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Choosing the Right Construction & Program Management Company for Your Project

Armand Corporation takes responsibility for realizing dreams, rebuilding hope, and restoring faith in communities across America. Our acute expertise and process in construction and program management derive from specialized services tailored to specifics that bring out the best in ourselves, partners, participants, and the diverse range of client agencies we serve wherever there is a need.

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Choosing the Right Construction & Program Management Company for Your Project

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  1. Choosing the Right Construction &ProgramManagement CompanyforYourProject

  2. AboutUs Armand Corporation takes responsibility for realizing dreams, rebuilding hope, and restoring faith in communities across America. Our acuteexpertiseandprocessinconstructionandprogrammanagementderivefromspecializedservicestailoredtospecificsthatbringout thebestinourselves,partners,participants,andthediverserangeofclientagenciesweservewhereverthereisaneed. Armand provides leadership in program and construction management for public, private, and partnership-based entities across and beyondU.S.bordersfromassessmenttoexecutionandeverythinginbetween.Workinginacross-sectionofcommunity-facingsectorswith agencies ranging from the New York City Housing Authority and the New Jersey Department of Transportation to the School District of Philadelphia, Armand leads our clients through planning and decision making with data-backed analysis in cost, schedule, quality, safety, andfeasibilitytocontrolvariablesandachievabilityeverystepoftheway.Frommulti-familyhousing,education,transportation,utilities,to full-scale community disaster recovery and resiliency programs, Armand partners with people to improve places through proven processes, andrepeatedperformance. Incorporated April 16, 1991, Armand understands that client and community trust is earned through reliability. We appreciate the weight of responsibility our clients entrust us with. We excel in complex, high-stakes community regeneration programs where client agencies are tasked with scopes and responsibilities of all but overwhelming proportions. Armand guides clients through a customized suite of services intendedtoaddresseachclient’sparticularneeds.Withoverthirtyyearsofexpertise,weprovidesupervisoryservices,programandproject management,andadministrativefunctionsrequiredforplanning,assessment,execution,andreporting.Westrivetomaximizefundingto goalsthroughintegratedcostestimates,scheduling,safety,qualityassuranceandcontrolmethodologiesforeveryassignment.

  3. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENTATRISK Armand’s success in CMAR stems from our ability to harmoniously orchestrate a symphonyofdifferentmovingpartssimultaneously.Beginningwiththeowner/agency and encompassing the entire architecture, engineering, and subcontracted construction team, CMAR necessitates a forward-focused approach to collaboration and communication across all project variables to compel win-win solutions to any challenge. Leveraging a team-think process, the CMAR delivery method joins owners, designers, and builders in dissecting opportunities and obstacles to arrive at a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) based on the construction documents, plans and specifications, and appropriate contingency. Acting as a consultant to the owner, Armand drives the preconstruction process through budgeting, estimating, scheduling, quality assurance, safety planning, constructability, and site logistics planning before establishing an all- inclusive,not-to-exceedcosttocompletethework.OncetheGMPisagreedto,Armand manages subcontractor prequalification, bidding, and selection processes to establish the full suite of construction resources required to deliver the project on-time and on- budgettotheowner’ssatisfaction.

  4. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENTASAGENT Serving in an advisory capacity to the client, Armand’s success in Construction ManagerasAgentstemsfromourdeepappreciationforpeople,places,processes, and performance. Large-scale commercial construction is enmeshed in complexities of many sorts. From financial and schedule controls to best-value selections in means, methods, materials, and resources, strategic, holistic decision making is always the epicenter of successful execution. In institutional settings, where there are often long-range, ancillary variables associated with masterplanning,facilityconditions,fundingpartners,andstakeholders,theneed for a well-rounded construction management advisor becomes ever more prudent.

  5. PROGRAMMANAGEMENT Working as an extension of the contracting entity, Armand provides comprehensive Program Management services to municipal, regional, and state governmentagenciesfacedwithoverwhelmingworkloads.Ourrigorous,process- based experience in a diverse range of public-facing construction assignments allows us to provide flexible, adaptable Program Management services as an embeddedconsultantadvisorandworkforceresource. Financial Compliance ResourceManagement ProgramandProjectDocumentation

  6. DESIGN-BUILD Design-Builddeliveryrequires consistent collaborationacrossall disciplines to synchronizeownerexpectations withdesignachievability andtherealitiesof constructionschedules,constraints, andlogistics.Armandservesas avitaladvocatefor excellenceinallregardsbyunifyingeachproject’smanydiverseinfluencesaround maximizing owner and user benefits through strong communication and team orchestration. Design-Build projects take advantage of a single-point-of-accountability approach that umbrellas designers, engineering, and subconsultants under the design-builder’s authoritytosavetimeandmoneyinprojectdeliveryby streamlining execution.Success in this methodology begins with assessing and assembling the right team and harmonizingownerexpectationswithdesign and construction perspectivesfromthe project’searliestinteractions.Thedesignsolution and congruentcostand schedule trackingareadvancedthroughownerapprovalswithdeliberateintent.Opportunities to compel beneficial cost and timesavings throughearly bid packages, prefabrication strategies, and tighter control of quality, safety, and logistics are all integrated into designobjectivesfromtheonset.

  7. ContactUs! 212.542.4179 https://www.armandcorp.com/ 1350Broadway,Suite1901 NewYork,NY10018

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