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Acc - 16

Acc - 16. Kelsey, Katie, and Lauren decided to have pizza party. They are trying to decide which pizza restaurant has the best deal. The local pizza places and their prices are listed below. Dominos, $8.50, eight slices per pizza Pizza Hut, $10.25, ten slices per pizza

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Acc - 16

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Acc - 16 Kelsey, Katie, and Lauren decided to have pizza party. They are trying to decide which pizza restaurant has the best deal. The local pizza places and their prices are listed below. Dominos, $8.50, eight slices per pizza Pizza Hut, $10.25, ten slices per pizza Papa Johns, $6.25, six slices per pizza All slices are the same size and there is no taste preference between restaurants. Assume 28 friends, plus the three girls, are coming to the party. They girls are not sure if you can order these pizzas by the slice or not. Kelsey says Dominos is the best deal, Katie says Pizza Hut, and Lauren says Papa Johns. Can all three be right or is only one (or two) of them correct about the best deal?

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