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Strategic Planning at Sunnybrook

Strategic Planning at Sunnybrook. Creating a sustainable future for the organization and those we serve. Chapter Three. Our Mission, Vision and Values and Strategic Goals. next. Mission, Vision and Values.

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Strategic Planning at Sunnybrook

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Strategic Planning at Sunnybrook • Creating a sustainable future for the organization and those we serve

  2. Chapter Three Our Mission, Vision and Values and Strategic Goals

  3. next Mission, Vision and Values Sunnybrook had just gone through a merger and de-merger and the organization was in the process of reinventing and reinvigorating itself. In 2008, we undertook a comprehensive process to reshape the mission, vision and values of the organization.

  4. next Mission, Vision and Values Mission Statement We care for our patients and their families when it matters most. In partnership with the University of Toronto, Sunnybrook leads by discovery, innovation, teaching, and learning.

  5. next Mission, Vision and Values Vision Sunnybrook invents the future of health care.

  6. next Mission, Vision and Values Values Excellence We will exceed the expectations of our patients and their families by anticipating their needs, improving access to care, and ensuring the quality and safety of care. Engagement By engaging others Sunnybrook will succeed. Collaboration We value partnering with others to achieve our mission and vision. Respect There is strength in our differences. By embracing how we are each unique and how every person's perspective is of value, Sunnybrook can be a leader in health care. Accountability Our decisions impact the lives of others. We will assume responsibility for the commitments we make to our colleagues, patients, health care partners and communities.

  7. next Our Goals Sunnybrook has eight strategic goals with three themes: Quality of Patient Care 1 Research and Education 2 Sustainability and Accountability 3

  8. next Quality of Care Under the theme of quality of care, Sunnybrook is committed to: 1 Lead in the development, application and promotion of quality and safe practices system-wide that improve the patient experience and outcomes. 3 2 Focus on the highest levels of specialized care in support of our Academic Health Sciences Centre definition. Work with system partners and government to build an integrated delivery system in support of our communities and our Academic Health Sciences Centre definition.

  9. next Research and Education Under the theme of research and education, Sunnybrook has made a commitment to: 1 Change health care practice through the creation, translation and application of new knowledge in Strategic Priorities. 2 Lead in the creation and implementation of educational excellence to support the development of experts who will improve health care outcomes.

  10. next Sustainability and Accountability Under the theme of sustainability and accountability, Sunnybrook has made a commitment to: 1 Invest in our Strategic Priorities. (Cancer, Heart and Stroke, High Risk Maternal and Newborn Health and major Trauma and Burns) 3 2 Achieve operational excellence through leadership in the development and use of performance management and management practices. Create a culture of engagement, respect and inclusiveness that attracts and inspires talent to achieve excellence.

  11. next How can you participate? Are our strategic goals still relevant? Is anything missing? Would you change or add anything? Please provide us any feedback you may have on our strategic goals in the comments section below or you can email us atstrategicplan2014@sunnybrook.ca

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