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La littérature grise - état de l’art 2e partie. Joachim Schöpfel Université Charles-de-Gaulle Lille 3. Littérature grise dans AO international. Type of grey literature. Number of items. Theses and dissertations. 70,488. Reports. 36,186. Conferences. 157,257. Working papers. 6,637.
La littérature grise -état de l’art2e partie Joachim Schöpfel Université Charles-de-Gaulle Lille 3 CERIST
Type of grey literature Number of items Theses and dissertations 70,488 Reports 36,186 Conferences 157,257 Working papers 6,637 Courseware 2,875 Other 43,308 Littérature grise dans AOFrance 17% Enquête 2009 (1,9m items) CERIST
Typologie d’archives CERIST
Développement 2008-2009 CERIST
Synthèse • 110 sites (= 3 sur 4) contiennent ce matériel • La littérature grise constitue 17% des contenus dans les archives ouvertes en France • Ces ressources sont en augmentation constante (de 79 005 en 2008 à 316 751 en 2009) • Problème : identification et description (métadonnées, indexation) CERIST
Projets AOcentres IST CERIST
Institution Document Tendency % GL supply GL tendency Main type of requests 2008 since 2004 2008 since 2004 supplied GL British Library 1,440,000* baisse 5% = ND CISTI 490,000 baisse 9% = Conferences INIST 324,000 baisse 3,5% = Conferences KISTI 328,000* hausse 2,1% baisse Conferences TIB 322,000 baisse 35% hausse Reports Usages : fourniture de documents Table 1: Synthesis of 2008 document supply data (* = best estimate) CERIST
Usages : consultation en ligne Mais : peu de statistiques, peu comparable Besoin d’un cahier des charges pour l’analyse des fichiers log (sur le modèle de CIBER) Besoin d’une normalisation (recommandations) Besoin de nouveaux services CERIST
(1) IR costs per item: What is the part of annual expenditures related to one item?This corresponds to the “cost per article” metrics for serials. Examples following Willinsky (2006) and recent data as shown above: Usages : nouveaux indicateurs retour sur investissement (1) IR costs per item* (2) Cost per item request* (3) Item requests per collection* (4) IR costs per user (5) IR costs per depositing author (6) IR items per scientific output* * aussi par rapport à la littérature grise CERIST Table 5: Item requests per collection (examples) (*Malotaux, 2009; ** Merceur, 2007). The interest in this indicator is that it allows for comparison of usage of different document types (here grey literature vs. published articles), laboratories etc., depending on the particular structure and metadata of an IR. It provides elements for the assessment of interest and usage of specific sections of the IR. (4) IR costs per user: What is the part of annual expenditures related to an individual user? This links the overall expenditures to the number of users. This measure requires an analysis of the log files and would provide an additional element to the assessment of impact, popularity, and readership. There is no valid data for the IR with cost information. (5) IR costs per depositing author: What is the part of annual expenditures related to an individual depositing author? This links the overall expenditures to the number of users in terms of depositing authors; and this requires an analysis of metadata and would provide information about the acceptance and use in the institution. No valid data is available. (6) IR items per scientific output: What
Probable • 1. Grey literature will not disappear. • 2. The borderline between “grey” and “white” (commercial) literature will become increasingly indistinct. • 3. The proportion of “grey” documents published on the Web will continue to increase. • 4. The Internet will encourage a greater diversity in the types of “grey” resources available (raw research results, notes and personal comments, lectures, newsletters, product catalogs, etc.). CERIST
Probable aussi • 5. Bibliographic control of grey literature will remain problematic. • 6. Open archives will offer more appropriate services and functions for at least some segments of grey literature. • 7. Some organizations – especially in the public sector but also in the private sector (e.g. Elsevier, Google, etc.) – will develop tools and services to aid in the efficient exploitation of grey resources on the Web. CERIST
Improbable • 8. Searching and collecting grey literature will become as straightforward as it is for journals and books in the traditional publishing sector. • 9. New tools for collecting, depositing, and archiving will make grey literature less ephemeral and volatile than in the past. CERIST
Autour de la littérature grise • MédiHAL http://medihal.archives-ouvertes.fr/ • DOE Green Energy http://www.osti.gov/greenenergy/ • PANGAEA http://www.pangaea.de/ • GL12, hot topics • définitions, terminologie, concept • eScience et données, CRIS • archives ouvertes • contrôle qualité CERIST
3 messages et 2 questions • La littérature grise a trouvé sa place dans les archives ouvertes • Mesurer son usage est assez difficile • Elle restera un challenge pour les professionnels de l’information (et aussi, les chercheurs) • Environnement légal • La question des institutions CERIST
Bibliographie • Schöpfel, J. (2006). Le devenir de la littérature grise. Quelques observations. Perspectives documentaires en éducation 2006 (62), 63-72. • Schöpfel, J. & H. Prost (2009). Document supply of grey literature and open access: an update. Interlending & Document Supply 37 (4), 181-191. • J. Schöpfel & H. Prost (2010). `Usage of grey literature in open archives: state of the art and empirical results'. In GL11 Conference Proceedings. Eleventh International Conference on Grey Literature: The Grey Mosaic: Piecing It All Together. Washington D.C., 14-15 December 2009, pp. 74-81. TextRelease. • J. Schöpfel & C. Boukacem-Zeghmouri (2010 forthcoming). `Assessing the Return on Investments in GL for Institutional Repositories'. In D. Farace & J. Schöpfel (eds.), Grey Literature in Library and Information Studies. De Gruyter Saur. • J. Schöpfel (2010 forthcoming). `Access to European Grey Literature'. In P. Pejsova (ed.), Building Repositories of Grey Literature. NTK. CERIST