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Professional Email Addresses

Do you need professional email addresses for your small business and organization and don't know how to create? ASHENTA NETWORKS can do it for you at affordable prices. To avail more information call us today: 7450221369 or visit here: https://ashenta-networks.co.uk/<br>

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Professional Email Addresses

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ASHENTA NETWORKS We listen, and we're here tohelp.

  2. Welcome to ASHENTA We offer our customers the ability to manage our product themselves, removing the cost overhead from a managed service. We do offer a Managed Service, with this package we willmanagethe Users, devices, firewalls, DNSand DHCP servicesforyou. Make IT simple by outsourcing it tous.

  3. What doesServer Servicesinclude? Our Server Services will give you the features you need to succeed in the enterprise world. Our standard package includes; User and device management, firewall, DNS andDHCP.

  4. Providing IT systemstomeet your business needs The cost of IT is high especially for a new or small company. We're here to offer affordable solutions to your technical needs. Ashenta - Supplying IT systems, servicesand more.

  5. ManagedIT, so youdon't haveto.

  6. Ashenta Networks- Helping youachieve ContactUS https://ashenta-networks.co.uk/ Send us an email anytime sales@ashenta-networks.co.uk

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