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METALHEADS. Metalheads. Angie carolina Patiño Jiménez Yesica salas Obando. Katherin pinto Alfonso. Karen Paola Ruiz 11-02 JM. Philosophy.

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  2. Metalheads • Angie carolina Patiño Jiménez • Yesica salas Obando. • Katherin pinto Alfonso. • Karen Paola Ruiz 11-02 JM

  3. Philosophy Philosophy of metalheadsistthemusic. Knowmuchaboutit. Mostmetalheads are atheistsoragnostic.many of thesebeliesfs are thewords carpe diem (seizetheday, do notwasteit).”many of the heavies havehabit” of consume alcohol, marihuana, and snuff. One of thethings i can sayaboutthephilosophy of themetalheads do notagreewithpolicy of thiscontry, as theyrely more on social policy, butnotforthewelfare of thepeoplebutpoliticians do not do muchforus, butmostbased a socialist idea.

  4. music basically the music of metalheads is revolutionary because it does not agree with much of what happens to our country and most of all, we live so miserably. listen variety of music such as heavy industrial thrash death black power among others.

  5. wardrobe mode of dress is black metallers, as this genre is not dead, but the duel. often combined with various colors like red, military green color as they are shown asrudesa and strength.

  6. bibliografía • http://abiee.awardspace.com/metaleros.html • http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metalero#Grupos_grandes • http://emometalfresatukivzla.blogspot.com/ • https://www.google.com.co/search?hl=es&biw=1366&bih=667&q=los+metaleros&bav=on.2%2cor.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.

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