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FAIR - International F acility for A ntiproton and I on R esearch Status Report Jürgen Eschke / GSI,Darmstadt. Evaluation Letters of Intent Status Planing International Steering Committee Next Steps. Key Technical Features. Cooled beams
FAIR - International Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research Status Report Jürgen Eschke / GSI,Darmstadt • Evaluation Letters of Intent • Status Planing • International Steering Committee • Next Steps
Key Technical Features • Cooled beams • Rapidly cycling superconducting magnets Facility Characteristics Primary Beams • 1012/s; 1.5-2 GeV/u; 238U28+ • Factor 100-1000 over present in intensity • 2(4)x1013/s 30 GeV protons • 1010/s 238U73+ up to 35 GeV/u • up to 90 GeV protons SIS 100/300 SIS UNILAC FRS Secondary Beams ESR • Broad range of radioactive beams up to 1.5 - 2 GeV/u; up to factor 10 000 in • intensity over present • Antiprotons 3 - 30 GeV HESR Super FRS Storage and Cooler Rings CR NESR FLAIR RESR • Radioactive beams • e- – A (or Antiproton-A) collider • 1011 stored and cooled 0.8 - 14.5 GeV antiprotons
Letters of Intent (LoI) PAC on Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Astrophysics (NUSTAR-PAC): 1.) Low Energy Branch (LEB) .Scheidenberger GSI High-resolution In-Flight Spectroscopy (HISPEC) J. Gerl GSI Decay Spectroscopy with Implanted Ion Beams (DESPEC) J. Woods Edinburgh Precision Measurements of very short-lived Nuclei using an Advanced Trapping System for highly-charged Ions (MATS) K.Blaum Mainz LASER Spectroscopy for the Study of Nuclear Properties (LASPEC) W.Nörtershäuser GSI Neutron Capture Measurements (NCAP) M.Heil FZK Antiprotonic Radioactive Nuclides (Exo+pbar) M. Wada Riken 2.) High Energy Branch (R3B) A Universal Setup for Kinematical Complete Measurements of Reactions with Relativistic Radioactive Beams (R3B) T. Aumann GSI 3.) Ring Branch (STORIB) Study of Isomeric Beams, Lifetimes and Masses (ILIMA) Y .Novikov SPNPI Exotic Nuclei Studied in Light-Ion Induced Reactions at the NESR Storage Ring (EXL) H. Emling GSI Electron-Ion Scattering in a Storage Ring (e-A Collider) (ELISe) H. Simon GSI Antiproton-Ion Collider: A Tool for the Measurement of Neutron and Proton rms radii of Stable and Radioactive Nuclei (pbarA) P. Kienle TUM Spectroscopy of Pionic Atoms with Unstable Nuclei (PIONIC) K. Itahashi Riken 450 users (619)
Letters of Intent (LoI) 834 users PAC on QCD: ASSIA Study of Spin-dependent Interactions with Antiprotons R.Bertini Torino CBM Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment P.Senger GSI DIRAC Tests of Low Energy QCD L.Nemenov JINR Dubna PANDA Strong Interaction Studies with Antiprotons U.Wiedner TSL Uppsala PAX Antiproton-Proton Scattering Experiments with Polarization F.Rathmann FZJ PAC on Atomic Physics, Plasma Physics and Applications (APPA-PAC): Laser Cooling of Highly Charged Ions at SIS 100/300 U. Schramm LMU FLAIR - A Facility for Low-energy Antiproton and Ion Research E. Wiedman Tokyo Anti-deuteron Breeding in a Double Ring Collider W. Oehlert FZ-Jülich SPARC Stored Particles in Atomic physics Research R. Schuch Stockholm HEDGEHOB: High Energy Density matter GEenerated by Heavy-iOn Beams D. Varentsov Darmstadt Applications of Relativistic Ions in Radiobiology and Space Research M. Durante Napoli Materials Research with Relativistic Heavy Ion Beams S. Klaumünzer HMI Radiative Properties of Warm Dense Matter F. B. Rosmej Marseille 505 users
The International Steering Committee for FAIR ISC Internat. Steering Committee H.Schunck STI Working Group Scientific + Technical Issues Sidney Gales AFI Working Group Administrative and Funding Issues H.-F.Wagner FAIR Project PAC QCD E.Chiavassa PAC NUSTAR R.Casten PAC APPA D.Schwalm TAC Yanglai Cho EU Observers:
QCD-PAC for evaluation of CBM, Panda, ASSIA, DIRAC and PAX
PAC- TAC- STI meetings June 14-16th STI Meeting, June 16th
CBM :Compressed Baryonic Matter –relativistic heavy-ion Collisions- Core expt for FAIR . Strongly supported –TP PANDA-4p detector: ideal match with the future laboratory and its antiprotons beams. Strongly supported –TP DIRAC : lifetime of pK , p+,p- atoms –Run at CERN LoI rejected –Wait for CERN expt results * PAX and ASSIA : Spin dependant Interactions with antiprotons Spin physics of extreme interest and unique in the world for FAIR Not approved ,a more ambitious and convincing study of how antiproton polarization can be included Follow up started: An International Polarization Working Group has started its activities! Workshop organized Aug 30 : Outcomes PAX and ASSIA coll agree to merge in one larger and stronger Collaboration and will submit a full TP by Jan15th QCD-PAC Results
FAIR Construction Cost Investment cost incl, R&D 720 Mio €, Personell 127 Mio € Total Cost (Index Year 2000) 847 Mio € including cost escalation 1027 Mio € In February 2003: Decision of the German Government to build the facility and to carry 75% of the construction costs! 25% have to come from other countries
Legal and Regulatory Procedures for Construction Planning of FAIR
SIS100/300 Underground Tunnel 5 m -24 m Tunnel in Open-Pit Construction
Radiation Safety Approval In February 2002, one year before the “green light” was obtained from the German government, GSI applied for the Construction of an International Facility for the Research with Ion and Proton Beams at the Hessian Ministry for Environment In December 2003, GSI received official letterwith the first approval: ....the planned facility will fulfill the requirements in accordance with the German radiation protection laws for the construction of the whole installation and the operation as outlined in the Conceptual Design Report.
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 SIS18 Upgrade 70 MW Connection Proton-Linac General Planning 2,7x1011 /s 238U28+ (200 MeV/u) 5x1012 protons per puls I Civil Construction 1 SIS100/300 Tunnel, SIS Injection+Extraction+Transfer SIS100 Transfer Line SIS18-SIS100 High Energy Beam Lines Transfer Buildings/Line Super-FRS, Auxiliary Bldgs., Transfer Tunnel to SIS18, Building APT,Super-FRS, CR-Complex RIB High+Low Energy Branch, II Civil Construction 2 RIB Prod.-Target, Super-FRS RIB High+Low Energy Branch Antiproton Prod.-Target CR-Complex 1x1011/s 238U28+ (0.4-2.7GeV/u) ->RIB (50% duty cycle) 2.5x1013 p (1-30 GeV) 3-30 GeV pbar->fixed target 10.7 GeV/u 238U -> HADES* III Civil Construction 3 CBM-Cave, Pbar-Cave, Reinjection SIS100 HESR &. 4 MV e- –Cooling In NESR IV HESR ( ground level), NESR, AP-cave, e-A Collider, PP-cave Accuracy: 6 -8 months Civil Construction 4 SIS300* 8 MV e- –Cooling e-A Collider 1x1012/s 238U28+ 100% duty cycle pbar cooled p (1-90 GeV) 35 GeV/u 238U92+ NESR physics plasma physics V Civil Construction Experiment Potential Civil Construction Production and Installation *SIS300 installation together with SIS100
The International Steering Committee for FAIR ISC Internat. Steering Committee H.Schunck STI Working Group Scientific + Technical Issues Sidney Gales AFI Working Group Administrative and Funding Issues H.-F.Wagner FAIR Project PAC QCD E.Chiavassa PAC NUSTAR R.Casten PAC APPA D.Schwalm TAC Yanglai Cho EU Observers:
FAIR’s International Working Groups AFI Signing of MoU MoU Phase I – Governed by MoU Phase II Governed by Contracts Contract(s) Development Contract(s) Negotiations Closing 2005 2004 2006 STI LoI's Proposals / TR's TDR's Technical Committee PAC's
The international FAIR project and its members Germany France Greece Finland Spain Russia Sweden UK Italy Hungary Poland FAIR Council (Representatives of Institutions) Obs. EU Observ. USA Project Management UK Obs. India FAIR Project GSI Obs. China Finland Russia France Spain Italy Resources, Finances, Manpower and Hardware Contributions Hungary Demands of the Project towards partners Sweden FZ-Jülich
Signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) September 23, 2004 in Berlin FAIR member countries: Germany, Finland, France, UK, Greece, Italy, Russia, Spain, Sweden Observers: Hungary, Poland, India, China, USA
Next Steps • September 2004, Signing of MoU • January 15th, 2005,Submission of TRs (Technical Reports -Accel.) and TPs (Technical Proposals) determination of costs of each subproject • in 2005, the International Steering Committee defines the Scope of the Project based on the scientific merits (STI) and the resources (AFI) available • 2006 to 2008Technical Design Reports (TDR) for the sub systems • Determination of Legal Structure of FAIR and the contributions of the member countries to the Facility • Summer of 2006: Contract on FAIR signed by Member States, Start of construction of FAIR • 2010 - 2013: Commissioning of FAIR
FAIR – The most complex accelerator project SIS UNILAC FRS ESR HESR Super FRS CR NESR RESR SIS 100 SIS 300 GSI as of today SIS18 Upgrade CBM Beamlines Plasma Phys. Atom.Phys. PANDA El.Cooler High En. Expt. Low En. Expt. FLAIR NESR Expts