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Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services. An analytical framework for ecosystem assessments under Action 5 of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020. Content. 1. MAES Working Group governance & mandate 2. MAES analytical framework 3. Next steps. MAES WG Governance.
Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services An analytical framework for ecosystem assessments under Action 5 of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020
Content • 1. MAES Working Group governance & mandate • 2. MAES analytical framework • 3. Next steps
Knowledge-base • Action 5 • Mapping & assessment of ecosystems and services (by 2014) • Economic value assessment and integration into accounting and reporting systems(by 2020) Policy tools • Action 6a • Restoration prioritisation framework (by 2014) • Action 7a • Biodiversity proofing methodology (by 2014) Baseline Policy initiatives Maintenance of ecosystem services • Action 6b • Green Infrastructure Strategy (by 2012) • Action 7b • No Net Loss initiative (by 2015) Strategic approach to compensation Target 1 Nature legislation Target 2 By 2020, ecosystems and their services are maintained and enhanced by establishing green infrastructure and restoring at least 15% of degraded ecosystems Target 5 Invasive alien species Target 3 Agriculture and forests Target 4 Sustainable fisheries Other EU legislation, WFD, MSFD… MAES WG Scope 4
How does the Natura 2000 network contribute to the provision of clean air and healthy water? • Can we grow crops in a sustainable way while safeguarding global biodiversity? • How does investment in floodplain restoration increase the safety of people, safe costs for society and provide at the same time habitat for protected bird species?
European-wide mapping and assessment of ecosystems and their services accross Member States can support European and global biodiversity targets as well as the needs of other common policy sectors • It can also allow for comparison across scales and countries, ensure groundtruthing of EU action and support mutualisation of effort
CBD: Convention on Biological Diversity; Aichi Targets IPBES: Inter-governmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services CBD Europe 2020 Europe 2020 strategy: resource efficiency flagship initiative IPBES GI NNL Rest GI: Green infrastructure NNL: No Net Loss Rest: Restoration (15%) Target 2 BS POLICY BS: EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy ; 6 targets POLICY: EU policies affecting / benefiting natural resources (CAP, CFP, Envionment, REGIO, MOVE…) Action 5 on Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services
Monitoring and reporting under the Habitats and Birds, the Marine Stategy Framework and the Water Framework Directives • Available information for mapping and assessing ecosystems and their services at EU level PEER Research on Ecosystem Services HD MSFD WFD PRESS CLC Corine Land Cover data FP7 projects: Volante, Liase, Scales, Steps, BiodiversityKnowlegde, Openness, Opera Millennium Ecosystem Assessment; Sub global assessments (UK, ES, PT, CZ, …) FP7 MAES MA Biodiversity Information System for Europe Data provided by Eurostat, European Environment Agency, Joint Research Centre, RTD, MS, NGOs The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity; National and regional TEEB studies (Nordic, DE, NL, EU …) BISE ESTAT EEA JRC TEEB ESP GeoBON GBIF Ecosystem Service Partnership Group on Earth Observations: Biodiversity Observation Network (GEOBON, EBONE) Global Biodiversity Information Facility
Importantly, MAES recognises the multiple roles of biodiversity in underpinning the supply of ecosystem services
Biodiversity enhances the efficiency of ecological processes. Wild crop and livestock relatives increase resilence against environmental change. Ecological processes e.g. nutrient cycling, decomposition, primary production Genetic diversity e.g. wild crop and livestock relatives Biodiversity Diversity in body size of pollinator species results in different flight distances to reach crops. People like bird and game watching, or enjoy indentifying different species of butterflies. Functional traits e.g. body size, vulnerability to change Species richness e.g. number of bird species Biophysical structures e.g. habitats, dead wood in forests, soil structure Biotic interactions e.g. predation, foraging, competition Status Forest diversity creates more microhabitats for insects. Wasps and beetles prey on pest species that harm crops. River and lake fish diversity is used to assess ecological status.
MAES Conceptual model ecosystems socio-economic systems ecosystem services ecosystem use and management other capital inputs functions human well-being ecological processes genetic diversity benefits • nutrition, clean air and water • health, safety, security • enjoyment, ... biodiversity value • economic value • health value • shared (social) value • other values functional traits species richness drivers of change biophysical structures biotic interactions response • institutions , businesses • policies (agriculture, forestry, • fishery, environment, ...) • stakeholders and users state present and future
MAES willprovidereliable, consistent and high quality information on the status of ecosystems and their services (baseline) in Europe and build the evidence base neededto link biodiversity to long-term human well-being; • MAES willensure strong linkageswith biodiversity and relatedpolicies and actions at national, EU and international level.
The challenge is to: • create a broad support and ownership at all levels • have the research community on board • provide sound technical support for Members States' assessments: • Typology of ecosystems • Typology of ecosystem services (CICES) • Indicators for mapping and assessment
rivers lakes woodland wetland open space cropland urban heathland grassland marine
Next steps • Recommendations from Workshop to MAES WG • Finalisation of Analytical framework by MAES WG at January 2013 meeting • MAES WG outcomes to CGBN March 2013 meeting for validation • ALTER-Net Conference on science support to EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy, April 2013 • MAES-Marine workshop, 17-18 June 2013 (ENVD2)