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SHS. What every Freshman parent should know about High School. English Language Arts. Recommended DAP English I English I English II English II English III English III English IV English IV. Mathematics. Recommended DAP Algebra I Algebra I Geometry Geometry
SHS What every Freshman parent should know about High School
English Language Arts RecommendedDAP English I English I English II English II English III English III English IV English IV
Mathematics RecommendedDAP Algebra I Algebra I Geometry Geometry MMA Algebra II Algebra II 4th Math 4th Math (If MMA was not taken) • Students should consider taking MMA if they struggled with Algebra I and/or Geometry. Once a student takes Algebra II, they cannot go back to take MMA and will be required to pass a more advanced math class in order to graduate……
Additional Courses that will count as the 4th required Math course • Mathematical Models with Applications (Not for DAP Graduates; must be taken before successfully completing Algebra II) • Pre Calculus CP • Pre Calculus Pre AP • College Algebra/Pre Calculus DE • AP Statistics • AP Computer Science • Calculus Pre AP • AP Calculus AB • AP Calculus BC
Science RecommendedDAP Biology Biology ChemistryChemistry Physics Physics 4th Science 4th Science IPC may count as the 4th (4th science must be science if taken before taken after Physics) Chemistry and Physics
Additional Courses that will count as the 4th required science course: Anatomy and Physiology CP Anatomy and Physiology Pre AP AP Chemistry AP Physics Biology DE Environmental Science Pre AP AP Environmental Science Forensic Science (SRS ONLY) Medical Micro Biology (SRS ONLY) Scientific Research and Design IPC (Recommended plan only & must be taken before Chemistry & Physics)
Social Studies RecommendedDAP World Geography World Geography World History World History U.S. History U.S. History Government (.5) Government (.5) Plus Plus Economics (.5) Economics (.5)
Additional Credits Required: RecommendedDAP PE 1.0 credits 1.0 Health .5 credits .5 Speech .5 credits .5 (Communication Application) Fine Art 1.0 credits 1.0 BCIS 1.0 credits 1.0 Foreign Lang. 2.0 credits 3.0 Electives 4.0 credits 3.0
Total number of Credits Needed in Order to Graduate: 26 credits Credits needed to become: A Sophomore 6 A Junior 12 A Senior 18
DAP GRADUATION • In order for a student to graduate as a Distinguished Achievement Program Graduate, a student must meet 4 of the following requirements (In any combination) *meet commended performance on the PSAT *a score of 3 or better on an AP exam *a grade of B or better in a college course *a grade of B or better in an articulated course (no more that 2 articulated courses may be used to meet DAP requirement Students need to take a 3rd foreign language. Students will also need to meet “Advanced Academic Performance” in their EOC exams in English 3 and Algebra 2.
National Honor Society • 1. Student must be a Junior or Senior • 2. Student must have a 4.8 GPA or higher • 3. Induction is based on character, academics, leadership, co-curricular activities, recognitions and awards, as well as community service. • 4. Students must have completed 4 Pre AP/AP/DE courses and be enrolled in at least 1 more. • 5. Students must complete 20 hours of community service and at least half of those hours must be in tutoring. • 6. A referral of a level 4 infraction or an assignment to AEP/Bridges will cause automatic denial. • 7. Attendance, referrals, tardies, grades, staff recommendations, etc. are all reviewed when considering a student for induction.
Extra Credits during the year • Early Bird classes are available at 7:00 a.m. Each half credit course lasts 18 weeks. Courses normally offered are Speech, BMM, Health, and Personal Family Development. • Students can take correspondent courses through Texas Tech or The University of Texas at Austin. • If a student failed a course, they can take a local CBE or do the course through an afternoon recovery program called Ed Options. Summer school is also available to students who failed a course or lost credit due to attendance.
Attendance • Students can have 4 absences during a 9 week period. Absences in excess of 4 will cause a student to lose credit. • If the absences were excused, a student will be given the opportunity to attend Saturday School in order to recover those credits. • If the absences were not excused or an excuse was not brought into the attendance office within 3 days of the absence, a student will have to repeat the course, take it by CBE or take it through Ed Options.
College Courses • College courses are available to students during their Junior and Senior year of HS. • Students will have to meet certain criteria to be eligible for those courses. (Usually TAKS/EOC/THEA/ACCUPLACER exam requirements). • Courses can be taken at the high school or at the local college. • Through DE Courses, students will get both High school and College credit. (usually taken at the High School) • Through Concurrent Enrollment courses, students get College credit only. (usually taken at the local college or university)
Questions ???
What is STAAR? State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness STAAR assessments will be available for: • English I • English II • English III • World Geography • World History • U.S. History • Algebra I • Geometry • Algebra II • Biology • Chemistry • Physics
How is STAAR different from TAKS?The most significant changes to the assessment program include: • Increasing the rigor of both the assessments and the performance standards for all grades, subjects, and courses. • Changing high school assessments from grade-based to course based assessments. • A four hour time limit has been established. • The total number of test items have increased. • More open-ended (griddable) items.
How will student performance be described on STAAR? • LEVEL III: Advanced Academic Performance • LEVEL II: Satisfactory Academic Performance • Level I: Unsatisfactory Academic Performance
What Does This Mean for Me? Your 9th grade scores on EOC will count toward your graduation plan!
How Will This Be Calculated? A cumulative score will be required averaging all EOCs for every core area: Math, ELA, Science, and Social Studies.
BOTTOM LINE Take classes and EOC test seriously because……