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Hepatitis C Education, Training & Awareness-raising Network Phase II Actions NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Hepatitis C Managed Care Network Event 11 June 2008. Josephine Haigh Health Improvement Programme Officer NHS Health Scotland . Key issues from Phase I.
Hepatitis C Education, Training & Awareness-raising NetworkPhase II ActionsNHS Greater Glasgow and ClydeHepatitis C Managed Care Network Event11 June 2008 Josephine Haigh Health Improvement Programme Officer NHS Health Scotland
Key issues from Phase I • Hepatitis C Workforce –cuts across sectors • Professional knowledge and awareness of hepatitis C is hugely variable • National mapping of hepatitis C training illustrated huge variation in provision • Needs/concerns of the public
Training Findings from Phase I • Ad hoc delivery of training • No national or strategic approaches • Lack of dedicated funding streams • Factual and skills-based training • Lack of evaluation
Phase II Actions: Action 3 Action - A national Hepatitis C Learning and Workforce Development Framework will be developed Lead Agency - NHS Education for Scotland Timescale – Framework developed / published by March 2009 Implementation – 2009/2011
Phase II Actions: Action 4 Action– NHS Boards, working with their partners, will identify aHepatitis C Workforce Development Lead, review thelearning and development needs of the Hepatitis Cworkforce, and implement a co-ordinated approach to Hepatitis C Workforce Development consistent with the national Hepatitis C Learning and Workforce Development Framework. Lead – NHS Boards Timescales - Identification of Workforce Development Leads Sept. 2008 Review of learning and development needs of workforce March 2009 Implementation of co-ordinated approach to Hepatitis C Workforce Development 2009 – 2011
Awareness-raising Findings from Phase I • A review of evaluations of Hepatitis C public awareness-raising campaigns worldwide revealed that few had been undertaken; those that had been performed identified strengths and weaknesses - findings which should inform future Scottish campaigns.
Phase II Actions: Action 5 Action - Awareness-raising campaigns and communications initiatives will continue to be developed, implemented and evaluated to meet the information and education needs of a range of professional audiences (including those responsible for the delivery of prevention services) Lead Agency – Scottish Government Timescale- Implementation and evaluation 2008 - 2011
Phase II Actions: Action 11 Action - An awareness-raising campaign, to promote Hepatitis C testing among those at risk of being infected, will be implemented and evaluated Lead agency – Scottish Government Timescale – Implementation by September 2009 Evaluation by September 2010
Education Findings from phase I • A dearth of Hepatitis C information provision for young people in educational settings is evident.
Phase II Actions: Action 16 Action - Educational interventions aimed at vulnerable individuals, IDUs and those at risk of starting to inject will be designed and implemented to highlight how Hepatitis C transmission can be prevented. Particular attention should be given to initiatives aimed at identifying existing and newly diagnosed IDUs with Hepatitis C to prevent the onward transmission of infection Lead Agency – NHS Health Scotland Timescale – Intervention designed by March 2009 Implementation 2009 – 2011
Phase II Actions: Action 18 Action - Hepatitis C guidance and educational support materials (within the context of BBVs/drugs misuse) will be developed, disseminated and evaluated to raise awareness among young people in school, further education and community settings, and other settings which support vulnerable young people. Staff/peer group training initiatives will facilitate the implementation of this action Lead Agency – Learning and Teaching Scotland Timescale – Development and dissemination by Sept 2009 Evaluation by March 2011
Contact details: josephine.haigh@health.scot.nhs.uk 0131 537 4741 www.hepcscotland.co.uk