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Eligibility. Less than 80% of the US Average Per Capita Income per the most recent data from US Census or US BEAUnemployment at least 1% above the US Average for the most recent 24-months per Census or BLS. 2. Colorado EDA Unemployment Eligible Areas-24-Month Data. US Average 6.70%Costilla 8.42% Crowley 8.02%Dolores 9.20% .
1. United States Department of CommerceECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATIONDenver Regional Office The mission of EDA is to lead the federal economic development agenda by promoting innovation and competitiveness, preparing American regions for growth and success in the worldwide economy.
2. Eligibility Less than 80% of the US Average Per Capita Income per the most recent data from US Census or US BEA
Unemployment at least 1% above the US Average for the most recent 24-months per Census or BLS
3. Colorado EDA Unemployment Eligible Areas-24-Month Data US Average 6.70%
Costilla 8.42%
Crowley 8.02%
Dolores 9.20%
4. Colorado Low Per Capita Income (PCI) Counties-Less than 80% of US Average Adams 78.6%
Alamosa 70.6%
Archuleta 68.2%
Baca 77.5%
Bent 50%
Chaffee 76.3%
Conejos 52.5%
Costilla 62.7% Crowley 35.5%
Custer 75.3%
Delta 70.4%
Dolores 74.7%
Fremont 59.9%
Hinsdale 76.8%
Huerfano 56.9%
Jackson 69.6%
5. Low PCI Counties Continued Kit Carson 76.4%
Lake 64.9%
Las Animas 68.4%
Lincoln 60.5%
Logan 72.5%
Montrose 75.2%
Morgan 68.8%
Phillips 71.3%
Prowers 66.6%
Pueblo 70.6%
Rio Grande 75.6%
Saguache 49.1%
Washington 73.8%
Weld 68.1%
Yuma 74.1%
6. Statsamerica.org Developed with EDA grant by University of Indiana Business School
Website: statsamerica.org/pre/distress/distress.html
Great source of statistical information
7. Special Need Plant closing or major job losses
Natural disaster
Industry sector downturn
Defined Area of Distress
8. EDA Denver Region
9. EDAs PROGRAMS EDA provides funding to eligible applicants under seven programs, which address different development needs. 1. Public Works
2. Economic Adjustment
3. Research & National Technical Assistance
4. Local Technical Assistance
5. Partnership Planning
6. University Centers
7. Trade Adjustment Assistance
10. 1. Public WorksEmpowers distressed communities to revitalize, expand and upgrade their physical infrastructure to attract new industry, encourage business expansion, diversify local economies, and generate or retain long-term, private sector jobs and investment.
11. 2. Economic AdjustmentThe Economic Adjustment Program assists state and local interests to design and implement strategies to adjust or bring about change to an economy. The program focuses on areas that have experience or are under threat of serious structural damage to the underlying economic base.
12. 3. Research & National Technical AssistanceThe Research and National Technical Assistance Program supports research for leading edge, world class economic development practices, as well as funds information dissemination efforts.
13. 4. Local Technical AssistanceThe Local Technical Assistance Program helps fill the knowledge and information gaps that may prevent leaders in the public and non-profit sectors in distressed areas from making optimal decisions on local economic development issues.
14. 5. Partnership PlanningEDAs Partnership Planning programs help support local organizations (Economic Development Districts, Indian Tribes, and other eligible areas) with their long-term planning efforts and their outreach to the economic development community on EDAs programs and policies.
15. 6. University CentersThe University Center Program is a partnership of the federal government and academia that makes the varied and vast resources of universities available to the economic development community.
16. 7. Trade Adjustment AssistanceEDA Uses a national network of twelve Trade Adjustment Assistance Centers to help manufacturers and producers affected by increased imports prepare and implement strategies to guide their economic recovery.
17. EDAs INVESTMENT POLICY GUIDELINES: In order to be competitive, a proposal for EDA funding must Be market-based and results-driven
Have strong organizational leadership
Advance productivity, innovation and entrepreneurship
Look beyond the immediate economic horizon, anticipate economic changes, and diversify the local and regional economy
Demonstrate a high degree of commitment by exhibiting high levels of matching funds, local support, and public-private cooperation
18. Application Process Pre-application available on EDA website, http://www.eda.gov.
Proposals accepted all year.
Response within 60 days of submission if complete.
Matching funds must be identified and committed.
19. EDAs FUNDING PRIORITIES: Priority will be given to proposals that Support long-term, coordinated, and collaborative regional economic development approaches.
Support innovation and competitiveness.
Encourage Entrepreneurship.
Support Strategies and investments that connect regional economies with the worldwide marketplace.
Support communities facing sudden and severe economic problems.
Support faith-based social entrepreneurship
Historic preservation and brownfields revitalization
Support communities impacted by military spending
20. EDAs GOAL: RESULTS! Higher-skill, Higher-wage Jobs
Increased Investment of Private Capital in New and Expanding Businesses
John Zender, Colorado Contact