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Kidney dysfunction in the postoperative period British Journal of Anesthesia 95(1): 20-32(2005) J. W. Sear. 경희의료원 마취통증의학과 R4 조 인배. Perioperative ARF : high incidence of morbidity, mortality various incidence with different surgical procedures,
Kidney dysfunction in the postoperative periodBritish Journal of Anesthesia 95(1): 20-32(2005)J. W. Sear 경희의료원 마취통증의학과 R4 조 인배
Perioperative ARF : high incidence of morbidity, mortality various incidence with different surgical procedures, definition lacking - rescue therapy, randomized clinical trials, • Review : physiology, pharmacology of kidney renal function tests causes of postoperative renal dysfunction prevention and treatments effect of postoperative renal dysfunction
Renal blood flow : its control and the effects of hypoxia • Kidney : receives about 20% of cardiac output oxygen delivery - 80ml/min/g blood flow is not uniform(cortex receiving more than 90%) oxygen consumption : 10% of total body utilization low arteriovenous oxygen content difference oxygen reserve
highly sensitive to hypoperfusion frequent complication of hypotension. • paradox : high blood supply and low extraction of oxygen, yet high incidence of renal damage renal medulla : low oxygen tension : high oxygen requirement for tubular reabsorption • Medullary oxygenation : balanced by control mechanisms. outer medullary region susceptible to hypoxia acute tubular necrosis(ATN)-specially the mTAL
Hypoxia and renal damage • heterogeneity of flow and oxygen requirement, cortex is about 50 mm Hg higher medulla • mTAL region is vulnerable to hypoxic injury induced by 40-50% decrease in renal blood flow • main determinant of medullary oxygen requirement : rate of active reabsorption of salt and water in the mTAL region. When this process is inhibited by loop diuretics, increase in the medullary tissue oxygen pressure
Mediators can affect medullary blood flow alter the magnitude of any ischaemic injury (i)Vasodilators: nitric oxide, prostaglandin E2, adenosine, dopamine, urodilatin (ii) Vasoconstrictors: endothelin, angiotensin II, ADH (iii) Tubulo-glomerular feedback: insufficient reabsorption of sodium glomerular afferent constriction reducing filtration (iv) Medullary tubular growth factors: these include insulin-like growth factor I, epidermal growth factor, and tumour necrosis factor
salt and water reabsorption is one factor predisposing to medullary hypoxic damage : when there is adequate circulating volume and salt loading reducing the need for urine concentration reduces medullary oxygen utilization therapeutic advantage • In contrast, the hypoxic injury will be made worse by other factors(antibiotics, renal hypertrophy, NSAIDs, angiotensin II, calcium ions, myoglobin, hyperbilirubin -aemia, and contrast media) cf) Restoration of RBF 10% of normal GFR tubular obstruction and back leak tubulo-glomerular feedback, excessive stimulation of the renin-angiotensin system profound prolonged ARF.
The kidney: devoid of β2 receptor increase in circulating catecholamines(epinephrine) vasoconstriction via the α1-receptors activation of the renin-angiotensin system • As a result, despite a normal TRBF, intramedullary ischaemia may occur (mTAL region : very sensitive to ischaemia)
GFR : single most important marker • tubular function: urinary β-NAG, α-1-microglobulin, retinol binding protein, plasma pro-, anti-inflammatory cytokines. • ideal endogenous compound(for GFR) - release into the blood stream at a constant rate - free filtration by the glomerulus - no reabsorption or secretion by the renal tubules - exclusive elimination via the kidney first-line test of glomerular function has been creatinine clearance.
Cystatin C • creatinine clearance is the best predictive marker : but not practical in the operating theatre. serum creatinine as an alternative : but confounding factors (age, sex, muscle mass, diet) • cystatin C : alkaline non-glycosylated protein, produced by all nucleated cells. freely filtered through the glomerular membrane completely reabsorbed and degraded by the proximal tubular cells.
Dharnidharka and colleagues - comparing serum cystatin C and creatinine as markers for GFR : cystatin C to be superior, respond more rapidly to changes in GFR • In contrast to creatinine clearance, the reference range values for cystatin C : identical for men, women and children, : not influenced by muscle mass. not altered in the elderly when muscle mass falls
Perioperative fluid balance • two separate aspects of the normal fluid balance : preoperative fluid depletion : peroperative factors - blood and fluid losses, - neuroendocrine response to anaesthesia and surgery.
Effects of anaesthesia • cause peripheral vasodilatation, myocardial depression. • to maintain organ perfusion : vasoconstrictors fluid replacement is needed. • In kidney : also need to maintain adequate efferent arteriolar vasoconstriction(responsible for the glomerular filtration pressure) under the control of angiotensin II : receiving chronic angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor antagonist treatment may develop a significant decrease in the perfusion pressure with decreased urine production. • Neuraxial anaesthesia also causes vasodilatation
Effects of surgery • catabolic hormones and cytokines. • main effect is the increased secretion of ADH • Increases in aldosterone, glucocorticoids cause sodium, water retention and potassium loss. Thus alteration in overall fluid and electrolyte homeostasis • Perioperative fluid loss: blood, intravascular fluid loss, insensible losses • After surgery : effusions and drainage. • artificial ventilation of the intubated patient : the normal mechanisms for humidifying gases are bypassed. considerable amount of fluid can be lost • extravasation of fluid out of the vascular compartment (the 'third space effect').
Perioperative fluid requirements • Intraoperatively: according to the extent surgery - minimal trauma 4 ml/kg/h - moderate trauma 6-8 ml/kg/h - severe trauma 10-15 ml/kg/h : best provided as Compound Sodium Lactate or other balanced salt solutions as large NS: hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis • postoperative period : the standard daily needs for a 70 kg adult - 100 ml/h - 25-33% normal saline, 75-66% dextrose (=water) - 10-20 mmol KCl per litre of fluid.
Aetiology of postoperative renal dysfunction • multi-factorial : the commonest cause is ATN hypotension, hypovolaemia, dehydration. • common associated risk factors - preexisting renal insufficiency, - type 1 DM, - patient age over 65 yr, - major vascular surgery, - cardiopulmonary bypass times over 3 h, - recent exposure to nephrotoxic agents: radio-contrast dyes, bile pigments, aminoglycosides, NSAIDs)
Preoperative : - arteriopaths(reduced renal perfusion) - age-related decline in nephron mass - pre-existing renal dysfunction • Intraoperative - Hypovolaemia - Nephrotoxins : contrast media - Embolism - Renal ischaemia : ACEI therapy - Inflammation - Genetic predisposition : apoE gene
Incidence of postoperative renal dysfunction • Three useful criteria - increase of serum Cr. by more than 44 µmol/litre (>0.5 mg/dl) - increase > 50% - more than 177 µmol/litre • varies according to the aetiology and definition, and type of surgery undergone : 4-24% • renal failure is associated with mortality rates of 60-90% • postoperative ARF is accompanied : increased ICU stay, hospital stay, gastrointestinal bleeding, respiratory infections, sepsis
In CABG on cardiopulmonary bypass : 1 - 15% associated with a mortality of 19% : requiring dialysis is less than 2% mortality 23 - 88% (average about 50%) • Why ARF occur after CABG : the combination of low C.O and hypovolaemia • Gamoso and colleagues : renal dysfunction rates undergoing cardiac surgery : under bypass (7.7%) : off-pump (8.9%) Recent data suggest that off-pump cardiac surgery may better preserve renal function
Suprarenal aortic cross-clamping : dialysis requiring ARF of 5.5% in-hospital mortality of 63%. : important predictors of ARF pre-existing renal dysfunction evidence of diffuse atherosclerosis use of intraoperative pump bypass haemodynamic instability • Infra-renal aortic cross-clamping : 5.4%, but only 0.6% received dialysis : 69% mortality in renal failure and required dialysis
Surgery for relief of obstructive jaundice - renal dysfunction : up to 60% - associated with a significant mortality(68%) - causative factors : hyperbilirubinaemia increased serum level of bile salts endotoxaemia, renovascular fibrin deposition altered systemic and renal haemodynamics.
Prevention of renal dysfunction and renal protection • Most current practices used to renal protection : tradition, anecdotal information, animal models • logic suggests : maintain a urine flow 0.5 ml/kg/h • commonly used approaches to prevent ARF : adequate hydration, mannitol, dopamine(renal doses), loop diuretics.
Sequelae of postoperative renal dysfunction • abnormal GFR vs adverse drug reactions prolongation of half-life of drugs, metabolites changes in bioavailability changes in volumes of drug distribution changes in plasma protein binding • preoperative risk factors predictive of ARF - preoperative renal dysfunction, - advanced age, - cardiac dysfunction
Conclusions • postoperative renal impairment : major cause of perioperative morbidity and mortality. • Surgery type being undertaken is important, as is the presence of preexisting renal dysfunction. • Although a number of preventative strategies have been described, none apart from maintenance of normovolaemia appears to be effective.