing of undergrowth (brushing wood or gardens)
Other applications • « Laboratory of Agro-industrial Chemistry » (LCA) • UMR 1010 (INRA/INP - ENSIACET, Toulouse) • 3 teams: • ‘Analysis of agro-constituents’ • ‘Fractionation and transformation of agro-resources’ • ‘Chemical reactivity of agro-molecules • and lipochemistry’ • Marie-Elisabeth Borredon. www.ensiacet.fr/LCA
Other applications CATAR – CRITT Agroressources Gérard Vilarem : e-mail : gerard.vilarem@ensiacet.fr Competences : extraction and fractionation of vegetable matter, synthesis and hemi-synthesis of agro- molecules, characterisation of fine molecules and agro- polymers …
Other applications « Production and Processing of Tropical Woods » CIRAD, Montpellier Jean Gérard : e-mail : bois-trop@cirad.fr Competences : developing the use of wood and its by-products, for construction, housing and civil engineering purposes