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Symmetric cryptography: scalable matrix cipher . Nguyen Dinh Thuc University of Science, HCMC ndthuc@fit.hcmus.edu.vn. outline. M atrix-base cipher Advanced Encryption Standard Scalable Substitution Matrix cipher. Matrix-base cipher matrix cipher: introduction.
Symmetric cryptography:scalable matrix cipher Nguyen DinhThuc University of Science, HCMC ndthuc@fit.hcmus.edu.vn
outline • Matrix-base cipher • Advanced Encryption Standard • Scalable Substitution Matrix cipher
Matrix-base ciphermatrix cipher: introduction • in Hill/matrix cipher, each letter is treated as a number in Z26. A block of n letters is processed as a vector of n dimensions, and multiplied by a nxn matrix, modulo 26. • in order to decrypt, this permutation matrix must be invertible in Z26 and is considered as the cipher key
Matrix-base ciphermatrix cipher: properties • Linearity encryption/decryption: fast but unsecure • Scalability
Matrix-base ciphermatrix cipher: key space • let GL(d,Zm)={Adxd/A is invertible modulo m} • |GL(d,Zp)|=i=0,…,d-1(pd – pi) where p is a prime number • |GL(d,Zpn)|=p(n-1)d^2i=0,…,d-1(pd – pi) where p is a prime number • |GL(d,Zm)|=i=1,..,k(pi(ni-1)d^2j=0,…,d-1(pid – pij) where m=p1n1…pknk, pi: prime
Matrix-base ciphera symmetric cryptosystem over group Z2n : LogSig • Anxn: a non-singular matrix over Z2n • B={a1,…,an /ai: ith of matrix A}: basis of Z2n • B={a1,…,an} • ={a1,…,ar1,ar1+1,…,ar1+r2,…,a(rs-1)+1,…,a(rs-1)+rs} • Let • i be a permutation on {1,…,ri}, i=1,…,s • i be a linear combination of {a((ri-1)+1),…, a((ri-1)+ri)}, i=1,…,s and r0=1 • = {1,…,s}: logarithmic signature over Z2n.
Matrix-base ciphera symmetric cryptosystem over group Z2n : bijections • Given a logsig of type (r1,…,rs), which spanned by matrix A and permutations i, i=1,…,s • mZ(2n) whose the binary representation: m=(m11,…,m1r1,…,ms1,…,msrs)Z2n • (m) = (p1,…,p2) where pi is decimal value of binary string mi1…miri, i=1,…,s • (p1,…,ps)=i=1,…,r1p1ia1(i) + i=1,…,rspsias(i), where pij is the jth of pi, i=1,…,2
Matrix-base ciphera symmetric cryptosystem over group Z2n : factorization • Given a logsig of type (r1,…,rs), which spanned by matrix A and permutations i, i=1,…,s • Given uZ2n , u=(u1,…,un) • Compute v=u1xnAnxn=(v11,…,v1r1,…,vs1,…,vsrs)Z2n • Let qi (i=1,…,s) be decimal value of binary string vii(1)…vii(ri) • (q1,…,qs) is factorization of u by
Matrix-base ciphera symmetric cryptosystem over group Z2n : discussion • LetS be a finite set and let f be a bijection from S to S. The function f is an involution if f(f(x)) = x for all xS. • Given two logarithmic signatures and , which are spanned by two non-singular A and B in respectively. • When function E is involution: E(m)=m for all mZ(2n).
Advanced Encryption Standard:substitution-permutation network AddRoundKey SubBytes ShiftRows MixColumns AddRoundKey xNr - 1 SubBytes ShiftRows AddRoundKey State S
Advanced Encryption Standard: design rationale • two properties of operations of a secure cipher: • confusion: minimize input-output correlation • diffusion: maximize prop ratio • wide trail strategy: • A general strategy to construct a modern secure block cipher • base on substitution-permutation network (SPN) which consists of multiple rounds of transformations, each of which consists of a substitution layer and a permutation layer to provide confusion and diffusion respectively
Advanced Encryption Standard: substitution layer based on the AES S-box which is defined by the composition of 3 operations: • inversion. The input byte to the S-Box is regarded as an element wF, and for w0 the output x=w-1; and 0-1=0. Where F is Rijndael field. • GF(2)-linear mapping (affine mapping) is a linear transformation :GF(2)8GF(2)8 • s-Box constant. The output of the GF(2)-linear mapping is regarded as an element of the Rijndael field and added to the field element 63 to produce the output of S-Box
Advanced Encryption Standard: S-BOX • the AES S-Box is actually a combination of a power function P(x) and an affine surjection A(x): AP(x), where:
Advanced Encryption Standard: diffusion layer • has been designed in according with the wide trail strategy • based on a 4x4 matrix over F used in MixColumns • this is the parity check matrix for a maximal distance separable code, known as an MDS matrix
Advanced Encryption Standard: diffusion layer and branch number • branch number B of a linear transformation F is defined as follows: • B(F)=min{wt(a)+wt(F(a)), adom(F)\{0}} where wt is number of non-rezo elements in a given vector • if F is defined over n-dimensional space, B(F)n+1 • if B(F)=n+1, F is considered as maximum diffusion layer J.Daemen and V.Rijmen, AES proposal: Rijndael, AES algorithm submission , 1999. (available on Internet)
Scalable Substitution Matrix cipherstructure • ssm is a byte-oriented block cipher. • plaintext block of a fixed length is transformed into a corresponding cipher text block using a given key k • cipher key is a nontrivial diffusion invertible matrix • Encryption process consists of multiple rounds of transformations
Scalable Substitution Matrix cipherdiffusion matrix • diffusion degree of a nxn matrix M is defined by: d(M)=minX0{wt(Xnx1)+wt(MnxnXnx1)} • matrix M is called nontrivial diffusion matrix if d(M)>2; otherwise, M is called trivial diffusion matrix D.H.Van, N.T.Binh. T.M.Triet, and T.N.Bao, SSM: Scalable Substitution Matrix cipher, Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology, vol.46, 2009.
Scalable Substitution Matrix cipherencryption process • round transformation Nr=22n/2+2, where is a branch number of the keyed linear transformation • round transformation of round r, denoted r, consists two main steps: • Key-independent nonlinear transformation (denoted ): each byte of the state is substituted using a fixed nonlinear S-box • Keyed linear transformation (denoted ): the whole state is linearly mixed using a matrix derived from the cipher key k
Scalable Substitution Matrix cipherschema SSM[k]=Nr-1[k]…1[k]0[k] n byte … S S S S … S S S S [kr] …
Scalable Substitution Matrix cipherkey independent nonlinear substitution in SSM, all operations of are processed using a fixed S-Box constructed as follows: • applying the affine mapping over GF(2)8 on the binary representation of x: y=1x • take the inverse mapping z=y-1 over GF(2)[x]/<(x)>, with 0-1=0 • apply the affine mapping over GF(2)8 on the binary representation of z: t=2z Bao Ngoc Tran, ThucDinh Nguyen, Thu Dan Tran, A New S-Box Structure to Increase Complexity of Algebraic Expression for Block Cipher Cryptosystems, icctd, vol. 2, pp.212-216, 2009 International Conference on Computer Technology and Development, 2009
Scalable Substitution Matrix cipherkeyed linear transformation • operates on the whole state • the state is considered as an n-byte column vector and multiplied [mod 256] an nxn matrix M • M is cipher key, is also a nontrivial diffusion matrix • it should be noticed that is defined over Zn256 instead of GF(28) as in the nonlinear step.
Scalable Substitution Matrix cipherconclusion • SSM supports unlimited block length and key length. • With non-linear substitution, SSM eliminates limitation of most matrix ciphers with only linear components. • SSM can against differential and linear cryptanalysis D.H.Van, N.T.Binh. T.M.Triet, and T.N.Bao, SSM: Scalable Substitution Matrix cipher, Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 2009.