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Building Technology Leaders with Peer Coaching. Colet Bartow * Dennis Small * Jane Miller * Shelee King George. In This Session. Technology Carousel. When considering 21 st Century students, think about the ways they work.
Building Technology Leaders with Peer Coaching Colet Bartow * Dennis Small * Jane Miller * Shelee King George
Technology Carousel • When considering 21st Century students, think about the ways they work. • Share technology tools and trends that add value to or make the work easier for the following learning tasks? • Communication • Collaboration • Gathering Information • Organization of Information • Expression
Supporting 21st Century Learning in the Classroom Consider the skills and knowledge TEACHERS need to offer this type of learning to their students:
Peer Coaching at a Glance us.partnersinlearningnetwork.com
Peer Coaching Focus Trust Tech Integration Lesson Improvement CoachSkills
Montana: Peer Coaching Through Technology Integration (PCTI)
Spokane Flavor of Peer Coaching State Ed Tech Standards + Community Bond Funding = District Commitment to Curriculum Embedding of the Educational Technology Standards & Peer Coaching
Spokane Flavor of Peer Coaching • Support Ed Tech Embedded Curriculum with Training and the Technology Tools to Implement (Secondary Social Studies and Primary k-3 Social Studies) Goal: Increase Teacher Technology Proficiency in Tier 2 and Tier 3 Current increase of 13%
Spokane Flavor of Peer Coaching Peer Coach Perspective: Teacher Quotes “Peer coaching has provided our department with the technology, the necessary trainingin how to use it, and a vision to train other teachers in the building.” “Peer Coaching has helped our department address the new technology standards embedded in our district's curriculum, as well as build our overall proficiency in the use of technology in the classroom.” “Peer coaching has changed the way we teach and how our students learn in the classroom. Our students’ depth of understanding has increased as well as the breadth of their knowledge base. Students present their learning using the SMART board, which leaves their parents in awe of their technological skills.”
Peer Coaching in Washington • 2001 Puget Sound Center develops T2CI–Teaching + Technology Coaching Initiative • 2002 partnership with ETSC directors takes the program statewide • 2004 Microsoft integrates peer coaching into Partners in Learning (PiL) initiative • 2007-11 Enhanced Peer Coaching funded 100% by Title IID competitive dollars
Enhanced Peer Coaching 2-year program, 3 cadres from 2007-11 Title IID grant funded training, laptop, projector, document camera, and NCCE attendance 8 days of Peer Coaching training + 2 days of Technology Integration in Year 1 4 additional days of Peer Coaching training in Year 2 518 Peer Coaches, 1041 participating teachers
Peer Coaching Sustainability Models Districts like Spokane that have trained their own facilitators Fee-for-service offering at Educational Technology Support Centers (ETSCs) at Educational Service Districts (ESDs) Districts training Teacher Librarians as Peer Coaches
Teacher Librarian Peer Coaching New partnership between OSPI, ETSC Program, and Washington Library Media Association (WLMA) Initial offering in 2011-12, sign up by March 18, with kick-off session end of April 8 sessions of Peer Coaching with activities around Big 6 and using primary source materials included $799 cost, with WLMA scholarships available
If You Build it…. • Promote collaborative opportunities • Become a coach • Consider building a Peer Coaching Program • Join the Partners in Learning Network • Become a facilitator http://peer-ed.com http://us.partnersinlearningnetwork.com
Questions? View our presentation and handout Wiki at 2011.ncceconnect/T207 Shelee King George pcinfo@peer-ed.com Colet Bartow CBartow@mt.gov Jane Miller Janem@SpokaneSchools.org Dennis Small Dennis.Small@k12.wa.us