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Key Terms. Alcohol- drug that depresses the brain and nervous system. Fermentation-a process where yeast, sugar, and water are combined to make alcohol and carbon dioxide. Distillation- a process that uses a fermented mixture to obtain an alcoholic beverage with very high alcohol %.
Key Terms Alcohol- drug that depresses the brain and nervous system. Fermentation-a process where yeast, sugar, and water are combined to make alcohol and carbon dioxide. Distillation- a process that uses a fermented mixture to obtain an alcoholic beverage with very high alcohol %.
Types of Alcohol • Beer-made by fermenting barley, corn, or rye. • Around 4% Alcohol • Malt Liquor is a higher % beer • Light beer has roughly same % alcohol but less calories. • Wine –made by fermenting grapes and other fruits • 12-14 % alcohol • Wine coolers are carbonated and contain much lower alcohol % • Liquor-made by distillation. • Whiskey, Bourbon, Rye, Rum, Vodka, Brandy, and Tequila • Most around 40 % alcohol • Measured by Proof which is double the alcohol %
Alcohol in the Body • Alcohol enters the blood stream in minutes • About 20 percent through the stomach walls • Majority of it through the intestine walls • The rest excreted through urine, perspiration, or breath. • What happens to it? • Alcohol is changed to harmless waste by the liver • Liver can only process about one drink an hour • What is left builds up in the body • The more that is consumed the stronger the effects • Alcohol is measured by BAC. Blood Alcohol Concentration
How much is a Drink? • One Half Ounce is considered a drink of alcohol. • 1 beer • 4-5 ounces of wine • 1 shot • 1 mixed drink
What is Alcohol? • Alcohol is a toxin • A toxin is a poisonous substance to the body • If too much is consumed the stomach rejects it causing the individual to vomit. • The body tries to break down alcohol as fast as it can • Why would someone be drunk the next day? • Does coffee, fresh air, showers help with intoxication level?
BAC • Factors that effect Blood Alcohol Content • Amount of alcohol consumed • Number of drinks and strength • Speed it is consumed • Faster increases BAC • Can be dangerous • Body weight • Bigger body=more blood • Percentage of body fat • Lean body tissue is more absorbent • Gender • Females • Less stomach enzymes to break down alcohol in stomach to enter blood stream. • Less lean body tissue
BAC • More Factors • Feelings • Stress, anger, and fear can speed up the time it takes alcohol to enter the bloodstream • Food eaten • If someone has alcohol on an empty stomach the alcohol enters the bloodstream much faster. • Other drugs in the system • Tranquilizers and painkillers can heighten the effects of alcohol. • Age • Elderly people are more sensitive to the effects of alcohol • Carbonation • Carbonated beverages pass through the bloodstream faster then non-carbonated beverages.
Drinking Games and Hazing • Hazing-being forced to take part in dangerous or demanding activities to become a member of a club or group. • Some teens have died • They are against the law in most states and also against most school rules • Drinking games can be dangerous because it can cause binge drinking. • Binge drinking • Consuming large amounts of alcohol in a short time.
What happens as BAC Increases? • 0.02-feel relaxed • 0.05-speech may slur, decreased coordination and reaction time. • .08-.1-Reasoning, judgment, self control, muscular coordination and reaction time are seriously slowed. • .12-confused and disoriented. May start to vomit. • .2-emotions are unpredictable and may change drastically. • .3- little or no control/most people can not stay awake during this time. • .4-likely to become unconscious. Breathing and heart rate slow. Death can occur. • .5-people may enter deep coma and die.
How Alcohol affects the Body • Nervous system • Impairs the brain and other parts of the nervous system, such as nerve cells. • May cause blackouts, seizures, and dementia • Digestive system • Ulcer open sore on the skin or on a mucus membrane. • Alcohol increases the secretion of stomach acids. • Liver disease-three stages • 1st stage- the liver becomes enlarged with fatty tissue. • 2nd stage- liver swells even more because of alcohol hepatitis. • Can cause serious illness or death • 3rd stage-can cause cirrhosis which is when there is chronic damage to liver cells. • Can cause liver failure or death. • Only way to treat advanced stages is to have a liver transplant • Reproductive system • During puberty it can • postpone menstruation for women • Decrease size of testes for men
How Alcohol affects the Body • Immune system • Depresses the function of the immune system • Long term drinking lowers the number of infection fighting cells in the body. • Cardiovascular • May damage cardiovascular organs • Increased risk for • Cardiovascular disease • High blood pressure • Stroke • Skeletal System • Makes the body lose calcium • Long term? • Urinary system • Long term can increase kidney failure
Drinking During Pregnancy • Drinking alcohol any time during pregnancy is very dangerous for the baby. • It will always reach the baby through the blood stream • Increases the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth • More likely to have babies with a low birth weight • Newborns can go through withdrawal symptoms if their mothers drink during the latter part of pregnancy • (FAS) Fetal Alcohol Syndrome-Babies born with severe birth defects because mother was drinking during pregancy • Small slit eyes • Small head • Delayed physical and mental growth
Thinking and Decision Making in Regards to Alcohol • Changes decisions • May not follow standards, morals, beliefs • Break the law • Cause harm physically and socially • Break household rules • Makes you feel invincible • Cause physical harm i.e.…..jumping of a roof • Intensify sexual feelings • Heightens the risk for STD’s
Thinking and Decision Making in Regards to Alcohol • Slows reaction time and coordination • Different activities or even walking down the street. • More aggressive • Violence is much more prevalent when alcohol is involved • Intensify emotions • Whatever you would feel normally is almost doubled when alcohol is involved • Suicide attempts
Thinking and Decision Making in Regards to Alcohol • False sense of self confidence • Social crutch • Hangover • Headache • Increased sensitivity to light • Vomiting • Irritability • Blackouts • Have no recollection of what happened for periods of time • Increased chances for alcoholism for teens
Violence • Domestic violence • Many cases of domestic violence involve alcohol. • Rape • When alcohol or other drugs are involved the chances for rape increase • Again Why?
Laws • Under 21 • Underage drinking starts at .02 BAC • Drivers under 21 are legally drunk at .02 or more BAC • 21 or over • Drivers are legally drunk at .08 BAC or more • Public Drunkenness • If acting intoxicated • No set BAC level
Alcoholism • A physical and physiological dependence on alcohol. • Not all alcoholics drink everyday • Binge drinking alcoholics • Functioning alcoholics • Hard to cure • Denial-acceptance is the first step • Withdrawal • Nauseous • Anxious • Agitated • Tremor or “the shakes” • vomiting
Getting Help • Alcoholism is a disease, like most diseases it can be treated • Alcoholics need treatment, usually short and long term • Alcoholics anonymous or AA is the most common • Signs that show higher risk individuals for alcoholism • Genetics • Childhood behavior • Psychiatric Disorders • Self-esteem • Parents
Advertisement • When are they? • What are the people in the advertisements doing and how do they look? • Do they inspire loyalty? • How are they advertised? • What do they try and make you think?
Peer Pressure • What are some tips for saying NO? • What is the best way to not have peer pressure to drink alcohol or do drugs? • Does who you associate with affect what you will be around?
With a Partner • Write down a scenario where someone would receive peer pressure do drink. • Then give several ways the individual could say no.