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Uber Clone is a prominent On Demand Taxi Booking Script empowered by NCrypted Websites through which you can get started with your own on demand website/app similar to Uber, an online transportation app that allows consumers to book a taxi and endow them with the best riding experience.<br>
UBER CLONE On Demand Taxi Booking App
BooknRide - UberCloneisanOnDemand TaxiBookingappestablishbyNCryptedwebsite’s thathelpsataxibookingbusiness toenhancetheirbusinessandmakereliable withTaxiBookingApp. UberCloneScriptiswonderfullydesignedfor Users,Partners,andBusinessowner.
ThreemodulesofUberApp CloneScript UserApp PartnerApp AdminDashboard
SalientfeaturesofUberClone PanicButton GEOLocation Notification AutomatedPayment System Fare Review Estimation
UserEndFeatures Easyandattractivesign-up & login Manageprofile GetDriverandcardetails Choosemethodofpayment Getthedetailsoftheirriding summary LiveTracking Findlocation, destination
PartnerEndFeatures ManageDriverprofile Add & editcardetail Getpassengerdetail Checkriderequest LiveNavigation Tripcancellation & acceptance Tripfaresummary
AdminDashboard SecureLogin AdminPanel ManageDrivers ManageCustomers ManageVehicles CategoriesReporting & Analytics DispatcherPanel SiteSettings
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www.ncrypted.net/uber-clone sales@ncrypted.com +912816198880