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Saber-tooth Cat

Saber-tooth Cat. Chaya Valluri. H abitat. The Saber tooth cat lived in a snowy climet . A pperance. The saber tooth cat hade black spots. Diet. The Saber tooth cat ate meat . Motion. The Saber tooth cat walked like a tiger. Ancestors-descents.

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Saber-tooth Cat

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Saber-tooth Cat ChayaValluri

  2. Habitat The Saber tooth cat lived in a snowy climet.

  3. Apperance The saber tooth cat hade black spots.

  4. Diet The Saber tooth cat ate meat .

  5. Motion The Saber tooth cat walked like a tiger.

  6. Ancestors-descents The ancestor of the Saber tooth cat was the nimravid and the descents are the Smilodon.

  7. Adaptation The Saber tooth cats Adaption was their sharp teeth.

  8. predators The Saber tooth cat’s predator was the short faced bear.

  9. Common/Scientific Name The scientific name was the saber tooth tiger

  10. Habits The saber tooth cats main habit was pouncing.

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