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Explore the training, development, and employee practices of Banglalink, a leading cellular company in Bangladesh. This study delves into their marketing strategies, customer segmentation, pricing, and employee motivation.
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Banglalink is one of the leading cellular company in Bangladesh. It starts its operation since 2000. Within one year of launching it has become one of the leading cellular company by its effective marketing mix. Effective segmentation and target market strategy it easily go to the knock of the people by introducing various package for the customers. The company sets the price effectively. As a result people from various societies can get the facilities of cellular company. Human Resource Practice in Bangladesh
For the promotional sector banglalink presents itself as a icon to the other companies. Within a very short time it spreads its network coverage and maintain an indirect distribution channel to reach the consumers. It is very important to evaluate the marketing mix of banglalink. As a student of Management we feel it is very important to study a reputed company in order to match theoretical knowledge with real world situation. Human Resource Practice in Bangladesh
Sources and Data: • The study was conducted based on both primary and secondary data. The sources of those data are stated below: • Primary Source: The primary data were collected by customer survey conducted on corporate clients of Banglalink. I had collected customer survey from one hundred corporate clients of different organization. Customer survey had been conducted by twenty-four questions location at Dhaka city. It had taken ten days to collected respond. The survey technique was face-to-face mock interview. Human Resource Practice in Bangladesh
Secondary Source: The secondary data were collected from the following sources: Internal newsletter of Banglalink Various research journals of different research organizationsWeb pages Annual reports of Banglalink Various books and other internal publications of the banglalink Human Resource Practice in Bangladesh
Background: • In Bangladesh, Banglalink aims to understand peoples' needs best and develop appropriate communication services to improve peoples' life and make it simple. All our work is aimed towards meeting our vision. All members of the Banglalink family are highly passionate individuals, fully committed to achieving the vision that we have setourselves. Our customers' needs matter most to us- making their life simple and improving it is all we want. To ensure our vision is achieved, we have set ourselves a fewvalues, we want to be Human Resource Practice in Bangladesh
Straight Forward • Reliable • Innovative • Passionate All the Banglalink family members have one thing in common- a passion to serve. We want to go that extra mile, so that you can have the best possible service investing in the future of Bangladesh. The biggest barrier today for people is the cost ofhandsets. We will strive to lower the total cost of owning a mobile. We are here to help make a difference in people's lives by providing affordable and reliable connectivity solutions. We will strive to connect people and link their lives by listening to them and by understanding their needs. We are here to help you speak your language. Human Resource Practice in Bangladesh
Employee analysis: • Employee motivation is one of the major issues faced by every organization. It is the major task of every manager to motivate his subordinates or to create the “Will to Work” among the subordinates. It should also be remembered that a worker may be immensely capable of doing some work; nothing can be achieved if he is not willing to work. A manager has to make appropriate use of motivation to enthuse the employees to follow them. Hence this studies also focusing on the employee motivation among the employees of Industries. Human Resource Practice in Bangladesh
Motivational receptiveness and potential in everyone changes from day to day, from situation to situation. Get the alignment and values right, and motivational methods work better. Motivational methods of any sort will not work if people and organization are not aligned. People are motivated towards something they can relate to and something they can believe in. Times have changed. People want more. The foundation is a cohesive alignment of people's needs and values with the aims and purpose of the organization. Human Resource Practice in Bangladesh
The concept of training and development: • Training: Training is a process of teaching new employees the basic skills they need to perform their jobs. Training used to focus mostly on teaching technical skills such as training assemblers to solder wires to write lesson plan. Training refers to the methods used to give or new employees that skills they need to perform their jobs. Training might mean showing a new web designer the intricacies of the site, a new sales person how to sell your firms product, or a new supervisor how to interview and evaluate employees. Human Resource Practice in Bangladesh
Development: Development means improve the quality of employees by training them a certain period of time or the process of the job. Briefly we can say that, employee development an attempt to improve current or future employee’s performance by implementing knowledge, changing attitudes or increase skills. Human Resource Practice in Bangladesh
Employees training process: • Training employees and what they are to learn then this step company has to design the training program. Company can create the content and program sequence for employee. Company trains their company in such ways these are: 1. On the job training: On the job training means having a person learn a job by actually doing it. In the company of banglalink they basically use this system because their work pattern is useable such system. They train up their employees inside their job Human Resource Practice in Bangladesh
2. Job instruction training: Listing each jobs basic task, along with key points. In order to provide step by step training for employees. In the company of banglalink they train their employees step by step. 3. Off the job training: Sometimes Banglalink train up their employees outside the job. Human Resource Practice in Bangladesh
Developing their weak position: • Job rotation: Banglalink in this sector moving employee one department to another department train up them and development the weak position. • Coaching or understanding method: Banglalink in these sector employee works directly with a senior employee. And this is the sectors employee which is train up directly under the senior employee. • Action learning: Manager of Banglalink observed the employees work each of the employee realize time to time on projects, analysis and solving problem in departments other than the own. So in this system employee s are monitored by the manager. Human Resource Practice in Bangladesh
The case study method: Banglalink develop their employees by written description of an origination problem. • Management game: Management game is a good development tools for Banglalink. The company divided employees in to five or six persons group, each of which competes with the others in a simulated marketplace. • Outside seminars: Sometimes BL arrange outside seminars for employees development. Human Resource Practice in Bangladesh
Tackle the threat of the Banglalink: • 1. Established brand name; Banglalink has the one of major pioneers in Bangladesh mobile sector and people already know about Banglalink and their policy. So they tackle the threat of other company by use their name. The employees of BL always try to their level to spread the brand name. • 2. Pricing flexibility: The company practices price flexibility to meet the high elasticity of demand in the market. Banglalink create strong position about call rate. So they tackle the threat of other company by use their Pricing flexibility. The higher authority fixed the price Human Resource Practice in Bangladesh
3. Loyal customer base: Banglalink already create loyal customer base especially in the post paid connection segment. In the case they don’t faces extra threat or reduce risk. • 4. Capital: Banglalink has a huge amount of capital. So when they seem the rate will be decease for the purpose of involve customer then there is no financial crisis because they generated large capital. So they get customer for low price and there is no threat among the competitors. • 5. No busy network: Banglalink cover the strong network on the whole country. They provide crystal clear network and it ensure to connect another operator very quickly. It is also cover the extra threat. Human Resource Practice in Bangladesh
Findings: • There are some important findings, which are given below:1. The concept of training is a process of teaching new employees the basic skills they need to perform their jobs • 2. The concept of Development means improve the quality of employees by training them a certain period of time or the process of the job • 3. There are three steps of Employees training process in our study. Such as a. On the job training. b. Off the job training. c. Job instruction training. Human Resource Practice in Bangladesh
4. Employees of banglalink are developed by different training. Such as, Job rotation, Coaching or understanding method, Action learning, the case study method, Management game and Outside seminars etc. • 5. There are many way are described to tackle the threat of Banglalink • 6. After all discussion we can say that, the companies of Banglalink maintain their employees training and development program in standard ways. Human Resource Practice in Bangladesh
After all discussion we can say that, the companies of Banglalink maintain their employees training and development program in standard ways. And all of the activities which are come from employees all of this things are occurred reached the company long run. Human Resource Practice in Bangladesh
That’s all from our presentation. Human Resource Practice in Bangladesh
Thank YouFor listening the Session. Human Resource Practice in Bangladesh