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G. Tyler Miller’s Living in the Environment 13 th Edition

G. Tyler Miller’s Living in the Environment 13 th Edition. Ecosystems: Components, Energy Flow, and Matter Cycling Chapter 4. Key Concepts. What is ecology? What basic processes keep us and other organisms alive? What are the major components of the ecosystem?

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G. Tyler Miller’s Living in the Environment 13 th Edition

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  1. G. Tyler Miller’sLiving in the Environment13th Edition Ecosystems: Components, Energy Flow, and Matter Cycling Chapter 4

  2. Key Concepts What is ecology? What basic processes keep us and other organisms alive? What are the major components of the ecosystem? What happens to energy in the ecosystem? How do scientists study the ecosystem? What are ecosystem services?

  3. What is ecology? The study of how organisms interact with one another and with their non-living environment. (oikos “place to live” logos“study of”) How nature is connected.

  4. Universe Galaxies Biosphere Solar systems Planets Earth Biosphere Ecosystems Ecosystems Communities Populations Realm of ecology Organisms Communities Organ systems Organs Tissues Cells Populations Protoplasm Molecules Atoms Organisms Subatomic Particles

  5. Prokaryotic Cell DNA (information storage, no nucleus) Protein construction and energy conversion occur without specialized internal structures Cell membrane (transport of raw materials)

  6. Figure 4-3 (1)Page 67 Protein construction Nucleus (information storage) Energy conversion Cell membrane (transport of raw materials and finished products) Packaging Eukaryotic Cell

  7. The Nature of Ecology Ecosystem Organization • Organism • Any form of life

  8. The Nature of Ecology Ecosystem Organization • Organism • Any form of life • Species • Group of organisms that resemble one another • Actually or potentially breed with one another • Produce live, fertile offspring

  9. The Nature of Ecology Ecosystem Organization • Communities • Populations of the different species occupying a particular place • Biological community • Populations • Group of interacting individual of the same species that occupy a specific area a the same time. • Organisms • Any living organism

  10. The Nature of Ecology Ecosystem Organization • Biosphere • All of the earth’s ecosystems • Ecosystem • A community of different species interacting with one another and their nonliving environment

  11. Population Biosphere Species Community Ecosystem Biome

  12. The Earth’s Life-Support Systems • Atmosphere • Troposphere • Stratosphere • Hydrosphere • Lithosphere • Biosphere Fig. 4-6 p. 68

  13. Sustaining Life of Earth • One-way flow of energy • Sun • Living materials and living things • Into the environment • Cycling of matter • Atoms, ions, molecules needed for survival • Gravity

  14. The Source of Energy Fig. 4-8 p. 69

  15. Ecosystem Concepts and Components • Biomes • “By-ohms” • Land ecosystems • Distinct climate and specific life-forms • Role of climate • Long term patterns of weather • Determines what type of life will thrive • Aquatic life zones • freshwater • ocean or marine life Fig. 4-9 p. 70

  16. Ecosystem Boundaries: Ecotones Fig. 4-10 p. 71

  17. Figure 4-11 Page 72 Sun Producers (rooted plants) Producers (phytoplankton) Primary consumers (zooplankton) Secondary consumers (fish) Dissolved chemicals Tertiary consumers (turtles) Sediment Decomposers (bacteria and fungi) Major components of freshwater ecosystem

  18. Figure 4-12 page 72 Major components of a terrestrial ecosystem Sun Oxygen (O2) Producer Carbon dioxide (CO2) Secondary consumer (fox) Primary consumer (rabbit) Producers Falling leaves and twigs Precipitation Soil decomposers Water Soluble mineral nutrients

  19. Principles of Ecological Factors Terrestrial Ecosystems Aquatic Life Zones Abiotic factors • Sunlight • Temperature • Precipitation • Wind • Latitude (distance from equator) • Altitude (distance above sea level) • Fire frequency • Soil • Light penetration • Water currents • Dissolved nutrient concentrations (especially N and P) • Suspended solids • Salinity Figure 4-13Page 73

  20. Principles of Ecological Factors • Law of tolerance- the existence, abundance, and distribution of a species in an ecosystem are determined by whether the levels ofone or more physical or chemical factors fall within the range of tolerance. Optimum Range Zone of Intolerance Zone of Physiological Stress

  21. Principles of Ecological Factors • Limiting factors principle – too much or too little of any abiotic factor can limit or prevent growth of a population, even if all other factors are at or near the optimum range of tolerance. Fig. 4-14 p. 73; Refer to Fig. 4-13 p. 73

  22. The Biotic Components of Ecosystems • Producers (autotrophs) • Transform energy by Photosynthesis • Consumers (heterotrophs) • Transform energy by Aerobic Respiration • Decomposers Fig. 4-16 p. 75

  23. Ecosystems Use Sunlight As Their Source of Energy

  24. Conservation of Matter and Energy Capture Photosynthesis 6 CO2 + 6 H20 C6H12O6 + 6 O2 Respiration C6H12O6 + 6 O2 6 CO2 + 6 H20

  25. Trophic “Feeding” Levels First Trophic Level Second Trophic Level Third Trophic Level Fourth Trophic Level Producers (plants) Primary consumers (herbivores) Feed directly on producers Secondary consumer (carnivores) Feed on Primary Consumers Tertiary consumer Feed on other carnivores

  26. Trophic Levels Omnivore Eat plants and animals Detritivores and Scavengers Feed on detritus, dead organisms, and waste Decomposers Break down dead organic material Release the resulting simpler compounds into the soil Anaerobic respiration (absence of oxygen) Methane, ethyl alcohol, acetic acid, hydrogen sulfide

  27. Figure 4-15 page 75 Detritus feeders Decomposers Bark beetle engraving Carpenter ant galleries Termite and carpenter ant work Long-horned beetle holes Dry rot fungus Wood reduced to powder Mushroom Powder broken down by decomposers into plant nutrients in soil Time progression

  28. Biodiversity:What is it and why is it important? The different life-forms and life-sustaining processes.

  29. Biodiversity:What is it and why is it important? Kinds of biodiversity include: Genetic diversity Variety in the genetic makeup among individuals within a species Species diversity Variety among species found in different habitats of the planet Ecological diversity Variety of biological communities Functional diversity Biological and chemical processes or functions needed for survival

  30. Connections: Food Webs and Energy Flow in Ecosystems Food chains – sequence of organisms each of which is a food source for the next.

  31. Connections: Food Webs and Energy Flow in Ecosystems Food webs – a network of interconnected food chains

  32. ECOLOGY Food Web – chains assembled into one large web.

  33. ECOLOGY Ecological Pyramid A food chain that shows the relationship between the organisms in each trophic level.

  34. Ecological Pyramids • Pyramid of energy flow • Ecological efficiency • Range 5%-20% • Typically 10% • Pyramid of biomass • Pyramid of numbers Fig. 4-20 p. 79

  35. Ecological Pyramids of Numbers The figures represent number of individuals counted at each trophic level.

  36. The total dry weight of organisms in a particular trophic level is referenced as “biomass”. Ecological Pyramids of Biomass BIOMASS = # of organisms x the weight of an average individual biomass

  37. Ecological Pyramids of Biomass

  38. Ecological Pyramids of Energy • Energy in ecosystems flows from producers to consumers. • Energy is depicted in kilocalories. • Primary producers convert only about 1% of the energy in available sunlight. • The average amount of energy that is available to the next trophic level is about 10%.

  39. Ecological Pyramids of Energy

  40. Primary Productivity of Ecosystems Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) Rate at which an ecosystem’s producers convert solar energy into chemical energy as biomass kg/m2/year (kcal/m2/year) Net Primary Productivity (NPP) Difference between the rate at which producers store energy as biomass and the rate at which producers use chemical energy stored as biomass

  41. Primary Productivity of Ecosystems

  42. Connections: Matter Cycling in Ecosystems Biogeochemical (nutrient) cycles Hydrologic cycle (H2O) Atmospheric cycles (C,N) Sedimentary cycles (S,P)

  43. Hydrologic (Water) Cycle Fig. 4-27 p. 83 

  44. Hydrologic (Water) Cycle • Absolute humidity • The amount of water vapor found in a mass of air (g water/kg air) • Relative humidity • The amount of water vapor in a certain amount of air, expressed as a percentage the maximum amount it could hold at that temperature • Condensation nuclei • tiny particles on which droplets of water form • Dew point • Temperature at which condensation occurs

  45. Affects of Human Activity on the Water Cycle Withdrawing large quantities of water Clearing vegetation Increased runoff Reduced infiltration Increased flooding Soil erosion Modifying water quality Adding nutrients Other pollutants

  46. The Carbon Cycle (Terrestrial) Fig. 4-28 p. 84-85

  47. The Carbon Cycle (Aquatic) Fig. 4-28 p. 84-85 http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/genbio/tlw3/eBridge/Chp29/animations/ch29/1_carbon_cycle.swf

  48. Carbon Cycle

  49. Human Activities Affecting the Carbon Cycle Clearing tree Burning fossil fuels and wood

  50. Figure 4-29 Page 86 Gaseous Nitrogen (N2) In Atmosphere Nitrogen Fixation by industry for agriculture Food Webs On Land uptake by autotrophs excretion, death, decomposition uptake by autotrophs Fertilizers NO3 – in soil Nitrogen Fixation bacteria convert to ammonia (NH3) ; this dissolves to form ammonium (NH4+) Nitrogenous Wastes, Remains In Soil Denitrification by bacteria 2. Nitrification bacteria convert NO2-tonitrate (NO3-) Ammonification bacteria, fungi convert the residues to NH3, this dissolves to form NH4+ NH3,NH4+ in soil 1. Nitrification bacteria convert NH4+ tonitrite (NO2–) NO2 – in soil loss by leaching loss by leaching The Nitrogen Cycle

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