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ONDULINE Roofing sheets. Certificates and performances. Performances. Thermal conductivity λ = 0.098 W/ m.°C (close to cork ) Acoustic attenuation Rw =28 dB, ( Airborne Noise Reduction ) Mechanical resistance ( attested by certificate . N° 2342.7.098)….
ONDULINE Roofingsheets Certificates and performances
Performances • Thermal conductivityλ= 0.098 W/m.°C (close to cork) • AcousticattenuationRw=28 dB, (Airborne Noise Reduction) • Mechanicalresistance (attested by certificate. N° 2342.7.098)…. • Resistance to chemicals (attested by certificate N° SM/98 0062 from L.N.E) • Resistance and safety (attested by foreigntestinglaboratories)
Thermalconductivity : λ= 0.098 W/m.°C
Thermalconductivity (II): Official laboratory test: 16°C cooler 16°C difference between high and low temperature rooms Thermal Insulation test performed by Sirim QAS International Sdn Bhd Test method: ISO 8990:1994 Test report: 2004CB1300 Date: 23 August 2004
Comfort Roof - Sound Absorption (3) Noise reduction SRI=28 dB Performed according to BS EN 20354. Test report N°C/95/CL/1896/1
Impact noise reduction Building remains quiet under tropical rain Rainfall (shower) Listen & compare Onduline = quiet Metal roof = noise
Mechanical resistance(P.V. N° 2342.7.098 From CEBTP Institute) Mechanical resistance (breaking):Span 62 cm: 900 daN/m²Span 45 cm : 1500 daN/m²
Resistance to chemicals Chemical resistance :1 month Acid [5%]: Class A1 month Alcalis [5%] : Class B1 month Salts [10%] : Class A
Security Roof – Suitable for earthquakes ONDULINE roof : ONLY 4kg/m² (National Institute for the Prevention of Seismic Risks – Argentina – 20th July 1995) Being a light, versatile and flexible material fixed to the roof structure, Onduline is less likely to hurt in case of earthquakes ; Onduline is widely used in seismic regions like Central Asia and also Japan; Yarsley Research Centre (UK) proved Onduline suitable in hurricane and earthquake conditions.
Security Roof (II) – Suitable in high winds Yarsley Research Centre (UK) proved Onduline suitable in hurricane and earthquake conditions. Tested up to 120mph (192kph) Building Research Establishment (UK): N°BRE/83/11/1 – good behavior in wind lift conditions Wood Technology Division (New Zealand: No WTC 1468/2 – good resistance in cyclonic conditions
Match to EN 534 since 1998 Technical C.S.T.B Agrement since 1985 Technical B.B Agrement since1987 I.T.B (Pologne) BRANZ (NEW ZEALAND) since 1999 ……. Performances certified (II)by wordwide INSTITUTES