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Section C. Understanding and Writing Hotel ADS. Hotel ADS.

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  1. Section C Understanding and Writing Hotel ADS

  2. Hotel ADS • 英文广告一般有标题(headline)、广告正文(body)、插图(illustration)、广告口号(slogans)等部分组成。广告正文通常分以下三个部分:1) 衔接广告标题和插图的语句,这部分语言富有诗意、夸张;2) 商品的叙述描写,多用一般现在时;3) 厂家或公司申明,欢迎购买某商品,最后是署名和广告口号。而宾馆广告应该提供宾馆的一些特色图片资料以吸引读者,侧重于服务项目和服务特色。大多都提供服务特色、客房种类、价格和联系方式(电话和传真号码、或电子邮件地址等)、宾馆的详细地址等。 • 注意广告语言的特点:语言要尽可能简短、明了、通俗易懂。

  3. Sample1 Ads of Lake Hotel A warm welcome from the heart of Lake Hotel staff! • Our 30 rooms and one suite are air-conditioned with satellite TVs and telephone. • Superb bathrooms. • Wine bar. • Restaurant offering Hangzhou, Sichuan and Chinese food. • Conference room. • Laundry service. • Car, motorcycle and bicycle rentals. • Telephone and facsimile service. • Transportation from and to airport. • Single room: $50 Double: $55 Twin: $70 • Suite: $166 • Contact us: tel: (86-0571) 212250; (86-0751) 212509 • Fax: (86-0751) 212250 • Address: 99 # Lake Street, Hangzhou

  4. Abbreviations for hotel ads Int’l Airpt. — International Airport rms. — rooms Rest. — Restaurant quip. — equipment US $1 per in Std. — US dollars for 1 person in standard room Teens free — Free accommodation is provided for young children who are accompanied by adults.

  5. Exercises Directions:Read the following hotel ad and then fill in the blanks with relevant information. Kuala Lumpur — In the park P. O. Box 10983, Jalan Pinang 50732 Kuala Lumpur, West Malaysia Tel: (03) 248 1066 Fax: (03) 243 5930 Location: In city center. Subang Int’l Airpt. 25 km Features: 200 rms./suites. 12 floors. In-room movies. Gift shop. Hairdresser’s. 4 Rest. 1 Bar. Outdoor pool. Sauna. Fitness quip. Tennis Children’s playground. Business services. Rates: US $1 per in Std. 130-150, Teens free

  6. Exercises The hotel is located in__________________. If you want to reserve a room, you can call ___________. The hotel has __ floors and offers many services. If you want to have your hair cut you can go to the __________. If you want to do some physical exercises, you can go _________ or use the fitness equipment. If you are a film fan, the hotel will satisfy you with their ______________ services. The hotel also offers _____________ for you if you want to organize a conference there. You should also understand the abbreviations (缩写形式) of some terms to enjoy yourself better at the hotel. For example: “Rest” stands for _________; “Int’l Airpt” stands for __________________; and “Std” stands for

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